Guess. Comple the advice about tornadoes.
If there is a tornado in yoour area:
Guess. Comple the advice about tornadoes.
If there is a tornado in yoour area:
A. Check your answers to the Before You Watch question.
Thảo luận (2)Hướng dẫn giải
Watch the video again. Circle T for True or F for False.
Thảo luận (2)Hướng dẫn giải1. hide in basement 2. Get cold 3. go outside
4. go out 5. I will go home 6. play soccer
7. should hide in basement 8. will take lots of picture 9. will take a photo.
(Trả lời bởi Hà Quang Minh)
Talk with a partner. Why you think storm chasers do such dangerous work? Would you want to be a storm chaser?