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Đến từ Hưng Yên , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 0
Số lượng câu trả lời 56
Điểm GP 7
Điểm SP 95

Người theo dõi (14)

Đang theo dõi (2)

Câu trả lời:

1. He said: “I am happy today.”

=>He said that he was happy that day.

2. Nina asked me: “Do you love this dress?

=>Nina asked me if I loved that dress.

3. Tom said to her: “Turn right, please!”

=>Tom asked her to turn right.

4. Sam said: “I didn’t sleep yesterday.”

=>Sam said that she hadn't slept the day before.

5. Vicky told me: “I am writing a letter for you.”

=>Vicky told me that she was writting a letter for me.

6. Tommy said: “I have worked for 3 months.”

=>Tommy said that he had worked for 3 months.

7. He asked me: “What did you do yesterday?”

=>He asked me if what I had done the day before.

8. He said: “I love this hat.”

=>He said that he loved that hat.

9. My mother said to me: “Don’t run!”

=>My mother asked me not to run.

10. He asked me: “What have you got?”

=>Ke asked me what I had got.

II. Chuyển đổi thành câu gián tiếp

1. He said: “How beautiful nature is in fall.”

=>He said that how beautiful nature was in fall.

2. He said to her: “I will see you on Sunday.”

=>He said to her that he would see her on sunday.

3. She said: “I was married in the home of my parents.”

=>She said that she had been married in the home of her parents.

4. Nina said: “I am in church now.”

=>Nina said that she was in the church then.

5. My mother said to me: “The dogs of your sister are cute.”

=>My mother said to me that the dogs of my sister were cute.

6. He said: “I play the piano.”

=>He said that he played the piano.

7. My sister said to me: “keep silent!”

=>My sister said to me to keep silent.

8. My teacher asked me: “What are you going to do on Sunday?”

=>My teacher asked me what I was going to do on sunday.

9. He said: “Life is very hard for some people.”

=>He said that life was very hard for some people.

10. Vicky said: “I am tired now.”

=>Vicky said that he was very tired then.

III. Chuyển đổi thành câu trực tiếp

1. He told me that he had slept for 3 hours.

=>He said to me:"I have slept for 3 hours"

2. He said that the plane had arrived an hour late.

=>He said:"The plane has arrived an hour ago"

3. He said that he had seen that movie.

=>He said:"I has seen this movie"

4. She said that she had finished her report.

=>She said:" I have finished my report",

5. He asked me how long I had been married.

=>He asked me:"How long have you been married?"

6. She told me not to go away.

=>She asked me:"Don't go away!"

7. John said that he was handsome.

=>John sai:"I am handsome"

8. Nina said that they were going to visit her on Sunday.

=>Nina said :"We are going to visit her on sunday."

9. He said that he could understand that problem.

=>He said:"I can indersrand this problem."

10. Sam said that he had got a terrible headache.

=>Sam said:"I has got a terrible headache"

Câu trả lời:

1. How often is Independence Day in the United States celebrated?
=>It is celebrated every years.
2. How do the townspeople in Ontario, California have a front-row seat for the two mile parade ?
=>They combine the traditional with the unusual by setting up tables along Euclid A venue for what they describe as "the biggest picnic table in the world"
3. What is NOT mentioned as ways Independence Day in the United States is celebrated ?

A. fireworks B. picnics C. dances D. parades

4. Children take part in a fence- painting contest in _______________

A. Pennsylvania B. Missouri C. Florida D. California

5. The word "annual" in the first paragraph means __________

A. every two year B. twice a year C. once or twice D. yearly

II. Khoanh tròn A, B, C hoặc D ứng với phương án đúng để hoàn chỉnh văn bản sau như ví dụ (câu 0) đã làm. (1.0p)

The Mediterranean has been described as ______(0)___ world's largest swimming pool. However, it can also be described now as the world's dirtiest sewer, full of rubbish, oil, chemicals and wastes _____(1) all kinds.

Unfortunately, most countries bordering the Mediterranean ________(2) ____ greatly in their attitudes to this problem. While some countries want to start cleaning up the Mediterranean, others have begun building new ports to develop their oil wells and natural gas fields. Industries _______(3) ______ in all the countries surrounding the Mediterranean. It will take a century for all the water in the Mediterranean to drain into the Atlantic Ocean, and be replaced completely by clean water. Three great rivers, the Nile, Po, and Rhone, all flow into the Mediterranean, carrying lots of ______(4)_______ into the sea and making it very dangerous for everyone who swims in the Mediterranean and who eats fish ______(5)_____ there.

0. A. a B. an C. the D. X (no article)

1. A. with B. in C. of D. for

2. A. differ B. different C. differently D. difference

3. A. is now grown B. are now being grown

C. have now been grown D. have now grown

4. A. ingredients B. minerals C. nutrients D. pollutants

5. A. to catch B. catching C. caught D. is caught