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Số lượng câu hỏi 50
Số lượng câu trả lời 219
Điểm GP 2
Điểm SP 159

Người theo dõi (56)

OvO Sơŋ
Quỳnh Anh
Nguyễn Quang Nam
bé là LINH
bé là my

Đang theo dõi (2)

A. How much                         B. How often              C. How far                  D. How long

14. Trung wants to become a musician. He thinks it is ______________ than anything else.

A. interesting                                                  B. more interesting

C. less interesting                                            D. as interesting

15. There are ______________ buildings in this city. There aren’t enough parks for children.

A. many                      B. much                       C. a                              D. any

16. – ______________

    – First turn right, then turn left. It’s on your right.

A. I don’t know any bakery near here.

B. Can you tell me the way to the nearest bakery?

C. Do you know there’s a bakery near here?

D. I want to go to a bakery in your neighbourhood.

17. Duong ______________ piano lessons every Saturday.

A. plays                       B. goes                        C. studies                    D. has

18. Her ______________ very curly.

            A. hair is                      B. hairs are                  C. hair are                    D. hairs is

19. Could you pass me ______________, please?

            A. a salt                       B. some salt                 C. some salts               D. salts

20. There is ______________ cheese in the fridge.

            A. any                                     B. few                                     D. some                       D. a


III. Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.

1. Forest is being cleared to make way for new fanning land.

A. Plant                       B. Animal                    C. River                       D. Wood

2. The cold weather has made it necessary to protect the crops.

A. popular                   B. essential                  C. incredible                D. unbelievable


IV. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.

1. Food in this country is getting very expensive.

A. fresh                       B. rare                                     C. overpriced              D. cheap

2. My computer is noticeably slower than before.

A. faster                      B. lower                      C. shorter                    D. higher


V. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.

1. My Dad often going to work very early every morning.   

      A                      B                        C                  D              

2. Please be quiet! The baby will sleep.         

        A     B    C                            D                                                               

3. My older brother gets married next month.                       

             A                   B       C                  D               

4. There aren't a park in this village.

                 A    B           C            D                

5. Nam often makes judo after school at 5 pm.         

                A       B               C                    D              


VI. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjectives in the box.

narrow          cold           important          dangerous          fast

1. It’s ……………………. in the north of Viet Nam than in the south.

2. Is a snake ……………………. than a dog?

3. Doing homework is ……………………. than playing video games.

4. The streets in my neighbourhood are ……………………. than in your neighbourhood.

5. Travelling by air is …………………….  than travelling by bus.


VII. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, or C for each blank.

Trang An in Ninh Binh is a charming and (1) …………… site in Viet Nam. The whole picture of Trang An has limestone mountains, forests and golden rice fields. The valleys here are amazingly beautiful like colourful carpets. There are (2) …………… running along these valleys, reflecting the blue sky above. Making boat trips is a perfect way to fully enjoy the (3) …………… here. There are also tens of wonderful natural caves that you should (4) …………… on foot. Many world (5) …………… call Trang An “Ha Long Bay on the land”.

1. A. fantastic                                     B. active                                  C. smart

2. A. lakes                               B. seas                                     C. rivers

3. A. scenery                           B. surrounding                        C. neighbourhood

4. A. enjoy                              B. explore                                C. look

5. A. goers                               B. tours                                   C. travellers

VIII. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

Do you sometimes have problems with your neighbours such as noise or littering? Well, the people of Pilton in Somerset, England have such problems every summer. For three or four days every year, the village is full of people of all ages who come here for the annual Glastonbury pop music festival. They usually stay in tents, caravans and motorhomes. They leave drink cans and papers all over the streets. The music plays until the early hours of the morning, and you can hear people talking and singing all night. The quiet country village becomes a nightmare to live in and some villagers are even thinking of moving to another village. A villager said last year: “I don’t want to stop the Glastonbury Festival. I just want the fans to enjoy the festival without disturbing normal village life.”

1. What happens in Pilton, Somerset every summer?

A. The neighbours are noisy.                          B. There is a pop music festival.

C. The villagers litter the streets.                    D. There are many villagers.

2. Visitors litter the streets with ______________.

A. tents                       B. motorhomes            C. cans and papers                  D. caravans

3. How long is the pop music festival every year?

A. The whole year.                                          B. One night              

C. Three or four days.                                     D. The whole summer.

4. What is Pilton like during the rest of the year?

A. A music concert.                                        B. A nightmare.         

C. A noisy place.                                             D. A quiet village.

5. The villagers just want to ______________.

A. have a normal life as usual                         B. stop the fans enjoying the festival

C. move far away                                            D. put an end to the festival


IX. Write sentences, using the comparative form of the adjectives.

1. Mai / intelligent / Kien.


2. My brother / strong / my sister.


3. My school / big / my brother’s school.


4. Living in the city / exciting / living in the countryside.


5. Peter’s exam results / bad / Nick’s exam results.


X. Rewrite the following sentences, use the words given or the beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

1. There are some chairs and a table in the kitchen.

à We have ..................................................................................................................................

2. Quang is lazier than Ha. (HARD-WORKING)


3. It is wrong of us to throw rubbish.

à We mustn’t...............................................................................................................................

4. A city is noisier than a village. (PEACEFUL)


5. It is necessary for us to be present at the class discussion on Saturday.

à We must...................................................................................................................................

6. There’s a post office on one side of my house and a café on the other. (BETWEEN)


7. The tour guide tells us not to throw rubbish.

à The tour guide says that we ....................................................................................................

8. Oranges are cheaper than apples. (EXPENSIVE)




I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others’.

1. A. leave                   B. break                       C. repeat                      D. peaceful

2. A. cinema                B. city                                     C. central                     D. cathedral

3. A. great                   B. clean                       C. treat                        D. beach

4. A. writes                 B. makes                     C. takes                       D. drives

5. A. cupboard            B. boarding                 C. biscuit                     D. climbing



II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. Whose calculator is this? – It’s …………….

A. of Trung                             B. Trung’s                               C. Trungs’

2. …………….bored with English lessons.

A. I am never                          B. I never am                          C. Never I am

3. She is a good student. She …………….does her homework on time.

A. never                                  B. rarely                                  C. usually

4. There are some pictures …………….the wall in the living room of my house.

A. in                                        B. at                                        C. on

5. Laura is very……………. She always entertain us with jokes and stories.

A. confident                            B. funny                                  C. caring

6. It’s cold. The students…………….warm clothes.

A. wear                                   B. wears                                  C. are wearing

7. Phuong is very good at English and history, but she …………….maths much.

A. doesn’t like                        B. not like                               C. don’t like

8. My friend Tania is very……………. She is good at learning things.

A. creative                               B. smart                                   C. patient

9. Look! The girls are…………….rope in the playground.

A. dancing                              B. playing                                C. skipping

10. What are you doing this weekend? - I…………….my grandparents in the hometown.

A. am visiting                          B. visits                                   C. is visiting

11. We need ______________ to fix this vase.

A. many glues             B. some glues              C. a glue                      D. some glue

12. I don’t know ______________ about the world’s geography.

A. some                       B. much                       C. many                       D. any

13. – ______________ do you play table tennis?

    – Once a week.

Chủ đề:

Thành phần nhân văn của môi trường

Câu hỏi:

Câu 19. Thực vật ở sườn đón nắng phát triển ở độ cao như thế nào so với sườn khuất nắng?

A. Thực vật nằm ở độ cao lớn hơn sườn khuất nắng.

B. Thực vật nằm ở nhiều hơn sườn khuất nắng.

C. Thực vật nằm ở độ cao thấp hơn sườn khuất nắng.

D. Thực vật nằm ở độ cao bằng với sườn khuất nắng.

Câu 20. Ở vùng núi vùng Sừng châu Phi, các dân tộc sống ở đâu

A. Vùng núi cao, men theo sườn núi hay các thung lũng.

B. Sườn núi cao chắn gió có mưa nhiều, khí hậu mát mẻ

C. Vùng núi thấp khí hậu mát mẻ, nhiều lâm sản

D. Độ cao trên 3000 m nơi có đất đai bằng phẳng.

Câu 21. Trên Trái Đất có mấy lục địa?

A. Bốn lục địa.                                  B. Năm lục địa.                    

C. Sáu lục địa.                       D. Bảy lục địa.

Câu 22. Châu Phi, dầu mỏ và khí đốt phân bố chủ yếu ở đâu

A. Ven biển phía Bắc Phi.                           B. Ven biển phía Nam Phi.

C. Đông Phi.                                                  D. Trung Phi.

Câu 23. Địa hình chủ yếu của phía Bắc khu vực Bắc Phi

A. Núi trẻ và đồng bằng ven biển.             B. Bồn địa.

C. Sơn nguyên.                                              D. Hoang mạc..

Câu 24. Tại sao lại nói đới lạnh là vùng hoang mạc lạnh của Trái Đất?

A. Vì khí hậu khắc nghiệt, mưa ít, biên độ nhiệt chênh lệch lớn giữa ngày-đêm và các mùa, sinh vật nghèo nàn nhưng lại lạnh.

B. Vì đới lạnh và môi trường hoang mạc đều hoang vắng, động-thực vật nghèo nàn.

C. Vì cả hai khu vực đều lạnh.

D. Vì khí hậu khắc nghiệt, mưa ít, biên độ nhiệt giữa các mùa lớn, mưa chủ yếu dưới dạng tuyết rơi.

Câu 25. Dân cư châu Phi tập trung đông ở đâu?

A. Thung lũng sông Nin

B. Phần cực Bắc và cực Nam

C. Hoang mạc và vùng rừng rậm xích đạo

D. Ven vịnh Ghi-nê, thung lũng sông Nam, phần cực Bắc và cực Nam.

Câu 26. Thảm thực vật chủ yếu ở Nam Phi là

A. Rừng rậm nhiệt đới                                             B. “Xavan công viên”

C. Rừng lá rộng                                                         D. Hoang mạc

Câu 27. Dân cư châu Phi thưa thớt ở đâu?

A. Thung lũng sông Nin.

B. Phần cực Bắc và cực Nam.

C. Hoang mạc và vùng rừng rậm xích đạo.

D. Ven vịnh Ghi-nê, thung lũng sông Nam, phần cực Bắc và cực Nam.

Câu 28: Châu lục nào có hai lục địa?

A. Châu Á                                                      B. Châu Mĩ.

C. Châu Phi                                                   D. Châu Âu.

Câu 29: Châu lục nào nằm dưới lớp băng gần 3000m?

A. Châu Á                                          B. Châu Mĩ.

C. Châu Đại Dương                          D. Châu Nam Cực