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Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (1)

vanphu doan

1. Disney Channel is one of the most ................... channels ........... children 

A. good/ for B. exciting/ of C. popular/ to D. popular/ for 

2. "........... is that TV programme directed by?"- " By a famous Vietnamese director" 

A. what B. who C. where D. when 

3. The Eiffel Tower is a famous _____________ of Paris. 

A. Square B. Cathedral C. Landmark D. principal 

4. Team sports are sometimes callled___________sports. 

A. compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive 

5. VTV is a ______________TV channel in Vietnam. It attracts millions of TV viewers. 

A. national B. international C. local D. wide 

6. ______________does the movie start? – At 9 o’clock. 

A. Where B. What C. Which D. When 

7. You must learn the ___________of the game before playing. 

A. rules B. laws C. agreements D. sayings 

8. You have to throw the ball into the net when you play ___________. 

A. basketball B. football C. tennis D. badminton 

9. The program can be both ______________and entertaining. 

A. educated B. education C. educational D. educate 

10. I like Doraemon, ______________my sister likes it, too. 

A. and B. but C. or D. so 

11. Are you watching TV______________ are you doing your homework? 

A. and B. but C. or D. so 

12. David has got two brothers. They are _____________ daughters. 

A. its B. his C. her D. their 

13. ___________run too fast. You may fall. 

A. Don’t B. Do C. Didn’t D. Did 

14. Mango is a _____________ fruit and I like it very much. 

A. delicious B. boring C. heavy D. peaceful