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Số lượng câu hỏi 2
Số lượng câu trả lời 317
Điểm GP 19
Điểm SP 101

Người theo dõi (3)

Shiratori Hime
Bùi Minh Ngọc

Đang theo dõi (0)

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. future B. return C. picture D. culture

2. A. piano B. fish C. like D. badminton

3. A. arrange B. game C. make D. skate

4. A. collage B. cave C. cycle D. cancel

       5. A. pottery          B. flower                    C. silent                 D. service

       6. hat       B. hour            C. hello D. home

       7.A. danced            b. helped             c. watched            d. enjoyed

II. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1.My father can make beautiful pieces of art empty eggshells.

a.of b. from c. in d. into

2.Why don't you take a new hobby?

a.up b. in c. over d. after

3.Collecting cars is a(n) hobby. It costs a lot of money.

a.interesting b. cheap c. expensive d. unusual

4.More people are birds today than ever before.

a.seeing b. looking c. hearing d. watching

5.Do you enjoy board games?

a.play b. to play c. playing d. played

6. A: When did you start your hobby? - B: _________

A. My hobby is fishing.                      B. It helps me relaxed.

C. It's a cheap hobby.                      D. Two years ago.

    7. My father enjoys ________ volleyball in his freetime. 

A. to play                    B. doing                        C. playing               D. to do

    8. Don't sit too close to the screen,   _________ 

A. or you'll hurt your eyes.                                        B. and you'll get a headache.

C. and you can see more clearly.                                D. but it's bad for your health.

     9. Sam and I the same hobby. We both like playing computer games.

a. share b. play c. do d. work

     10. I hope he'll teach me to do eggshell carving.

a. what b. where c. how d. when

      11. ______have you had your hobby? - For three years.

a. How much b. How long c. How often d. When

     12. Please wake me _ at 5 and we will leave at 6 in the morning.

a. up b. on c. over d. in

      13. If you want to weight, you should follow a low-fat diet.

a. lose b. gain c. put on d. take

      14. Junk foods are high in fat, sodium and sugar, which can lead to .

a. fever b. allergy c. obesity d. stomachache

      15. He looks so . He can't keep his eyes open!

a. happy b. tired c. healthy d. fit

      16. If you want to stay healthy, eat vegetables, whole grains, fruit and fish.

a. much b. fewer c. more d. less

       17. Fruit tastes good it's healthy for your body.

a. so b.but c. or d. and

      18. You should know you eat, so don't eat unhealthy foods.

a.what b.who c. which d. that

      19. She looks very tired. She should work or she will get sick.

a. well b. less c. more d. enough

20. She stays in by exercising daily and eating well.

a. health b. fit b. size d. shape

21.We have raised money for people in need 2015.

a. in b.at c.since d. for

      22. Jane is weight because she eats too much junk food.

           a. getting over b. putting on c.taking up d. throwing away

     23. The charity facilities for disabled people to take part in sport.

          a. provides b.donates c.raises d. collects

     III. Find and correct the mistakes.

1.Mary enjoys cook spaghetti and singing English songs. .................

                  A B C D

2.He always hanging out with his friends on Sunday. .................


3. You should eat more sweets because you may have a toothache. ………….

A                           B C D

4.It will be good for her if she relax more. ………….


5. You shouldn't take up a sport. It will make your health better. ………….


6. Drink more water, but you will not be so thirsty. ………….


7.He has a toothache, and he still eats a lot of sweet things. ………….


8.My hobbies is going hiking and shopping at weekends. .................


9.If you eat more sugar, you will lose your weight easily. .................


10.She has went to visit Susan. She'll be back tomorrow.                           .................

                            A     B          C                        D

IV. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Rossie has a large ……………….. (collect)of dolls.

2. A……………….. is someone who enjoys watching birds. (birdwatch)

3. My sister's hobby is ……………….. She took a lot of nice photos. (photo)

4. I find woodcarving ……………….. because it's a creative activity. (interest)

5. ……………….. eggshells are unique gifts for family and friends. (carve)

6. A hobby is an ……………….. that you do for pleasure. (act)

7. I think collecting glass bottles is ……………….. (usual)

8. Susan is very ……………….. and she paints very well. (create)


Read the text carefully then answer the questions.

Maintaining a healthy body is not that easy and not so difficult also. Most important tip for a healthy body is to have healthy food and eat them at proper time. Avoid eating junk food. Your diet should contain food which has more nutrients. Try to include vegetables, fruits, milk, and fish in your daily diet. Make sure you are having your breakfast regularly. Skipping your breakfast regularly will definitely affect your health. Make sure you drink more amount of water daily. Regular exercise will also keep your body in good health. You can go for running, do cycling, walking faster etc. Apart from these always try to manage your stress. By controlling your stress you can maintain a healthy body. Your body should get enough time to take rest. Make sure you get a sleep of 8 hours daily. Sleep is very important for healthy body and also for mental and emotional happiness.

1.What is not that easy and not so difficult also? 

=> ..........................................................................................................................

2. Should your diet contain food which has more nutrients? 

=> ..........................................................................................................................

3.How will regular exercise  also keep your body ?

=> ..........................................................................................................................

4.How many hours do you make sure you get a sleep daily?  

=> ..........................................................................................................................

5.Is sleep very unimportant for healthy body? 

=> ..........................................................................................................................

A. Choose the word which best fits each gap.

My favourite hobby is coin (1) . It is also one of the oldest (2) of the  world and is also called 'hobby of the Kings', as in the old times, it was only done by kings and elite class of the society. It started for me some years back when my father used to come back (3) his foreign tours and give me coins of (4) countries. I started collecting them in my money box and after that I always used to wait for my new coins as much I used to wait for my father. Since then, it has become my favourite hobby. This hobby has given me information about different countries of the world. I feel extreme pleasure in (5) my collection to (6) . It has also taught me this lesson that a life (7) A hobby is just (8) food without salt.

1. A. collecting

2. A. hobby B. collection

B. hobbies C. collected

C. game D. collectors

D. games

3. A. after B. in C. from D. of

4. A. other B. different C. unlike D. diverse

5. A. showing B. show C. shown D. to show

6. A. other B. another C. others D. person

7. A. with B. about C. without D. of

8. A. as B. like C. if D. like

V. Make questions.

1. My favourite hobby is taking photos.


2. He spends most of his free time carving eggshells.


3. I spent two hours a day on my hobby last year.


4. She went to the doctor because she had a high fever.


5. People need about 2.000 calories a day to stay in shape.


6. I started working as a volunteer in 2015.


7. We have provided food and clothes to people in central VN so far.


VI.  Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences.

1. poor/ should/ the/ rich/ help/ the.


2. she/in/ close/ watching/ her/ is/ movies/ friends/ at / interested/ cinema/ the/ with/


3. his/ do/ what/ your/ brother/ free/ does/ in/ time/?


4. it/ boring/ because/ finds/ time/ models/ Jim/ takes/ lots of/ making/.

?…………………………… ………………………………………………………………

5. too much/ bad/ television/ watching/ for/ health/ your/ is ?

?…………………………… …………………………………….

6.away/ should/ the/ people/ give/ unused/ poor/ things/ to.


7.doing/ meaningful/ volunteer/ activity/ work/society/ is/ a/for.


VII. Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning.

1. This is the first time I have seen him.

? I have never ............................................................................................................................

2. I started studying English 3 years ago.

? I have ......................................................................................................................................

3. I haven't seen him since I left school.

? I last ........................................................................................................................................

4. It started raining two days ago.

? It has .......................................................................................................................................

5. When did you have it?

? How long ?

6. She started driving 1 month ago.

? She has ...................................................................................................................................

7. My friend is a big fan of K-Pop music.

?  My friend is (fond)

8. Tom is interested in reality TV shows. He doesn't like game shows.

? Tom is (but)

9. She started to work for this volunteer organization in 2010.

? She has (since)

    10. Junk food tastes so good. It is bad for your health. (but)

      ? ……………………………………………………………………


*.Write a pargraph about 60- 80 words  talk about your hobbies 

Focus on

+  What is the name of hobby?

+  When did you start/ take up?

+  What do you need to start your hobby?

+  Who did you share hobby with?

+  Do you continue the hobby in the future or stop?

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Find and correct the mistakes.

4.It will be good for her if she relax more.                                            

A                               B               C      D

5. You shouldn’t take up a sport. It will make your health better.      ...............   

A        B                          C     D

6. Drink more water, but you will not be so thirsty.                             ………….

A                   B                   C       D

7.He has a toothache, and he still eats a lot of sweet things.                 ………….

A                                      B            C      D

8.My hobbies is going hiking and shopping at weekends.                     .................

A                           B                            C             D

9.If you eat more sugar, you will lose your weight easily.                     .................

A                                               B                  C      D

10.She has went to visit Susan. She’ll be back tomorrow.                           .................

                            A     B          C                        D

Câu trả lời:

Để viết bức thư đó em phải thực hiện:

Xác định đối tượng (viết cho ai?)
nội dung (trình bày những ăn năn hối lỗi của mình sau khi đọc thư của bố)
mục đích của việc viết thư (xin bố tha thứ cho hành động vô lễ với mẹ).
Tìm ý và sắp xếp các ý
Cảm xúc khi đọc thư bố
Sự ân hận về lỗi lầm của mình
Hành động cụ thể để sữa chữa lỗi lầm.Xây dựng dàn bài
Viết lá thư.
Đọc và sửa chữa

                           Bài làm:
Bố kính yêu của con!

Thưa bố, con đã vô cùng xúc động khi đọc thư của bố. Con đã đọc đi đọc lại bức thư đó hàng chục lần và giờ đây nó đang ở trong túi ngực áo chỗ gần trái tim con. Đọc thư bố con nhận ra sự hi sinh vô cùng lớn lao của mẹ dành cho con mà đến bây giờ con mới biết. Con thật xấu hộ vì hành động mà mình đã gây ra. Nếu không có sự phân tích thấu đáo và nghiêm khắc của bố thì con đã không thấy hết sự nghiêm trọng của lỗi lầm. Bố ơi! Con thật bất hiếu có phải không bố? Con đang được sống trong tình thương yêu và sự chăm sóc hết mực của bố mẹ, thế mà con lại không biết trân trọng, giữ gìn. Con lại có những hành động ngu ngốc để bố mẹ phải phiền lòng vì con. Trưa nay lúc mẹ đi làm về con thấy lưng mẹ ướt đẫm mồ hôi, khuôn mặt tái nhợt vì mệt mỏi, con lại càng ân hận và thấy thương mẹ vô cùng. Sau bữa chơm chiều nay, con sẽ đến bên mẹ, xin mẹ tha thứ.

Lúc đó, con muốn bố có mặt để chứng kiến có được không bố? Bố ơi! Con xin lỗi bố! Mong bố tha thứ cho con. Từ nay mỗi khi con vi phạm khuyết điểm, bố lại giúp con như thế này bố nhé! Và còn một điều này nữa, bố hãy cho phép con hôn bố mỗi tối trước khi đi ngủ, được không bố?

Con yêu bố, con yêu mẹ nhiều, nhiều lắm!.