Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 31
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (0)

II. Tag questions: Fill in the blank with the right tag.

1.       They don’t work in the bank, ___________?

2.       Your mom cooks very well, ___________?

3.       She doesn’t feel well, ___________?

4.       Your friends don’t play games, ___________?

5.       The children watch TV a lot, ___________?


6.       This is the first time I ___________ this film.

A. am seeing       B. saw                                       C. see                                         D. have seen

7.       They haven’t seen each other ______________ Christmas.

A. since                  B. for                                          C. at                                            D. in

8.       He was born in England. English is his _____________.

A. mother tongue                                                  B. first language

C. foreign language                                              D. A and B are correct

9.       _____________ is Teachers’ Day in Malaysia?

A. Who                   B. What                                    C. Where                                 D. When

       100. People go to a __________ to look at the famous works of art.

A. stadium            B. gallery                                 C. theater                               D. fair

        101. You should _____________ your lesson before the examination.

A. read                    B. look                                      C. revise                                   D. study

        102. Keep all dangerous things out of children’s _____________.

A. hands                B. place                                    C. reach                                    D. head

        103. Students should work ___________ to make their parents happy.

A. hard                    B. hardly                                  C. in hard way                      D. more hardly

        104. What are ____________? – They are pens.

A. This                     B. that                                       C. those                                    D. there

        105. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.

A. A lot of money was spent on food and clothes.

B. A lot of money were spent on food and clothes.

C. A lot of money on food and clothes were spent.

D. A lot of money on food and clothes was spent.


2. Present Continuous: Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1.       I am afraid that somebody else is using my laptop.
I am afraid that my ............................................................................................

2.       They aren't feeding the lions at the moment.
The .............................................................................................. at the moment.

3.       Someone is speaking Spanish in this classroom.
Spanish .......................................................................................... in this classroom.

4.       The red light is on because doctors are operating a patient.
The red light is on because a ..........................................................................

5.       They are putting books on shelves.
Books .................................................................................................... on shelves.

6.       Look, they are killing the ants.
Look, the ............................................................................................................

7.       Can you see that? The policemen are chasing a robber.
Can you see that? A .........................................................................................

8.       I don't know why they aren't cutting the trees today.
I don't know why the .............................................................................. today.

9.       They are writing a test in this lesson.
A ................................................................................................ in this lesson.

10.   They aren't decorating the hall because Sam is ill.
The ........................................................................................ because Sam is ill.

3. Past Simple: Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

11.    Somebody found the key.

The key………….

12.   Somebody made mistakes.


13.    Somebody loved that woman.

That woman…………..

14.   We used this car for our trips during summer holidays.
This car ................................ for our trips during summer holidays.

15.    They didn't clean the bird cages at all.
The bird cages ..............................................................................................................................

16.   Cars killed a lot of pedestrians in big cities.

A lot of pedestrians…………….

17.    The police arrested two suspects last night.

Two suspects .............................. last night.

18.   They didn't find any evidence.

No evidence ..............................

19.   They didn't finish the work.
The work .......................................

20.   They didn't invite the children to the party.
The children ....................................... to the party.

21.   They didn't tell us the whole story.
We ....................................... the whole story.

22.   Did the police arrest the suspect?

............... the suspect ...............?

23.   Did they find the victim unconscious? .

.............. the victim ............... unconscious?

24.   Did they paint all the windows? .

.............. all the windows ...............?

25.    Did they break the rules?

............... the rules ...............?