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Nie Nii

III. Choose the best answer

1. A person who acts in a comedy is a __________ .

A. reporter                B. comedian                 C. film producer       D. MC

2. Nam plays sports very often, so he looks very               .

A. sport               B. sports                      C. sporty                       D. sporting

3.  __________ the Haunted Theatre is frightening, children love it.

A.  Because

B.  So

C.  But

D.  Although

4.   "What is your              TV programme?" - "It's cartoons"

A. good             B. favourite                 C. best                              D. like

5. Yesterday, my brother ________ to school.        

A. walks                           B. walked               C. has walked                      D. will walk

6.  _____________  is the most beautiful girl in your class, Mai?

A. When                B. What                  C. Who                            D. Why

7. Hoa likes _________ weather because she can go swimming.

A.  hot

B.  cold

C.  rainy

D.  wet

8.  "              do you do judo?" - "Twice a week.".

A. When            B. Where                     C. How often                D. Why

9. If you want to know what the _______ is like tomorrow, watch the weather forecast.

A. weather           B. music                 C. world news                    D. game show

10. Last week, I __________ my grandparents.
A. visited                        B. visit                      C. visits                         D. visiting
11. Watching TV too much is not good …….............…it hurts your eyes.

A. so                      B. although            C. but                     D. because

12. ……………..pollution can make fish die.

A. noise                  B. water                 C. soil                    D. air


13.  VTV is a ________ TV channel in Vietnam. It attracts millions of TV viewers in Vietnam.

A. national             B. international     C. local                             D. wide

14. Please go and _________ a bath.

A. wash                            B. make                  C. have   D. do

15.  My family enjoys watching game shows _____ they are very exciting and interesting.

A. so                        B. because                       C. but                       D. and

16.  What’s your __________ TV programme?

A. best                      B. good                          C. favourite              D. like

17. Yesterday, he ________ football with Julie.     

A. plays                            B. played                C. has played                      D. will play

18. You have to throw the ball into the net when you play ________.

A. basketball                              B. football              C. tennis                     D. badminton

19.  - __________ do you like the modern English programme?

- Because it helps me with my English.

A.  What                     B.  Where                        C.  Who                     D.  Why

20.  - __________ is the weather forecast programme on?

- At 7.30 pm every day.

A. what                          B. how                       C. when                        D. where

21. We use a __________ to change the channels from a distance.

A. remote control          B. TV schedule              C. newspaper                      D. volume button

22. Last summer, I __________ fishing with my uncle in the afternoon.
A. go                        B. went                      C. goes                         D. going
15. My sister likes going to the cinema _________ I like watching TV at home.

A. and                            B. but                             C. because                          D. or

23. Football is an example of a ________ sport where you play with several other people.

A. team                       B.individual           C.indoor     D.dangerous

24. _________ eat too much salt. It’s not good for you.

    A. Don’t                    B. Do                            C. Please                                                  D. Can’t

25. There aren’t ___________ good films on television at the moment.

    A. some                     B. a lot                          C. any                                                      D. a          

26. _____ do you brush your teeth every weekend?

A. How long          B. How much         C. How often         D. How many

Nie Nii


Nie Nii


Nie Nii