Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 12
Số lượng câu trả lời 19
Điểm GP 1
Điểm SP 4

Người theo dõi (8)

Kim Jisoo
Ngan Tran

Đang theo dõi (4)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

China - Missing Women

1. In China the growing difference between the genders is giving signals of alarm to Government authorities. According to the latest census figures, 119 boys are born for every 100 girls. This striking difference is expected to shoot up by the year 2020 with almost 40 million unsettled bachelors. This distribution of the social ecology would create havoc in the future. The social leaders are trying to pressurize the masses into producing more females. The Government has embarked on policies extending innumerable incentives to the families bearing girls. Monetary support, free education, guaranteed employment is being gifted to parents who gift the country with a girl child. The Government is trying to persuade people to suppress their personal preferences and regulate their community behavior according to the new blueprint to stimulate the girl ratio. [A■] Sometimes the Government tries to woo them and sometimes it uses stem policies to force them into it

2. Consequent to the population explosion, the Government introduced, in the 80’s, one child policy in China. Any additional pregnancy had to be terminated. This was aimed to put a check on the teeming millions. The policy had no relation to extermination of girl child in the womb. But the policymakers had no idea about its long term impact. People, with a patriarchic mindset, came up with their preference for a single male child. The idea of a happy family became ‘parents with a single male child’.

3. The Chinese culture has always promoted sons over daughters because the society has been dominated by males. In villages, where hard work is needed to sustain the agriculture, a boy is always preferable due to his superior physical strength compared to that of a girl. [B■] In such circumstances, looking forward to a male baby seems justified. If people have to limit their families, it is obvious they would prefer a boy over a girl child. This problem has been accentuated by the use of ultrasound scanning which helps determine the sex of the fetus. This technology has played a crucial role in creating gender imbalance.

4. Sociologists consider this imbalance as the aftermath of Government’s poorly thought and short-sighted policy. The Government's intentions notwithstanding, China came to develop a markedly lopsided sex ratio. Nobel Laureate Hayek feels that when Government tries to dominate the social system by making people forcibly inculcate a certain habit, such a condition is bound to happen. People try to find ways which not only fulfill their preferences but also satisfy the law makers. The Government damaged the dynamics of a healthy society and was now bearing the brunt of its past deeds.

5. Hayek argues that by no means should a centralized bureaucracy be allowed to design preferences for hundreds of thousands of people, without even consulting them. In such a system, with the passage of time, unforeseen consequences spring up. Government can bind people to its chosen course for a time but the impositions cannot limit their options for long. [C■] The quarter century that has passed since commencement of the effort to redesign the Chinese family is leaving behind its own trail.

6. The Government needs to be careful now. It has to invent new remedies to address this problem. It needs to redesign the social fabric so that programs like ‘Care for Girls’ get support of the masses, who seem to have little faith in the system. They view the new program for the girl child in the same resigned manner as the program that was forced on them in the past. Some women social workers are of the view that the fall of sex ratio has been an advantage for the women of China, as their social value has increased. [D■] The Government policy has in a way helped uplift the status of females. The real fear now is that China will soon be faced with hordes of bachelors at war with their brethren over finding their brides. The “surplus sons” of China need to stop interfering with the social system.

How has "One Child Policy" supposedly improved the value of females? (Refer paragraph 6)

A. Due to scarcity of girl child, there is a perceived sense of "value"

B. Government has worked hard to promote the policy

C. Low female ratio has helped the cause of health of the girl child

D. Females are able to get good education as family expenditure is limited

Câu trả lời:

Đông về trải những cái lạnh rét buốt lên các sinh , động , thực vật và cả loài người chúng tôi
Xuân có được bao lâu mà đông lại đến nhanh thế ,làm động vật cứ nhàm chán mà ngủ ngày , thực vật ũ rũ như sắp tàn ,dàn mẫu đơn nhà tôi yếu ớt rụng lá bên bờ dậu sau vườn .Chim chóc đâu ko thấy hát líu lo hòa dàn đồng ca mà lại núp sau mái ấm riêng chả thèm đi đâu với bè bạn ,bươm bướm nằm lì trong những nhành hoa ấm ,ong dự trữ lương thực cả 1 lọ mật cho mùa đông ,còn người chúng tôi bị ảnh hưởng bởi đông ghê gớm ,chúng tôi không phải sinh vật biến nhiệt nên nào có chịu được cái khắc nghiệt của đông, mấy lớp áo mà vẫn run cầm cập ,đông đến ai cũng thật nhát ,động vật ko thèm đếm xỉa mọi thứ và con người cũng vậy ,cái thú của mùa đông là sự ấm áp. còn gì bằng khi cho ta quấn chăn cả một ngày mùa đông ,nó còn hơn cả mùi vị của bánh kem đang chảy trong miệng ,còn hơn cả các thú lạ hằng ngày .Đông đến ,mọi vật vùi mình trong giấc ngủ ,chỉ có con người là làm việc triền miên .Đó là lý do tại sao con người giỏi hơn động vật .
Có sinh vật diệu kỳ nào trên trái đất vượt qua cái lạnh ngoài con người chúng ta ? những sinh vật giỏi nhất ,thông minh nhất trong giới sinh vật là chúng ta ,vì thế chúng ta được coi là động vật vượt hơn lớp thú có tên là con người