EX11: Mark the stress in each words:
Group A:
scenic, economic, terrific, Arabic, kinetic, linguistic, sonic, supersonic, statistic, cosmetic, aerobic, symbolic, fantastic, systematic, phonetic, emphatic, sympathetic, automatic, historic, comic, heroic, specific, scientific, mechanic
Group B:
republic, romantic, microscopic, magic, fabric, oceanic, arithmetic, traffic, elastic, ceramic, aquatic, geographic, energetic, botanical, classical, typical, logical, numerical, political, tropical, vertical, practical, critical, mythical
EX12: Mark the stress in each words:
Group A:
camp, language, native, accent, capital, scenic, Scotland, iconic, increase, provide, haunt, found, loch, schedule, French, chaos, brigade, kilt, liberty, icon
Group B:
American, Canadian, Australian, Portuguese, monument, symbolize, attraction, spectacle, natural, trainee, unique, parade, territory, festivity, traditional, geography, official, legendary, historic
EX11: Mark the stress in each words:
Group A:
'scenic, eco'nomic, ter'rific, 'Arabic, ki'netic, lin'guistic, 'sonic, super'sonic, sta'tistic, cos'metic, a'erobic, sym'bolic, fan'tastic, syste'matic, pho'netic, em'phatic, sympa'thetic, auto'matic, his'toric, 'comic, he'roic, spe'cific, scien'tific, me'chanic
Group B:
re'public, ro'mantic, micro'scopic, 'magic, 'fabric, oce'anic, a'rithmetic, 'traffic, e'lastic, ce'ramic, a'quatic, ge'ographic, ener'getic, bo'tanical, 'classical, 'typical, 'logical, nu'merical, po'litical, 'tropical, 'vertical, 'practical, 'critical, 'mythical
EX12: Mark the stress in each words:
Group A:
'camp, 'language, 'native, 'accent, 'capital, 'scenic, 'Scotland, i'conic, in'crease, pro'vide, 'haunt, 'found, 'loch, 'schedule, 'French, 'chaos, bri'gade, 'kilt, 'liberty, 'icon
Group B:
A'merican, Ca'nadian, Aus'tralian, Portu'guese, 'monument, 'symbolize, a'ttraction, 'spectacle, 'natural, trai'nee, u'nique, pa'rade, 'territory, fes'tivity, tra'ditional, ge'ography, o'fficial,'legendary, his'toric