Anyone learning English also would like to know much vocabulary.
As many know the vocabulary, the more you use English better, easier.
In contrast, with the limited vocabulary, you will experience situations such as:
To hear people talk but don't understand
There are not enough words to express her wish to say
Read a few pages of documentation to take all morning sun because the new Word
And inhibition when learning in school again 1 from a hundred times-to come when need to spend is forgotten.
Of course, who also experienced the situation. Because beginner English, who also has a vocabulary = 0 are the same.
If you currently find yourself missing the words "aggravated", don't worry. Because you can get rid of that situation by starting to learn and accumulate vocabulary right now.
Day to day contributions picked up your vocabulary, vocabulary will increase.
But persistence only is not enough. You have to learn fast.
That's why you need the method and strategy of learning new words efficiently, save time; to help you quickly earn contributes the necessary vocabulary and use English on demand.
Below is some experience and effective vocabulary learning guide. You refer and apply according to learn faster, remember longer, learn more vocabulary and work when needed.