bạn giải ý c rõ hơn đc ko
Cho \(\Delta\)ABC vuông tại A có AB=12cm , AC=16cm . Vẽ đường cao AH
a) Chứng minh \(\Delta\)HBA \(\sim\) \(\Delta\)ABC
b) Tính BC,AH ?
c) Vẽ đường phân giác AD của tam giác ABC ( D thuộc BC ) . Trong \(\Delta\)ADB kẻ phân giác DE ( E\(\in\)AB ). Trong \(\Delta\)ADC kẻ phân giác DF ( F\(\in\)AC ). Chứng minh \(\dfrac{EA}{EB}\times\dfrac{DB}{DC}\times\dfrac{FC}{FA}=1\)
Viết câu tương đương
1. They will do the test well. They will review them all hard
\(\leftrightarrow\) If ....................................................................................
2. The recue workers evacuated the villagers in the raged flood to the safe place last night
\(\leftrightarrow\) The villagers in the raged flood ........................................................................................
3. The students will provide aids for the homeless people tomorrow
\(\leftrightarrow\) Aids ..............................................................................................
4. The people will protect the evironment now. The evironment will be nice
\(\leftrightarrow\) If ..............................................................................................................
5. They don't have a map, so they get lost