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1.   My father always says that he (is/ was) very proud of me.

2.   Mary told me she (will/would) visit me this summer.

3.   Jim wonders whether Jane (liked/ likes) him or not.

4.   My teacher (says/ said) that we had to finish our assignment on time.

5.   They told me that they (are/ were) going to move their house the following month.

6.   My sister said she (can/ could) win the competition if she tried her best.

7.   I told Jim that he (is/ was) the most intelligent person I knew.

8.   The mechanic said that it (cost/ costs) up to $50 to fix my car.

9.   They (say/ said) that they would help me if they had free time.

10. Jim said that he (has just got/ had just got) a new bike.

       Ex 2:  Choose the correct sentence:

1.   Jim said to me: “They will build a new bridge across this river this year.”

      A. Jim said to me that they will build a new bridge across this river this year.

      B. Jim said to me that they would build a new bridge across this river this year.

      C. Jim said to me that they would build a new bridge across that river that year.

2.   My mother often tells me: “You need to take care of yourself.”

      A. My mother often tells me that I need to take care of yourself.

      B. My mother often tells me that I need to take care of herself.

      C. My mother often tells me that I need to take care of myself.

3.   Peter informed me: “They canceled the meeting yesterday.”

      A. Peter informed me that they canceled the meeting yesterday.

      B. Peter informed me that they had canceled the meeting yesterday.

      C. Peter informed me that they had canceled the meeting the day before.

4.   Peter and Jane said to me: “Our wedding will be held next week.”

      A. Peter and Jane said to me that my wedding would be held next week.

      B. Peter and Jane said to me that their wedding would be held the next week.

      C. Peter and Jane said to me that their wedding would be held the following week.

5.   I told him: “I am busy this week so I can’t come to your party.”

      A. I told him that I was busy this week so l can’t come to my party.

      B. I told him that I was busy that week so I couldn’t come to my party.

      C. I told him that I was busy that week so I couldn’t come to his party.

6.   The doctor said: “You will suffer from diabetes if you don’t reduce sugar in your daily meals.”

      A. The doctor said I would suffer from diabetes if I didn’t reduce sugar in my daily meals.

      B. The doctor said I would suffer from diabetes if I don’t reduce sugar in my daily meals.

      C. The doctor said I suffered from diabetes if I didn’t reduce sugar in my daily meals.

7.   Peter asked me: “Would you go to the prom with me?”

      A. Peter asked me if I would go to the prom with me.

      B. Peter asked me whether I would go to the prom with him.

      C. Peter asked me whether would I go to the prom with him.

8.   My father asked me: “Where are you going?”

      A. My father asked me where was I going.

      B. My father asked me where you were going,

      C. My father asked me where I was going,

9.   Oliver asked me: “What will you do if you have a day off?”

      A. Oliver asked me what I would do if I have a day off.

      B. Oliver asked me what I would do If I had a day off.

      C. Oliver asked me what would I do if I have a day off.

10. My brother asked me: “How can I open this box?”

      A. My brother asked me how I could open that box.

      B. My brother asked me how to open that box.

      C. My brother asked me how he could open this box.

My mother used to tell me stories __________ I went to bed.

              A. since                            B. until                              C. before

2.           You’d better take the keys __________ I’m out

              A. in case                        B. since                            C. after

3.           My brother likes eating fried chicken __________ it is very bad for his health.

              A. because                      B. although                    C. when

4.           Yesterday, Jim was playing the piano __________ his sister was playing the flute.

              A. as                                  B. although                    C. while

5.           You shouldn’t spend too much time on computer __________ it is harmful to your eyes.

              A. as                                  B. when                           C. although

6.           I will phone you __________ I get there.

              A. while                           B. as soon as                  C. until

7.           The scientist usually works in his lab __________ the sun sets.

              A. until                             B. as soon as                  C. although

8.           __________ you promise not to tell lies again, l won’t forgive you.

              A. If                     B. Even if                                        C. Unless

9.           __________ her legs were hurt, she made attempt to finish the running track.

              A. Even Although         B. As if                                            C. Even though

10.        She talked __________ she witnessed the accident. But in fact she knew nothing.

              A. as if                              B. even though                            C. even if

11.        I didn’t finish my homework __________ I was seriously ill yesterday.

              A. when                           B. though                                       C. since

12.        James decides to save money from now _____ he has enough money to travel this summer.

              A. so that                        B. though                                       C. when

13.        __________ we have been friends for only one year, we deeply understand each other.

              A. If                                    B. Though                                      C. Once

14.        Mr. Smith doesn’t like dogs, __________ his wife loves them.

              A. when                           B. so that                                       C. whereas

15.        I was cycling home yesterday __________ I saw Jim standing near the fountain.

              A. when                           B. while                                          C. since

1.      We did not visit the museum because we had no time.

A. If we have time, we will visit the museum.                              

B. If we had time, we would visit the museum.

C. If we had had time, we would have visited the museum.          

D. If we had had time, we will visit the museum.

2.      It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us about this.

              A. I wish you told us about this.                                     B. I wish you would tell us about this.

              C. I wish you had told us about this.                             D. I wish you have told us about this.

3.      Julia couldn’t pass the driving test because she was so nervous.

              A. Julia could pass the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous.

              B. Julia could pass the driving test if she wasn’t very nervous.

              C. Julia could have passed the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous.        

              D. Julia will pass the driving test if she wasn’t so nervous.

4.      She is too busy to come to the party.

A. If she was not so busy she must come to the party.       

B. If she was not so busy she could come to the party.

C. If she was not so busy she needs to come to the party.

D. If she was not so busy she should come to the party.

5.      She was careless. A fire broke out in the kitchen.

A. If she were careless, a fire broke out in the kitchen.

B. If she had been careful, a fire broke out in the kitchen.

C. If she had been careless, a fire would have broken out in the kitchen.

D. If she had been careful, a fire would not have broken out in the kitchen.

6.      Men can’t fly because they don’t have wings .

A. If men have wings , they will fly .                             B. If men could fly , they would have wings .

C. Men couldn’t fly unless they had wings .               D. Men could fly if they had wings .

7.      She didn't do the test because it was too difficult.

              A . If the test had been too difficult, she could have done it.

              B . If the test hadn't been too difficult, she could have done it.

              C . If the test were not too difficult, she could  do it.

              D . If the test hadn't been too difficult, she couldn't have done it.

8.      Peter doesn't read a lot. He can't find the time.

A . If Peter hadn't got  the time, he would read a lot.                        

B . If Peter has the time, he will read a lot.

C . If Peter had had the time, he would have read a lot.                   

D . If Peter had the time, he would read a lot.

9.      She didn’t stop her car because she didn’t see the signal.

              A. If she saw the signal, she would stop her car.

              B. If she had seen the signal, she would stop her car.

              C. If she had seen the signal, she would have stopped her car.

              D. If she saw the signal, she would have stopped her car.

10. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read hisbook.

A.What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me tounderstand.

B.The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult tounderstand.

C.I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in hisbook.

D.I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read hisbook.

11. John is fat because he eats so many chips.

              A. If John doesn’t eat so many chips, he will not be fat.       

B. John is fat though he eats so many chips.

              C. being fat, John eats so many chips.                                  

              D. If John didn’t eat so many chips, he would not be fat.

12. Susan regretted not buying that villa.

              A. Susan wished she had bought that villa.               B. Susan wished she bought that villa.

              C. Susan wished she could buy that villa.                   D. Susan wished she hadn’t bought that villa.

13. You drink too much coffee, that's why you can't sleep.

A.  If you drank less coffee, you would be able to sleep.            

B. You drink much coffee and you can sleep.          

C. You would sleep well if you didn't drink any coffee.          

D. You can sleep better without coffee.

14. If you don't have his number, you can't phone him.

              A. You can phone him unless you have his number.     

              B. You can't phone him unless you don't have his number.

              C. You can phone him unless you don't have his number.

              D. You can't phone him unless you have his number.

15. She  took the train last night, so he wasn’t late.

A. If she had taken the train last night, she would have been late.

B.Unless she hadn’t taken the train last night, she would be late.

C. If she took the train last night, she would be late.

              D. Unless she had taken the train last night, she would have been late.

16. I didn’t have an umbrella with me, so I got wet

              A. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t get wet                   

B. If I had had an umbrella, I would get wet

              C. If I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet                       

D. If I had had an umbrella, I would have got wet