1. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and phrases which go together, a complete letter.
The British / have / reputation / mad / sports //. Fact / they / like / watch / sports / more / play //. The British / spectator / and / most / popular / spectator / sport / cricket / football //.
Football / most / popular / game //. Football /, soccer / example / professional game //. The / game / footbal / be / first / played / Britain /, and / later / people / began / play / football / other / country //. There / many / amateur / soccer player / Britain / who / play / game / Saturday / Sunday / afternoon //. Amateur / club / often / play / proffesional //.
Almost / avery / school / have / football team / and / every boy / Britain / know / lot / game //. He / can / tell / you / name / player / most / important / team /, he / have / picture / them / and / know / result / many / match //.
Football / favourite / winter / game / Britain / cricket / favourite / summer / sport //. Amateur / cricket / have / same / rule / proffessional game //. Typical / amateur / cricket / match / take / place / village / freen /, open / space / centre / village //. It / be played / two / teams / - "home" / team / "visitors" / who / come / another village //.