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Nguyễn  Việt Dũng
10 tháng 11 2023 lúc 23:25

A: Which sports do you do at school? How often?

(Bạn chơi môn thể thao nào ở trường? Có thường xuyên không?)

B: I play basketball at school, and I have practice twice a week after school.

(Tôi chơi bóng rổ ở trường, và tôi tập hai lần một tuần sau giờ học.)

A: Are there other subjects that are more important than sport? Which ones? Why?

(Có môn nào khác quan trọng hơn thể thao không? Môn nào? Tại sao?)

B: Some people might say that subjects like math and science are more important than sports because they directly impact academic success, while sports are just a leisure activity. However, I believe that both academics and physical activity are important for overall health and success.

(Một số người có thể nói rằng các môn học như toán và khoa học quan trọng hơn thể thao vì chúng ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến thành công trong học tập, trong khi thể thao chỉ là một hoạt động giải trí. Tuy nhiên, tôi tin rằng cả học tập và hoạt động thể chất đều quan trọng đối với sức khỏe và thành công tổng thể.)

A: How could more sport be added to the school timetable without affecting other subjects?

(Làm thế nào để thêm môn thể thao vào thời khóa biểu của trường mà không ảnh hưởng đến các môn học khác?)

B: One solution could be to offer sports clubs or teams during lunch breaks or after school hours, so students can participate without missing class time. Another option could be to incorporate physical activity into existing classes, such as doing quick stretches or exercises between lessons.

(Một giải pháp có thể là cung cấp các câu lạc bộ hoặc đội thể thao trong giờ nghỉ trưa hoặc sau giờ học để học sinh có thể tham gia mà không bỏ lỡ giờ học. Một lựa chọn khác có thể là kết hợp hoạt động thể chất vào các lớp học hiện có, chẳng hạn như thực hiện các động tác giãn cơ nhanh hoặc các bài tập giữa các bài học.)

Topic: The benefits of sports in school and ways to incorporate it without affecting academics.

(Chủ đề: Lợi ích của thể thao trong trường học và cách kết hợp nó mà không ảnh hưởng đến học tập.)

- Opinion: Sports are important for overall health and success, and should not be seen as a distraction from academic work.

(Ý kiến: Thể thao rất quan trọng đối với sức khỏe tổng thể và sự thành công, và không nên bị coi là thứ khiến học tập sao nhãng.)

- Proposed solutions: (Đề xuất giải pháp)

+ Offer sports clubs or teams during lunch breaks or after school hours, so students can participate without missing class time.

(Cung cấp các câu lạc bộ hoặc đội thể thao trong giờ nghỉ trưa hoặc sau giờ học để học sinh có thể tham gia mà không bỏ lỡ giờ học.)

+ Incorporate physical activity into existing classes, such as doing quick stretches or exercises between lessons.

(Kết hợp hoạt động thể chất vào các lớp học hiện có, chẳng hạn như thực hiện các động tác giãn cơ nhanh hoặc các bài tập thể dục giữa các bài học.)

- Conclusion.

(Phần kết luận.)

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Nguyễn  Việt Dũng
10 tháng 11 2023 lúc 23:21

The task contains two different elements:

(Nhiệm vụ chứa hai yếu tố khác nhau)

- An instruction to write an essay expressing one's own view of the problem of teenagers not getting enough exercise.

(Hướng dẫn viết một bài văn bày tỏ quan điểm của bản thân về vấn đề thanh thiếu niên lười vận động.)

- A requirement to propose ways of solving the problem.

(Yêu cầu đề xuất cách giải quyết vấn đề.)

Xem chi tiết
Gia Linh
10 tháng 9 2023 lúc 20:11

Tham khảo:

Today, many people argue that we should spend more money on restoring local ecosystems. From my point of view, people should prioritize restoring local ecosystems as it is crucial for the survival of our planet.

Firstly, the most important reason why we should restore local ecosystems is that they provide numerous benefits to both humans and animals. Ecosystems provide clean air, water, and food which are necessary for our survival. Without healthy ecosystems, we will face numerous problems such as air and water pollution, food scarcity, and natural disasters.

Secondly, we should invest in restoring local ecosystems because human activities such as deforestation and pollution have caused serious harm to our planet. These activities have led to the loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and climate change. By restoring local ecosystems, we can help reverse some of these negative effects and preserve our planet for future generations.

Finally, neglecting the restoration of local ecosystems has led to the extinction of many species and the loss of habitats for others. It has also affected the lives and livelihoods of people who depend on natural resources for their survival.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that we should invest more money in restoring local ecosystems. It is essential for the survival of our planet, and it will provide numerous benefits to both humans and animals. By doing so, we can create a sustainable future for ourselves and the generations to come.

Mai Trung Hải Phong
16 tháng 9 2023 lúc 21:04

Today, many people argue that we should spend more money on restoring local ecosystems. From my point of view, people should prioritize restoring local ecosystems as it is crucial for the survival of our planet.

Firstly, the most important reason why we should restore local ecosystems is that they provide numerous benefits to both humans and animals. Ecosystems provide clean air, water, and food which are necessary for our survival. Without healthy ecosystems, we will face numerous problems such as air and water pollution, food scarcity, and natural disasters.

Secondly, we should invest in restoring local ecosystems because human activities such as deforestation and pollution have caused serious harm to our planet. These activities have led to the loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and climate change. By restoring local ecosystems, we can help reverse some of these negative effects and preserve our planet for future generations.

Finally, neglecting the restoration of local ecosystems has led to the extinction of many species and the loss of habitats for others. It has also affected the lives and livelihoods of people who depend on natural resources for their survival.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that we should invest more money in restoring local ecosystems. It is essential for the survival of our planet, and it will provide numerous benefits to both humans and animals. By doing so, we can create a sustainable future for ourselves and the generations to come.

Tạm dịch:

Ngày nay, nhiều người tranh luận rằng chúng ta nên chi nhiều tiền hơn cho việc khôi phục các hệ sinh thái địa phương. Theo quan điểm của tôi, mọi người nên ưu tiên khôi phục các hệ sinh thái địa phương vì nó rất quan trọng cho sự tồn tại của hành tinh chúng ta.

Đầu tiên, lý do quan trọng nhất khiến chúng ta nên khôi phục các hệ sinh thái địa phương là chúng mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho cả con người và động vật. Các hệ sinh thái cung cấp không khí sạch, nước và thực phẩm cần thiết cho sự sống còn của chúng ta. Nếu không có hệ sinh thái lành mạnh, chúng ta sẽ phải đối mặt với vô số vấn đề như ô nhiễm không khí và nước, khan hiếm lương thực và thiên tai.

Thứ hai, chúng ta nên đầu tư vào việc khôi phục các hệ sinh thái địa phương vì các hoạt động của con người như phá rừng và ô nhiễm đã gây ra tác hại nghiêm trọng cho hành tinh của chúng ta. Những hoạt động này đã dẫn đến mất đa dạng sinh học, xói mòn đất và biến đổi khí hậu. Bằng cách khôi phục các hệ sinh thái địa phương, chúng ta có thể giúp đảo ngược một số tác động tiêu cực này và bảo tồn hành tinh của chúng ta cho các thế hệ tương lai.

Cuối cùng, việc bỏ qua việc phục hồi các hệ sinh thái địa phương đã dẫn đến sự tuyệt chủng của nhiều loài và mất môi trường sống cho những loài khác. Nó cũng đã ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống và sinh kế của những người phụ thuộc vào tài nguyên thiên nhiên để tồn tại.

Tóm lại, tôi tin chắc rằng chúng ta nên đầu tư nhiều tiền hơn vào việc khôi phục hệ sinh thái địa phương. Nó cần thiết cho sự tồn tại của hành tinh chúng ta và nó sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho cả con người và động vật. Bằng cách đó, chúng ta có thể tạo ra một tương lai bền vững cho chính chúng ta và các thế hệ mai sau.

Hòa Phan
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Quỳnh Nhi
5 tháng 3 2018 lúc 20:46

Sample Answer 1:
Road safety has become a great concern for people with the rise of accidents and fatality those accidents cause every day. People have a varying opinion on how to make roads safe and I believe strict laws should be there to punish the driving offenders but a combination of other methods would bring better results.

On the one hand, people seem to abide by a law or rule when they know that violation would bring severe retribution. For instance, in some Asian countries pedestrians used to cross the roads and when a more rigid penalty has been imposed, those very people started using the underpass. From this perspective, strict penalty and fine can certainly improve the road safety as people would be more cautious and afraid of the consequence of the violation of the traffic laws. As an outcome, it is a fact that, the sterner the punishment, the greater chances that people would follow the rules.

On the other hand, there are already severe punishments for driving offenders including ceasing the driving license, monetary fines and imprisonments. Despite this, the number of road accidents is increasing every year. This is why I believe that only punishment cannot ensure the road security and safety. A combination of other initiatives is also required. First, we need to aware people about the devastating consequences traffic rule violations can bring to our life. Second, the requirements for passing the driving test should be standardised and made more practical, especially in developing countries where people can use advantages of the corruption. It is often noticed that many young people are given driving license without scrutinising their experience and skills. This should be completely avoided and after a certain period, each driver should be retested. Third, unfit vehicles should not be allowed to run on the roads as these cars cause more accidents according to the recent Road Transport Authority report. Finally, the traffic system of a country should be modernised and more surveillance cameras and speed test cameras should be there.

To conclude, punishment to traffic rule violators is a good way to make the road safer but the combination of other steps would bring more desired results.

Model Answer 2:
At recent years, there is an ongoing debate whether giving dire punishment to driving offences are the best solution to overcome severe accidents in roads or not. While some support this idea, many others believe that governments should provide improvements in road safety. This essay will try to discuss both views with several considerations given underneath.

People are not prompted to engage safety driving because there are no regulations relating to drivers to be more careful on the road. It can be found in developing countries where the traffic is not well arranged and as a result, the numbers of terrible accidents remain dominant. Dissimilar with it, developed countries pay more attentions in this case by restricting the use of vehicles without licence limiting the top speed in certain busy areas such as boulevards and main roads, and imposing fine for all the offence forms in high rate, and as a result, these countries can overcome traffic accidents.

However, governments with all efforts must improve the infrastructure of safety riding. Traffic signs should be renewed, the facilities in the road are supposed to be changed, etc. so the drivers can recognise the driving surroundings vividly. Furthermore, technologies are also urgent to deal with daunting events in driving environment. It is good news that outrageously inventions have been created and applied but still attempts in technology findings are required.

In conclusion, while there are regulations to be defined, governments together with scientists, engineers, and car businessmen have to maximise in providing safety riding facilities to gain maximum result on this issue.

[ Written by - Angga Cool ]

Model Answer 3:
A group of people believe that in order to increase the safety for the driving on roads, governments should make stricter regulations for any indiscipline in driving attitudes. On the contrary, another group thinks that authorities should consider other effective solutions for it. The following essay will discuss both views in details, but in my personal opinion, I do believe that the combination of both ideas would ensure a better road safety.

On the one hand, many people worry about the number of driving accidents. Each year, the number of people who are injured or pass away due to traffic accidents has increased significantly. In most cases, accidents have occurred due to the interdisciplinary acts of the drivers themselves, such as speeding, drunk driving or using their mobile phones during driving. And to solve the problem, the government should make a strict regulation about traffic accidents. People who are found to be guilty of any driving rule violation should be punished with serious penalties and detentions. By having these kinds of policy, it is hoped that traffic accident rates will decrease gradually.

On the other hand, other people believe that strict punishments would not effectively solve the problem. There are other measures which governments and the public should consider. Firstly, governments could cooperate with the media in making campaign about safe driving. Television commercials and magazine advertisements could be used by the government in socialising about the negative effect of aggressive or offensive driving. Secondly, governments could also give rewards to their citizens who are obeying the road regulations. For example, when people renew their driving license, authorities could check their track records. Those who have clean track records could get motor vehicles tax discount or exemption.

In conclusion, people have a varying opinion on how to reduce the number traffic accidents. While some people believe that there should be stricter policies and regulations about driving, others think that there should be another effective way of addressing the issue. In my point of view, I believe that both policies have their own positive sides and when people could combine them, it would be an effective way of reducing traffic accidents.

[ Written by - Darwin Lesmana ]

Model Answer 4:
Nowadays, the accidents that occur on the road are likely to rise in number in some countries. While an army of people think that these issues can be tackled by penalising offenders strictly, others think that there are other steps that can be taken to cope with it.

It is clear that the strict punishments set up for the driving offences can make them fear to break the laws. For instance, if they are proven to disobey the applied rules, it is seemly a good way to punish them by taking their driving licenses forcefully. This measure is likely to alert them to think twice before breaking the laws because if they commit it they cannot drive anymore. This way can indirectly encourage them to obey the rules hence the accidents on the road are likely to be declined. The traffic rules are applicable only for the drivers, but also for the ordinary commuters as well. While an over-bridge or an under pathway is mandatory for crossing the busy roads, many people do not obey this rules. It is not unusual that many careless drivers do not follow the traffic signals and all these violations of traffic rules cause severe accidents and congestion in many cities. Hence, implementing strict punishment and fine can be one effective solution to tackle this issue.

On the other hand, many believe that other measures could be more successful to address this problem, including creating awareness among citizens to drive safely, organising seminars & training programmes about the importance of road safety and modernising the traffic control system. The research carried out by Statistics Center, an organisation at the University of Diponegoro, reveals that citizens in Semarang who have wide knowledge about how to drive safely tend to obey the applied rules if compared to the ones who does not have this knowledge. This makes clear that these measures can be utilised to create a consciousness to be safe riders.

Apart from that, the number of cars and buses on the roads in many cities is much higher and restricting the private car ownership can reduce the number of cars on the roads and thus the number of accidents or casualties. Improving the traffic system with modern equipment and enrolling more trained and professional traffic police could be another great way to tackle this issue.

To conclude, the establishment of punishment strictly is a wise idea but by presenting workshops and training programmes to all citizens, especially drivers of different vehicles, improving the traffic control system are the finest ways to encourage them to increase security on the way.

lâm nguyễn
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nguyen mai phuong
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Lê Yến Nhi
27 tháng 2 2017 lúc 6:12

Tourism is a unique human activity, experienced by millions of people worldwide every year. As people differ in their attitude towards almost everything in life, the same applies also to tourism; where some treat tourism globally as the focus of their act without scrutinising the other related activities pertaining to it. Hence, the term 'responsible tourism" emerged; in order to pay a sufficient attention of the tourist to the local cultural values of the destination country, and – more globally – to the environment. From my point of view, tourism must be labelled as a "responsible activity"; even if it is mandatory to issue as many local and international legislations to make it so.

While making tourism, should the tourist carry his culture with him to the foreign country? Obviously, the answer is "No". If the tourist insists on doing this, he will sure subject himself to great dangers especially in communities with intolerant local citizens. One of the best examples of this is the "Thump Up" sign which is greatly practised in many countries; where this sign is USA means "OK or very good"; while it is considered as very crude and impolite in Greece (which is a famous touristic destination). Thus, it is crucial to teach the tourists a list of common practices that they must refrain from doing, explaining the reasons behind this.

When it comes to the environment, it is indeed very unfortunate to find that the touristic areas are those with the greatest pollution and litter output! A few years ago, it was really surprising that an international campaign of volunteers aimed to clean the Himalayas from the trash left by the climbers.

In conclusion, tourism should be dealt with in the same way as freedom; that it must be "responsible", respecting both the local cultural and environmental values of each society.

Lê Yến Nhi
27 tháng 2 2017 lúc 6:12

All around the world, tourism is losing its glitter, due to the lack of responsibility by the government, tourists and local people. Some people consider taking responsibility in tourism by each individual is essential for the better environment, preserving cultures and improving the economy, whereas others think, this cannot be achieved in reality. In my opinion, tourism responsibility is required for better future of the world and this can be achieved with proper implementation.

People travel to different places but never show any attention or responsibility towards its improvement. To make this world a better place to live in, one should take it as one’s responsibility. First of all, the government should take a step, releasing more funds towards tourism and for providing much security. For instance, we find filthy guest houses, restrooms and no cleaning of surrounding places. People travel to enjoy the beauty of nature, but if they find this kind of dirty places, their enjoyment which lead to a bad memory. Even, local people and tourists who travel should obey the guidelines and policy of tourism for a better world.

However, there are some people who think when it comes to implementation of this; it is like a day dream which cannot come into reality. It is difficult for poor and developing countries to utilise more funds towards tourism. On the other hand, it is difficult to provide security and neatness at tourist spots unless every tourist shows attention as his responsibility. For instance, if there are sign boards which shows ‘please use right direction, danger at left direction’, they use only left and if there are any dustbins with ‘please use me’ , they do not use them at all. Thus it is very difficult to make it into reality.

In conclusion, better tourism can be achieved only if every individual takes the responsibility towards tourism. One should think, how much one is contributing, instead of just arguing and blaming the government. But the government should take the first step in achieving this. With this, not only it increases blissfulness of tourists but also increases economy of the country.

nguyen mai phuong
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Võ Thị Giang
26 tháng 2 2017 lúc 21:04

Tourism is a unique human activity, experienced by millions of people worldwide every year. As people differ in their attitude towards almost everything in life, the same applies also to tourism; where some treat tourism globally as the focus of their act without scrutinising the other related activities pertaining to it. Hence, the term 'responsible tourism" emerged; in order to pay a sufficient attention of the tourist to the local cultural values of the destination country, and – more globally – to the environment. From my point of view, tourism must be labelled as a "responsible activity"; even if it is mandatory to issue as many local and international legislations to make it so.

While making tourism, should the tourist carry his culture with him to the foreign country? Obviously, the answer is "No". If the tourist insists on doing this, he will sure subject himself to great dangers especially in communities with intolerant local citizens. One of the best examples of this is the "Thump Up" sign which is greatly practised in many countries; where this sign is USA means "OK or very good"; while it is considered as very crude and impolite in Greece (which is a famous touristic destination). Thus, it is crucial to teach the tourists a list of common practices that they must refrain from doing, explaining the reasons behind this.

When it comes to the environment, it is indeed very unfortunate to find that the touristic areas are those with the greatest pollution and litter output! A few years ago, it was really surprising that an international campaign of volunteers aimed to clean the Himalayas from the trash left by the climbers.

In conclusion, tourism should be dealt with in the same way as freedom; that it must be "responsible", respecting both the local cultural and environmental values of each society.

Phạm Thị Phương Thảo
26 tháng 2 2017 lúc 20:35

Bạn có thể tham khảo bài này ở trang IELTS Mentor nha!

Thảo Nguyên
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Lê Trang
20 tháng 10 2020 lúc 17:47

#Tham khảo đây nhé!

Khinh Yên
20 tháng 10 2020 lúc 19:47

Thanks to advanced technology, cell phones have become more and more popular in our life. From my point of view, cell phones have improved modern life. First and foremost, cell phones are a good means of communication. Thanks to them, people can keep in touch with their family, their relatives and their friends regardless of the distances. For example, only by a cell phone can you daily talk to or chat with your friends who live very far away from you. In the second place, cell phones are also good for every angle in life. Thanks to its small size, people can take them everywhere at anytime. For example, in business, people can make a deal with their countership by a video chat on a cell phone rather than have a meeting face to face. This is very convient especially for their partner living abroad. Moreover, cell phones are a necessary for people’s entertainment. To illustrate, after a busy day at work or at school, they can listen to music or play games or watch a movie, as a result, they may feel more relaxed and more energetic to many things such as doing housework, homework and so on later. Last but not least, it is estimated that almost all of the people who use cell phones are teenegers. Therefore, no one can deny that cell phones have minute by minue become an indispensable in teenegers’ routine. In reality, cell phones help teenagers to study better and better. For example, before an exam, instead of being up to all night to reivise so many lessons they had studied, teenagers can benefit greatly from cell phones. They can try on some tests on Internet, search for information they want or look into some parts in the lessons which they don’t take in too much. Seeing that the speed of Internet is very fast, students can acquire a lot of knowledge in a very convient way. While I appreciate the advantages of the cell phones, I think that they also have some drawbacks including having bad effects on people’s mind, causing some diseases and so on. All in all, it is immediately obvious that cell phones make out life more and more modern, hence people should take them into consideration to make our life better and better

Khách vãng lai đã xóa
Minh Lệ
Xem chi tiết
26 tháng 8 2023 lúc 21:59

        Digital devices play an essential part in teenagers' lives nowadays. I strongly believe that parents should not strictly limit their children's screen time for the following reasons. First of all, they can be used for both research and study purpose. Students can access Internet to download data and store information and textbooks, which save amounts of money for paper books and time. This also means their backpacks are lighter but contain bigger data.

        In addition, modern technology tools improve their study results because of a wide variety of useful learning applications on smartphones, laptop, tablets and other media players such as dictionary, spelling, translation, pronunciation and other apps. These apps are not boring but exciting them with colorful designed-courses, funny methods and attractive contents. Furthermore, students can study any time, anywhere as long as their devices are connected to Internet.

        In conclusion, personal electronic devices bring more benefits than harm to students. I suggest that teachers allow and encourage the use of these devices in learning both inside and outside of class.