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Ame No Hi

1.                     of the committee, I'd like to thank you for your generousdonation.

A.Instead                          B. Onbehalf                   C.According                    D. Inspite

2.                    , I decided to stop trading withthem.

A.  Despite of the fact that they were the biggestdealer

B.  Though being the biggestdealer

C.  Being the biggestdealer

D.  Even though they were the biggestdealer

3.  Ithink it's                     to take a few morepictures.

A.enough light                  B. lightly enough           C.light enough                 D. enough aslight

4.                     I heard the phone ring, I didn't answerit.

A.because                          B. Onlyif                        C.Eventhough                 D. Providedthat

5.    Determiningthemineralcontentofsoilsamplesisanexactingprocess;                                       , experts must perform detail tests to analyze soilspecimens.

A.therefore                        B. afterward                   C.sothat                           D.however

6.  Businesses willnotsurvive                       they satisfy theircustomers.

A.or else                                  B. in case                        C.unless                           D.if

7.   Thisinvestigationisnotonlyonethatiscontinuingandworldwide                                 we expect to continue for quite sometime.

A. but onealsothat                                                    B. but one thatalso

C. but alsoonethat                                                    D. but that alsoone

8.  A few natural elementsexistin                      that they are rarely seen in their naturalenvironments.

A. suchsmallquantities                                             B. so smallquantities

C. verysmallquantities                                             D. smallquantity

9.  He decided to quitthejob                     the high salary hegot.

A.although                                                               B. in spite

C.despite                                                                  D. muchas

10.  I will stand here and waitforyou                      you come back.

A.because                          B. though                       C.so                                 D.until

11.  My sister won't go to the partytonightand                     .

A. sowill I                                                                B. I willtoo

C. neitherwillI                                                          D. I willneither

12.  When he came to the counter of pay he found thathe had                    cash                    his credit card withhim.

A.either/or                         B. neither/nor                 C.both/and                      D.not/neither

13.                     we understand his reasons, we cannot accept hisbehaviour.

A.Asif                               B.What if                       C.Even if                         D. Onlyif

14.                     his poor English, he managed to communicate his problem veryclearly.

A.Because                         B. Even though              C.Because of                   D. In spiteof

15.  Neither the students northeirlecturer                      English in the classroom.

A.have used                      B. use                             C.are using                      D.uses

16.                                        the price is high, we can't afford to buy a newcar.


A.Nowthat                        B.Although                    C.Whereas                       D. As longas

17.  Hehurried                     he wouldn't be late forclass.


A.since                              B. as if                            C.unless                           D. sothat

18.   I'msorryyou'vedecidednottogowithusontherivertrip,but                                     you change your mind, there will still be enough room on the boat foryou.

A.even                               B. nevertheless               C. in theevent that           D. providedthat

19.                     you read the instructions carefully, you will understand what todo.

A. aswellas                        B. as far as                     C. assoonas                      D. providedthat

20.  My father is getting oldandforgetful                     he is experienced and helpful.

A. Be that as it mayB. Regardless                           C.Lest                              D.Consequently

21.  We've had                    problems with our new computer that we had to send it back to theshop.

A.so                                         B.such                            C.enough                         D.too

22.  The baby can't even situp yet,                     stand andwalk!

A.but for                           B. let alone                     C.all but                           D. ratherthan

23.     All  the  candidates  for  the  scholarship  will  be equally treated                        of their sex, age, or nationality.

A.regardless                      B. regard                        C.regarding                     D.regards

24.  Don't be late fortheinterview,                      people will think you are a disorganizedperson.

A.Unless                           B. lest                             C.so                                 D.otherwise

25.  You should takeregularexercise                       sitting in front of the television allday.

A. inspiteof                       B. instead of                  C.without                        D.even

26.    High-levelsportpeoplemustmaintainahighleveloffitness                                    run the risk of suffering injuries that cause permanentdamage.

A.or else                            B. besides                       C.unless                           D. on accountof

27.                     irritating they are, you shouldn't lose temper with smallchildren.

A. No matterhow much                                           B. As muchas

C.However                                                              D.Although

28.  Thereare                      that not only governments but also individuals should join hand totackle.

A. too numerousenvironmental problems                B. such a lot of environmentalproblems

C. so fewerenvironmental problems                        D. such many environmentalproblem

29.  The second-hand car Patrick bought wasalmostnew                      it was made in the1990s.

A.or                                   B. because                      C.although                       D.however

30.  "Did the minister approve the buildingplans?"

"Not really. He turnedthemdown                      that the costs were toohigh."

A.in case                           B.supposing                   C.provided                      D. on thegrounds

Ame No Hi

1.  Jim is on holiday and so is Carol.(Both)

® .......................................................................................................................................................

2.  George doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink.(Neither)

® .......................................................................................................................................................

3 Jim hasn't got a carằ Carol hasn't got a car, either. (Neither)

® .......................................................................................................................................................

4.  It is a very boring film. It is very long too. (Notonly)

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5.  She didn't write and she didn't phone.(Neither)

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6.  His parents as well as his brother are going to Halong Bay next Sunday.(Both)

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7.  Helen lost her passport at the airport. She also lost her wallet there. (Notonly)

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8.  I haven't got time to go on holiday and I haven't got any money.(Either/Neither)

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9.   OnFridayevening,sometimesIgotothecinema,sometimesIstayathomeandwatchTV.(Either)

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10.    She was really frightened when hearing the noise from the forest and so did I. (Both)/ (Together with)



11.  I like Tom and I also like Peter.(both)

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12.  It is the cheapest as well as the nicest watch. (Notonly)

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13.  I don't like either horror film or action film.(Neither)

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14.  He doesn't come on time and his wife doesn't come on time.(Neither)

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15.  I like neither watching TV nor reading a novel before going to bed.(Either)

® .......................................................................................................................................................

16.  They can't begin working on Monday. They can't begin working on Wednesday. (Neither)/(Either)



17.  My sister didn't watch TV last night. She didn't listen to music last night.(Either)

® .......................................................................................................................................................

18.  We go to school in the morning and we also go to school in the afternoon. (not only ... but... aswell)



Ame No Hi

1.  I didn't want to disturb the meeting. I left without sayinggoodbye.

A.  Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without sayinggoodbye.

B.  I disturbed the meeting because I saidgoodbye.

C.  I would rather disturb the meeting than leaving without sayinggoodbye.

D.  The meeting was disturbed as I left sayinggoodbye.

2.  Having spent all his money, Daniel couldn't afford a newwatch.

A.  As Daniel had bought a new watch, he spent all hismoney.

B.  Daniel didn't buy a new watch although he had a lot ofmoney.

C.  Because he had spent all the money, Daniel couldn't afford a newwatch.

D.  Daniel couldn't get a new watch because he didn't have muchmoney.

3.  She doesn't want to go to their party. We don't want to goeither.

A.  Either we or she wants to go to theirparty.

B.  Neither we nor she want to go to theirparty.

C.  Neither we nor she wants to go to theirparty.

D.  Neither she nor we don't want to go to theirparty.

4.  Noisy as the hotel was, they stayedthere.

A.  Much as the hotel was noisy, they stayedthere.

B.  In spite of the noisy hotel and they likedit.

C.  Despite the hotel was noisy, they stayedthere.

D.  Although the noisy hotel, they stayedthere.

5.  She was so busy that she couldn't answer thephone.

A.  She was very busy that she couldn't answer thephone.

B.  She was too busy to answer thephone.

C.  She was too busy not to answer thephone.

D.  She was very busy so that she couldn't answer thephone.

6.  Tim graduated with a good degree. He joined the ranks of theunemployed.

A.  Tim joined the ranks of the unemployed because he graduated with a gooddegree.

B.  If Tim graduated with a good degree, he would join the ranks of theunemployed.

C.  Though Tim graduated with a good degree, he joined the ranks of theunemployed.

D.  That Tim graduated with a good degree helped him join the ranks of theunemployed.

7.  In spite of his poverty, he led a devoted life to the revolutionarycause.

A.  He could not devote his life to the revolutionary cause because of hispoverty.

B.  Although he was poor, he led a devoted life to the revolutionarycause.

C.  If he had not been so poor, he could have devoted his life to the revolutionarycause.

D.  He led a devoted life to the revolutionary cause, but he was sopoor.

8.  She tried very hard to pass the driving test. She could hardly passit.

A.  Although she didn't try hard to pass the driving test, she could passit.

B.  She tried very hard, so she passed the driving testsatisfactorily.

C.  No matter how hard she tried, she could hardly pass the drivingtest.

D.  Despite being able to pass the driving test, she didn't passit.

9.  Smallpox is a dangerous disease. Malaria is a dangerousdisease.

A.  Smallpox is a dangerous disease, and so ismalaria.

B.  Malaria is a dangerous disease, but smallpox isnot.

C.  Neither smallpox nor malaria is a dangerousdisease.

D.  Either smallpox or malaria is a dangerousdisease.

10.  Transportation has been made much easier thanks to the invention of car. However, cars are the greatest contributor of airpollution.

A.    The invention of cars has made transportation much easier, but cars are among the greatest contributors of airpollution.

B.   However easier the invention of cars has made transportation, it is cars that among the greatest contributors of airpollution.

C.    Although the invention of cars has made transportation much easier, cars are the greatest contributor of air pollution ofair.

D.   Although the invention of cars has made transportation much easier, people use cars to contribute to the pollution ofair.

11.  I thought she was the right person for the position, yet it turned put that she was quiteuseless.

A.  Because I was expecting her to be competent, I was shocked to see her perform ratherbadly.

B.  I was mistaken about her suitability for the position since she proved ratherincompetent.

C.  Contrary to my initial impression, she was not totally unsuitable for theposition.

D.  I was right in thinking that she was totally useless for thejob.

12.  The substance is very toxic. Protective clothing must be worn at alltimes.

A.  Since the substance is very toxic, so protective clothing must be worn at alltimes.

B.  So toxic is the substance that protective clothing must be worn at alltimes.

C.  The substance is such toxic that protective clothing must be worn at alltimes.

D.  The substance is too toxic to wear protective clothing at alltimes.

13.  The film was not interesting. However, he tried to watch the wholefilm.

A.  In spite of the film uninteresting, he tried to watch the wholefilm.

B.  Uninteresting as the film was, he tried to watch the wholefilm.

C.  Despite of uninteresting film, he tried to watch the wholefilm.

D.  Uninteresting as was the film, he tried to watch the wholefilm.

14.  Although she was very old, she looked verygrateful.

A.  In spite of very old, she looked verygrateful.

B.  Despite she was very old, she looked verygrateful.

C.  Despite her old age, she looked verygrateful.

D.  In spite her being old, she looked verygrateful.

15.  She gets up early to prepare breakfast so that her children can come to school ontime.

A.  Despite her getting up early to prepare breakfast, her children cannot come to school ontime.

B.  Because she wanted her children to come to school on time, she gets up early to preparebreakfast.

C.  If she does not get up early to prepare breakfast, her children will not come to school ontime.

D.  Unless she gets up early to prepare breakfast, her children will not come to schoolon.

16.  I whispered as I didn't want anybody to hear ourconversation.

A.  So as not to hear our conversation Iwhispered.

B.  Since nobody wanted to hear our conversation Iwhispered.

C.  Because I whispered, nobody heard ourconversation.

D.  I lowered my voice in order that our conversation couldn't beheard.

17.  Though he tried hard, he didn'tsucceed.

A.  However he tried hard, he didn'tsucceed.

B.  However hard he tried, he didn'tsucceed.

C.  However he didn't succeed hard, he triedhard.

D.  However he tried hard, but he didn'tsucceed.

18.  Crazianna is a big country. Unfortunately, it has never received respect from itsneighbours.

A.  Though Crazianna is a big country, it has never received respect from itsneighbours.

B.  Crazianna has never received respect from its neighbours because it is a bigcountry.

C.  It is Crazianna, a big country, that has never received respect from itsneighbours.

D.  Crazianna is such a big country that it has never received respect from itsneighbours.

19.  Slippery as the roads were, they managed to complete therace.

A.  The roads were so slippery that they could hardly complete therace.

B.  The roads were slippery but they managed to complete therace.

C.  The roads were slippery so they could hardly complete therace.

D.  The roads were so slippery; therefore, they could hardly complete therace.

20.  They decided to go for a picnic though it was verycold.

A.  Because it was very cold, they decided to go for apicnic.

B.  However cold it was, they decided to go for apicnic.

C.  If it had been cold, they would not have gone for apicnic.

D.  It was very cold so they decided to go for apicnic.

21.  Both Peter and Mary enjoy scientificexpedition.

A.  It is not Peter, but Mary, that enjoys scientificexpedition.

B.  Peter enjoys scientific expedition. Therefore, doesMary.

C.  However Peter enjoys scientific expedition and Marydoes.

D.  Peter enjoys scientific expedition, and so doesMary.

22.  Seeing that he was angry, she left theoffice.

A.  She didn't want to make him angry, so sheleft.

B.  He wouldn’t have been so angry if she hadn't beenthere.

C.  He grew very angry when he saw her leaving theoffice.

D.  She left the office when she saw how angry hewas.

23.  He felt very tired. He was determined to continue to climb up themountain.

A.  He felt so tired that he was determined to continue to climb up themountain.

B.  Feeling very tired, he was determined to continue to climb up themountain.

C.  Tired as he might, he was determined to continue to climb up themountain.

D.  As result of his tiredness, he was determined to continue to climb up themountain.

24.  The weather was so dismal. They had to cancel the picnicimmediately.

A.  The weather was too dismal that the picnic was cancelledimmediately.

B.  The picnic would be cancelled immediately since the weather wasdismal,

C.  So dismal was the weather that they had to cancel the picnicimmediately.

D.  The weather was enough dismal for them to cancel the picnicimmediately.

25.  The coffee was not strong, so it didn't keep usawake.

A.  The coffee was not strong enough to keep usawake.

B.  The coffee was very strong, but it couldn't keep usawake,

C.  We are kept awake because the coffee wasstrong.

D.  The coffee was so hot that it didn't keep usawake.

Ame No Hi

1.                     of the committee, I'd like to thank you for your generousdonation.

A.Instead                          B. Onbehalf                   C.According                    D. Inspite

2.                    , I decided to stop trading withthem.

A.  Despite of the fact that they were the biggestdealer

B.  Though being the biggestdealer

C.  Being the biggestdealer

D.  Even though they were the biggestdealer

3.  Ithink it's                     to take a few morepictures.

A.enough light                  B. lightly enough           C.light enough                 D. enough aslight

4.                     I heard the phone ring, I didn't answerit.

A.because                          B. Onlyif                        C.Eventhough                 D. Providedthat

5.    Determiningthemineralcontentofsoilsamplesisanexactingprocess;                                       , experts must perform detail tests to analyze soilspecimens.

A.therefore                        B. afterward                   C.sothat                           D.however

6.  Businesses willnotsurvive                       they satisfy theircustomers.

A.or else                                  B. in case                        C.unless                           D.if

7.   Thisinvestigationisnotonlyonethatiscontinuingandworldwide                                 we expect to continue for quite sometime.

A. but onealsothat                                                    B. but one thatalso

C. but alsoonethat                                                    D. but that alsoone

8.  A few natural elementsexistin                      that they are rarely seen in their naturalenvironments.

A. suchsmallquantities                                             B. so smallquantities

C. verysmallquantities                                             D. smallquantity

9.  He decided to quitthejob                     the high salary hegot.

A.although                                                               B. in spite

C.despite                                                                  D. muchas

10.  I will stand here and waitforyou                      you come back.

A.because                          B. though                       C.so                                 D.until

11.  My sister won't go to the partytonightand                     .

A. sowill I                                                                B. I willtoo

C. neitherwillI                                                          D. I willneither

12.  When he came to the counter of pay he found thathe had                    cash                    his credit card withhim.

A.either/or                         B. neither/nor                 C.both/and                      D.not/neither

13.                     we understand his reasons, we cannot accept hisbehaviour.

A.Asif                               B.What if                       C.Even if                         D. Onlyif

14.                     his poor English, he managed to communicate his problem veryclearly.

A.Because                         B. Even though              C.Because of                   D. In spiteof

15.  Neither the students northeirlecturer                      English in the classroom.

A.have used                      B. use                             C.are using                      D.uses

16.                                        the price is high, we can't afford to buy a newcar.

A.Nowthat                        B.Although                    C.Whereas                       D. As longas

17.  Hehurried                     he wouldn't be late forclass.

A.since                              B. as if                            C.unless                           D. sothat

18.   I'msorryyou'vedecidednottogowithusontherivertrip,but                                     you change your mind, there will still be enough room on the boat foryou.

A.even                               B. nevertheless               C. in theevent that           D. providedthat

19.                     you read the instructions carefully, you will understand what todo.

A. aswellas                        B. as far as                     C. assoonas                      D. providedthat

20.  My father is getting oldandforgetful                     he is experienced and helpful.

A. Be that as it mayB. Regardless                           C.Lest                              D.Consequently

21.  We've had                    problems with our new computer that we had to send it back to theshop.

A.so                                         B.such                            C.enough                         D.too

22.  The baby can't even situp yet,                     stand andwalk!

A.but for                           B. let alone                     C.all but                           D. ratherthan

23.     All  the  candidates  for  the  scholarship  will  be equally treated                        of their sex, age, or nationality.

A.regardless                      B. regard                        C.regarding                     D.regards

24.  Don't be late fortheinterview,                      people will think you are a disorganizedperson.

A.Unless                           B. lest                             C.so                                 D.otherwise

25.  You should takeregularexercise                       sitting in front of the television allday.

A. inspiteof                       B. instead of                  C.without                        D.even

26.    High-levelsportpeoplemustmaintainahighleveloffitness                                    run the risk of suffering injuries that cause permanentdamage.

A.or else                            B. besides                       C.unless                           D. on accountof

27.                     irritating they are, you shouldn't lose temper with smallchildren.

A. No matterhow much                                           B. As muchas

C.However                                                              D.Although

28.  Thereare                      that not only governments but also individuals should join hand totackle.

A. too numerousenvironmental problems                B. such a lot of environmentalproblems

C. so fewerenvironmental problems                        D. such many environmentalproblem

29.  The second-hand car Patrick bought wasalmostnew                      it was made in the1990s.

A.or                                   B. because                      C.although                       D.however

30.  "Did the minister approve the buildingplans?"

"Not really. He turnedthemdown                      that the costs were toohigh."

A.in case                           B.supposing                   C.provided                      D. on thegrounds

Ame No Hi
