Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 14
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (0)

I. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets in the future continuous tense.

1. This time next week Helen_____________(travel) to Brazil with her husband.

2. My aunt _____________(open) her new restaurant in town.

3. They _________________(swim) in the sea before the end of the month.

4. _________________your friend ______________(wait) for you at the airport?

5. My grandmother_________________(have) an operation very soon.

6. Jackeline_____________(interview) the candidates for the post.

7. I know you won’t be asleep at 12.00. You______________(play) computer games.

8. Next Saturday night Sonia ______________(have) dinner with some friends.

9. The mechanic_________________(repair) my car in the garage.

10. Joana ______________(live) in Greece happily with her family.

11. My mom_______________(decorate) our new flat.

12. The tennis player _____________(compete) for the World Cup.

13. The police______________(investigate) the kipnapping of the kid.

14. We__________________(celebrate) Christmas in a month’s time.

15. Why_____________you____________(write) these novels in a short period of time?

16. By half past seven your father__________________(arrive) in Berlin.

17. I ______________(not wash) all my summer clothes by ten o’clock.

18. You__________________(answer) all my questions for the survey.

19. My grandparents ____________________(spend) next month in Spain.

20. The gardener_______________(cut) the old trees in aweek.

21. Barbara____________________(do) the shopping in two hours.

22. Your teacher__________________(correct) the final exams right now.

23. The woman ___________________(talk) with her friend on the phone.

24. My alarm clock_______________(ring) tomorrow morning at 7.15.