Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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My Hà


My Hà

III.    Choose the best answer.

1.  My dad doesn’t mind                 my mom from work every day.

     A. pick up           B. picked up       C. picking up      D. picks up

2.  Using computers too much may have harmful effects ... your minds and bodies.

     A. on                   B. to                     C. with                D. onto

3.  I love the people in my village. They are so                   and hospitable.

     A. friendly          B. vast                 C. slow                D. inconvenient

4.  Among the               , the Tay people have the largest population.

     A. groups            B. majorities       C. ethnic minorities          D. ethnic cultures.

5.  People in the countryside live             than those in the city.

     A. happy             B. more happily C. happily           D. less happy

6.  Viet Nam is               multicultural country with 54 ethnic groups.

     A. a                      B. an                    C. the                   D. A and C

7.  We          to the countryside two months ago.

     A. go                    B. have gone       C. went                D. will go

8.  What will you do if you             the final examinations?

     A. will pass         B. would pass     C. pass                 D. passed

9.  It rained hard.                   , my father went to work.

     A. Therefore       B. However         C. Because          D. So

10.    Your sister writes poems and stories,                she?

     A. does                B. doesn’t           C. will                 D. won’t

11.    Laura fell asleep during the lesson                    she was tired.    

     A. so                    B. but                  C. because D. therefore

12.    How much                    do you want?

     A. bananas          B. eggs                 C. candies           D. sugar

13.    Tomorrow the director will have a meeting               8:00 am to 10:00 am.

     A. between          B. from                C. among             D. in

14.    We will start our trip              6 o’clock             the morning.

     A. in / in              B. at / in              C. in / at              D. at / at

15.    We                       anything from James since we left school.

     A. haven’t heard B. heard               C. don’t hear       D. didn’t hear

16.    You have lived in this city since 1998,           ?

     A. haven’t you   B. didn’t you      C. did you           D. have you

17.    My students enjoy                 English very much.

     A. learn               B. learnt              C. learning          D. to learn