- accepted: bằng lòng, chấp nhận
"Speed bump" now seems to be the generally accepted term for those ridges in the road that slow traffic down.
- predict :dự đoán
It's still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.
- smear: bôi nhọ, vết, đốm
The children had smeared peanut butter all over the sofa.
- alloy:hợp kim
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
- counteract:chống lại
Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of hot weather.
- duchess: nữ công tước
a duchess is the wife or widow of a duke
- accepted: bằng lòng, chấp nhận
- predict :dự đoán
- smear: bôi nhọ, vết, đốm
- alloy:hợp kim
- counteract:chống lại
- duchess: nữ công tước