Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 12
Số lượng câu trả lời 5
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 2

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (0)

mn gỉai nhanh giúp em với ạ

Câu 1. Dựa vào công dụng, các khoáng sản được phân thành 

A. 2 loại.                       B. 3 loại.                                C. 4 loại.                                 D. 5 loại.

Câu. 2. Khoáng sản là 

A. các loại khoáng vật và đá ở trong lòng đất.

B. sự lắng đọng tự nhiên của các khoáng vật.

C. sự tích tụ tự nhiên những khoáng vật và đá có ích được khai thác và sử dụng

D. sự kết hợp các loại khoáng vật tạo thành đá.

Câu. 3. Đặc điểm nào sau đây không đúng với núi và độ cao của núi?

A. Là dạng địa hình nhô cao rõ rệt trên mặt đất.

B. Sườn núi càng thoải thì đường chân núi biểu hiện càng rõ.

C. Độ cao của núi thường trên 500m so với mực nước biển.

D. Chỗ tiếp giáp giữa núi và mặt đất bằng phẳng ở xung quanh là chân núi.

Câu 4. Đặc điểm nào sau đây không đúng với núi trẻ?

A. Thường cao hoặc rất cao.   B. Thung lũng rộng.    C. Có hình dáng lởm chởm.    D. Đỉnh nhọn, sườn dốc.

Câu 5. Vùng chuyển tiếp giữa miền núi và đồng bằng được gọi là 

A. bán bình nguyên                 B. trung du.                 C. châu thổ.                 D. bình nguyên.

Câu. 6. Đặc điểm nào sau đây không đúng với địa hình đồi?

A. Là dạng địa hình nhô cao.                         B. Độ cao tương đối thường không quá 200m

C. Có đỉnh tròn, sườn dốc.                             D. Thường tập trung thành vùng.

Câu 7. Các cao nguyên Lâm Viên, Mơ Nông, Di Linh,... thuộc vùng nào ở nước ta ?

A. Đông Nam Bộ.                   B. Tây Nguyên.          C Bắc Trung Bộ.         D. Trung du và miền núi Bắc Bộ

Câu 8. Tác động của yếu tố ngoại lực nào hình thành các đồng bằng châu thổ và thung lũng?

A. Dòng nước.                        B. Nhiệt độ.                 C. Gió.                        D. Thủy triều.

Câu 9. Trong các thành phần của không khí, chiếm tỉ trọng lớn nhất là

A. khí cácbonic.                      B. khí nitơ.                  C. khí oxi.                                           D. các khí khác

Câu 10. Tầng đối lưu có độ cao trung bình khoảng 

A. 12 km.                                B. 14 km.                   C. 16 km.                                            D. 18 km.

Câu 11. Không khí trên mặt đất nóng nhất là vào khoảng thời gian nào?

A. 12 giờ.                                B. 13 giờ.                    C. 14 giờ.                                            D. 15 giờ

Câu 12. Luôn luôn có sự chuyển động của không khí theo chiều thẳng đứng là tầng

A đối lưu.                                B. bình lưu.                 C. Tầng cao của khí quyển                 D. giữa các tầng

Câu 13. Lớp ôdôn trong tầng bình lưu có tác dụng 

A. phản hồi sóng vô tuyến điện từ mặt đất truyền lên.

B. sinh ra tất cả các hiện tượng khí tượng.

C. ngăn tia bức xạ có hại cho sinh vật và con người.

D. làm cho nhiệt độ giảm mạnh theo độ cao.

Câu 14.Tại sao về mùa hạ, những miền gần biển có không khí mát hơn trong đất liền; ngược lại, về mùa đông, những miền gần biển lại có không khí ấm hơn trong đất liền?

A. Do mùa hạ, miền gần biển có ngày ngắn hơn đêm, mùa đông ngày dài hơn đêm.

B. Do mùa hạ, miền gần biển có ngày dài hơn đêm, mùa đông ngày ngắn hơn đêm.

C. Do đặc tính hấp thụ và tỏa nhiệt của nước và đất là khác nhau: Mặt đất nóng lên chậm và nguội đi chậm hơn nước.

D. Do đặc tính hấp thụ và tỏa nhiệt của nước và đất là khác nhau: Mặt đất nóng lên nhanh và nguội đi nhanh hơn nước.

Câu.15. Sự lặp đi lặp lại tình hình thời tiết ở một nơi, trong một thời gian dài, từ năm này qua năm khác và trở thành quy luật gọi là gì?

A. Thời tiết                 B.    Khí hậu.                           C. Khí quyển.                          D. Khí tượng.

Câu 16. Các mùa trong năm thể hiện rất rõ là đặc điểm của đới khí hậu nào?

A. Nhiệt đới.               B. Ôn đới.                               C. Hàn đới.                              D. Hàn đới.

Câu 17. Đặc điểm nào sau đây không đúng với khí hậu đới nóng?

A. Quanh năm có khí hậu nóng.                                                B. Có góc chiếu của ánh sáng mặt trời rất nhỏ.

C. Lượng mưa trung bình năm từ 1000 mm đến 2000 mm.      D. Có gió Tín phong thổi thường xuyên.

Câu 18. Đới lạnh là khu vực có 

A. thời gian chiếu sáng trong năm chênh lệch ít.                 B. lượng mưa trung bình trong năm trên 1000mm

C. góc chiếu của ánh sáng mặt trời rất nhỏ.                          D. các mùa thể hiện rất rõ trong năm.

Câu 19. Lượng mưa trung bình năm ở đới lạnh thường dưới 

A. 200 mm.                    B. 500 mm.               C. 1000 mm.                          D. 1500 mm.

Câu 20.Thường xuyên thổi ở khu vực đới ôn hòa là gió

A. Tín phong.                 B. Đông cực            C. Tây ôn đới.                         D. Mậu dịch

11.  At the concert, you can get food and drink for _______. You don’t have to pay money for it.

       A. reuse                            B. free                            C. recycle                         D. charity

12. _______ in this lake. It’s very deep and dangerous.

       A. Swim                           B. Swimming                C. Don’t swim                D. You can swim

13. There’s _______ new girl in our class. _______ girl’s brother is in Dan’s class.

       A. a/ The                          B. the/ The                     C. a/ A                             D. the/ A

14. I need to go to the _______ to send these letters to my grandparents.

       A. library                         B. police station            C. supermarket                D. post office

15. I like going to the _______ because I can read and borrow many interesting books there.

       A. bookstore                    B. library                       C. department store        D. school

16. You should recycle empty cans and bottles. Don’t just _______.

       A. throw it                                                                B. reuse them

       C. throw them away                                               D. donate it

17. You can _______ old books and computer equipment to charity. 

       A. donate                          B. protect                       C. reuse                            D. get

18. We have to _______ wild animals, such as whales or tigers, or they will disappear.

       A. pick up                        B. take part in               C. look                              D. protect

19. There is a ____ near my school. Homeless people go there for free meals and a place to stay.

       A. organization               B. charity                       C. hospital                        D. police station

20. A: I believe everyone can help save the environment.    ~   B: _________

       A. What’s wrong?           B. Yes, I’d love to.                                                 C. Yes, I think.                D. I agree.

21. When you visit a new country, you __________ try to learn the language.

       A. should                         B. can’t                          C. don’t                            D. enjoy

22. You __________ visit the museum today. It’s closed at the moment.

       A. shouldn’t                     B. can’t                          C. need                             D. needn’t

II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

1.    A. action                   B. attack                    C. jacket                    D. battle

2.    A. performance        B. general                  C. terrible                  D. September

3.    A. pick                       B. plastic                   C. charity                  D. boring

III. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences.

1.    The movie was so __________ that I cried at the end.

       A. awful                           B. sad                             C. fantastic                       D. terrible

2.    William can’t watch __________ movies. He thinks they’re too scary and he always has bad dreams after watching them.

       A. comedy                        B. action                        C. horror                          D. drama

3.    My friends, Susie and Mike, __________ in London last weekend.

       A. was                               B. were                          C. are                               D. is

4.    I __________ to make an omelet this morning but it __________ horrible.

       A. try/ was                       B. try/ is                         C. tried/ is                        D. tried/ was

5.    We often go out __________ Friday evenings and come back home at 11 __________night.

       A. on/ at                           B. on/ in                         C. in/ at                             D. at/ in

6. My birthday is __________ the summer, __________8th July.

       A. on/ on                          B. in/on                          C. at/ in                             D. in/ at

7. Napoleon Bonaparte was a great leader and he won many __________. 

       A. leaders                         B. soldier                       C. army                             D. battles

8.    Ratatouille is a/an __________ movie. The characters are drawings, not real people.

       A. animated                     B. science fiction     C. drama                               D. action

9. Trưng Trắc and Trưng Nhị were Vietnamese great female __________.

       A. armies                          B. invaders                    C. generals                       D. soldier

10. A: Do you want to see a movie on Sunday?   ~   B: _________

       A. Yes, I will.                  B. Sounds great.            C. Yes, you can.              D. I didn’t see it.


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

1. A. spider               B. slim                        C. kind                       D. striped

2. A. novel                B. soccer                    C. role                         D. comic

3. A. like                    B. tick                        C. kitchen                  D. dinner

4. A. sandwich          B. salad                      C. later                       D. jacket

5. A. her                     B. check                     C. lemon                    D. egg


Choose the best answer for each question.

1. My grandmother usually ________ early to go jogging around the park.

A. gets up                  B. got up                    C. get up                    D. will get up

2. This city is famous ______ beautiful houses and museums.

A. of                           B. for                          C. in                            D. at

3. Danny __________ blue eyes and blond hair.

A. is having               B. have                      C. is                            D. has

4. I want to check out the __________. All the dishes look delicious.

A. food stands           B. talent show           C. puppet show         D. tug of war

5. I __________ playing badminton in my free time.

A. want                      B. would like           C. want to                 D. like

6. I have two _______ and they ______ students at primary school.

A. brothers/is            B. brother/are           C. brothers/are          D. brother/is

7. _________you often go shopping with your mother?

A. Do                          B. Does                      C. What                      D. Where

8. How many people _________ in your family?

A. there are                B. are there                C. there is                  D. is there

9. My parents like watching TV in the _____________ on weekends.

A. balcony                 B. pool                       C. living room                       D. garage

10. “How much __________ jeans?” – “ __________ fifty dollars.”

A. is this/ It’s            B. are these / They’re          C. is that/ Those are             D. are those/ It’s

11. Harry’s favorite __________ is lemon cheesecake.

A. milk                       B. vegetable              C. dessert                  D. meal

12. Would you like to have __________ coffee?

A. any                        B. some                     C. an                           D. these

13. I often eat __________ apple after lunch. 

A. a                             B. some                      C. any                         D. an

14. I __________ chat with people I don’t know because it’s dangerous. 

A. never                     B. sometimes            C. always                   D. usually

15. I like that skirt. Do you have it __________ red?

A. on                          B. with                       C. by                          D. in

16. Excuse me, what size are __________ pants over there?

A. those                      B. that                        C. these                     D. this

17. Alice always thinks about herself and never about other people. She’s _________.

A. kind                       B. selfish                   C. lazy                       D. slim

18. Daniel __________ martial arts now.

A. is doing                 B. are doing              C. does                      D. do

19. Can I borrow your eraser? I can’t find __________. 

A. yours                     B. me                         C. my                         D. mine

20. Nguyễn Nhật Ánh is the __________ of several story books for teenagers such as Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass.

A. actor                     B. character              C. author                   D. maker

21. What is your __________subject at school? 

A. interest                  B. favorite                 C. liking                     D. favorites

22. My favorite subject is ____________ because I like learning about mountains and rivers of different countries in the world.

A. art                          B. geography            C. physics                  D. history

23. In a __________ class, you study about living things like plants and animals.

A. literature               B. science                  C. biology                 D. physics

24. This is a __________ between you and me. Don’t tell anyone about it.

A. secret                    B. mystery                C. fantasy                  D. adventure

25. Before Tết, Vietnamese people decorate their houses ________ peach trees or apricot trees.

A. for                         B. by                          C. with                       D. on




Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

1. A. spider               B. slim                        C. kind                       D. striped

2. A. novel                B. soccer                    C. role                         D. comic

3. A. like                    B. tick                        C. kitchen                  D. dinner

4. A. sandwich          B. salad                      C. later                       D. jacket

5. A. her                     B. check                     C. lemon                    D. egg


Choose the best answer for each question.

1. My grandmother usually ________ early to go jogging around the park.

A. gets up                  B. got up                    C. get up                    D. will get up

2. This city is famous ______ beautiful houses and museums.

A. of                           B. for                          C. in                            D. at

3. Danny __________ blue eyes and blond hair.

A. is having               B. have                      C. is                            D. has

4. I want to check out the __________. All the dishes look delicious.

A. food stands           B. talent show           C. puppet show         D. tug of war

5. I __________ playing badminton in my free time.

A. want                      B. would like           C. want to                 D. like

6. I have two _______ and they ______ students at primary school.

A. brothers/is            B. brother/are           C. brothers/are          D. brother/is

7. _________you often go shopping with your mother?

A. Do                          B. Does                      C. What                      D. Where

8. How many people _________ in your family?

A. there are                B. are there                C. there is                  D. is there

9. My parents like watching TV in the _____________ on weekends.

A. balcony                 B. pool                       C. living room                       D. garage

10. “How much __________ jeans?” – “ __________ fifty dollars.”

A. is this/ It’s            B. are these / They’re          C. is that/ Those are             D. are those/ It’s

11. Harry’s favorite __________ is lemon cheesecake.

A. milk                       B. vegetable              C. dessert                  D. meal

12. Would you like to have __________ coffee?

A. any                        B. some                     C. an                           D. these

13. I often eat __________ apple after lunch. 

A. a                             B. some                      C. any                         D. an

14. I __________ chat with people I don’t know because it’s dangerous. 

A. never                     B. sometimes            C. always                   D. usually

15. I like that skirt. Do you have it __________ red?

A. on                          B. with                       C. by                          D. in

16. Excuse me, what size are __________ pants over there?

A. those                      B. that                        C. these                     D. this

17. Alice always thinks about herself and never about other people. She’s _________.

A. kind                       B. selfish                   C. lazy                       D. slim

18. Daniel __________ martial arts now.

A. is doing                 B. are doing              C. does                      D. do

19. Can I borrow your eraser? I can’t find __________. 

A. yours                     B. me                         C. my                         D. mine

20. Nguyễn Nhật Ánh is the __________ of several story books for teenagers such as Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass.

A. actor                     B. character              C. author                   D. maker

21. What is your __________subject at school? 

A. interest                  B. favorite                 C. liking                     D. favorites

22. My favorite subject is ____________ because I like learning about mountains and rivers of different countries in the world.

A. art                          B. geography            C. physics                  D. history

23. In a __________ class, you study about living things like plants and animals.

A. literature               B. science                  C. biology                 D. physics

24. This is a __________ between you and me. Don’t tell anyone about it.

A. secret                    B. mystery                C. fantasy                  D. adventure

25. Before Tết, Vietnamese people decorate their houses ________ peach trees or apricot trees.

A. for                         B. by                          C. with                       D. on


I. Read the book review and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)

Hello everyone, my name’s Jo. I am reading an interesting series of fantasy novels, Harry Potter, by the famous British author J. K. Rowling. In this series, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are my most favorite characters. They study at Hogwarts – a magic school, and they use their magic to help their friends. All the teachers and students in the school have magic, too. They can fly to school, but they cannot use their magic outside school. One day, there is a war between Hogwarts’ students and some dark magic teachers. Harry and his friends save everyone from danger. I learn a lot of good lessons about friendship from this book series. This is why I love it the most. I think you should read it too, and I hope you will share your favorite books with me. It will be great!

1. Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels.                                                                     

2. Not many people know about the author of this series.                                                

3. Ron Weasley is a teacher at Hogwarts.                                                                          

4. Only teachers at Hogwarts can use magic to fly to school.                                         

5. Jo loves this series because she learns about good friendship from it.                      

II. Read the following passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box.

Housework in My Family

 student      does       make       dishes       clean       take

Today I want to talk about housework in my family.

I think I do the most housework in my family. I (1) ____________­­­­_ the kitchen every day. I do the (2) ____________­­­­_, too. My mom does the shopping. She's a teacher in a school. My sister is a college (3) _____________. She doesn’t do anything! She doesn’t (4) ____________ her bed or clean her room. My dad cleans her room after work. He's a chef in a restaurant so he makes dinner. He (5) ____________the laundry and cleans the bathroom, too. Hmm. Now, I really think about it, my dad does the most housework.

III. Read the passage, choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best suits the blank.

My best friend is Joe. He’s nine years old like me. Joe lives in a small house with his parents. Joe’s tall and quite fat. He (1) __________ big brown eyes and short hair. Joe and I spend a lot of time together. We both like sports. We often (2) __________ martial arts after school. We are in the school karate club. Joe is a great friend. He’s very (3) __________. He helps me when I can’t do my homework. He’s also good at magic. He’s going to sign up for the (4) __________ next month. Next Saturday is his birthday. We (5) __________ a party with chicken pasta and cola. I’ll buy a T-shirt for him. His favorite color is blue, so I’m going to look for a beautiful one (6) __________ blue.

1. A. wears                            B. has                           C. is                                   D. looks

2. A. do                                  B. play                         C. go                                 D. join

3. A. funny                            B. friendly                   C. selfish                          D. helpful

4. A. tug of war                    B. puppet                     C. talent show                  D. fashion show

5. A. are having                   B. has                           C. have                             D. having

6. A. on                                  B. for                            C. with                              D. in

IV. Read Jian’s email and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each of the following questions.

Hi Sammy!

Thanks for your email. We’re celebrating Vietnamese New Year at the moment. We celebrate it in

the first month of spring. It’s a very important festival for Vietnamese people. Before the celebrations, we clean our house. This is a tradition – we wipe away all the bad things. On New Year’s Eve, we have a special meal with our family. We eat traditional food and watch fireworks at midnight. We also wear red clothes. Red means fire, so we believe that our red clothes help chase away bad spirits. When we wake up on New Year’s Day, we always receive lucky money in red envelopes from our parents and grandparents. We watch dragon dances, too. They’re my favorite part of the festival. I love Vietnamese New Year, because I like all the traditions and I like being with my family.

Write to me about one of your festivals.

Take care.


1. When do Vietnamese people celebrate Vietnamese New Year? 

       A. At the moment                                         B. In the first month of spring

       C. In the first spring                                    D. On New Year’s Eve

2. What do people often do before the celebrations?

       A. wear red clothes                                    B. eat traditional food

       C. have special meals                                 D. clean their houses

3. What is the meaning of the color ‘red’?

       A. fire                        B. bad spirits            C. New Year             D. fireworks

4. On New Year’s Day, Jian usually ________

       A. gets presents from friends.                          B. wipes away bad things.

      C. gets red envelopes with money inside.       D. gives presents to her parents.

5. __________ is Na’s favorite part of the festival.

       A. Eating traditional food                          B. Getting money in red envelopes    

       C. Watching fireworks                               D. Watching dragon dances


I. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.

1. morning./My parents/in/go jogging/the park/ every


2. in the town/Do/live/you/in the big city?/or


3. is wearing/ She/ a blue T-shirt/ jeans./ and


4. We/ usually/ on Sundays. / at home/ are


II. Make questions for the underlined part

1. Sam rarely goes running.

=> ..........................................................................................................................................................

2. The new teacher is very kind and funny.


3. This jacket is twenty dollars.


4. My sister cleans the kitchen.


5. John is wearing a shirt and jeans.


III. Write a short paragraph (40-50 words) about your best friend using the following questions

What is his/her name?                                                                                                                           

How old is he/she?                                                                                                                                 

What does he/she do?                                                                                                                            

What does he/she look like?                                                                                                                 

What is he/she like?                                                                                                                               


I. Introduce about yourself

- Name

- Age

- Job

- Address

- Hobbies

II. Choose one of topics and talk about it.

TOPIC 1. Talk about your favorite book.

1.      What’s your favorite book?

2.      What kind of book is it?

3.      Who’s the author of the book?

4.      Why do you like the book?

5.      Do you think your friends should read it?


TOPIC 2. Talk about your best friends?

1.      What is his/her name?  

2.      How old is he/she?        

3.      What does he/she look like?

4.      What is he/she like?

5.      What do you often do with your friend?