Giúp mik vs đg cần gấp ạ
giúp mik vs ạ mik đg cần gấp
Giúp mik câu d vs bài 4, mik cần gấp, mong ai đg thức giúp mik vs ạ
Câu 3:
a: Áp dụng tính chất của dãy tỉ số bằng nhau, ta được:
Do đó: x=54; y=36
Giúp mik vs ạ
Đg cần gấp
Giúp mik vs đg cần gấp ạ
Giúp mik vs ạ đg cần gấp
\(21,B\\ 22,B\\ 23,C\\ 24,A\\ 25,B\\ 16,C\\ 17,C\\ 18,D\\ 19,B\\ 20,A\)
Hóa bạn qua bên box Hóa đăng nhé
Giúp mik phần tự luận vs ạ mik đg cần gấp :(
Bài 1:
a. \(p=dh=10300\cdot36=370800\left(N/m^2\right)\)
b. \(160cm^2=0,016m^2\)
\(p=\dfrac{F}{S}\Rightarrow F=S\cdot p=0,016\cdot370800=5932,8\left(N\right)\)
Bài 2:
Ta có: \(p_2>p_1\left(1165000>875000\right)\)
\(\Rightarrow\) Tàu đăng lặn xuống, vì khi càng xuống áp suất lại càng tăng.
\(\left\{{}\begin{matrix}p'=dh'\Rightarrow h'=\dfrac{p'}{d}=\dfrac{875000}{10300}\approx84,9\left(m\right)\\p''=dh''\Rightarrow h''=\dfrac{p''}{d}=\dfrac{1165000}{10300}\approx113\left(m\right)\end{matrix}\right.\)
Bài 3:
Bài 4:
\(p=\dfrac{F}{S}\Rightarrow F=S\cdot p=0,015\cdot28000=420\left(N\right)\)
Giúp mik vs đg cần gấp lắm ạ
Bạn cần bài nào ạ? Nếu cần tất cả các bài trên thì bạn tách ra từng CH khác nhau nhé, đăng vào 1 câu tỉ lệ giúp sẽ ít, chất lượng làm bài không được cao.
Giúp mik vs đg cần gấp lắm ạ
1 Should Jane be helped with the sewing?
2 Judy's car is being repaired by the mechanic
3 A computer is used to do that job nowadays
4 All travel expenses must be paid for this training course by employers
5 Were they taken in by her story?
10 Beer used to be drunk for breakfast in England years ago
11 The letter might have been sent to the wrong address
12 The hole on the wrong side of the road is being digged
13 Your money is going to be stolen if you are not careful
14 Have you ever been asked for your opinion?
15 I am not impressed by Alan's knowledge
16 How are candles made?
17 When are the results of the contest announced?
18 The police weren't informed that there had been a mistake
19 Where will you be sent by your company next year?
20 By whom were the children looked after when you were away?
21 Look! The seals are being fed
22 The book had been returned to the library by Kathy
23 By this time tomorrow, The announcement will have been made by the president
24 People's breathing was being affected by the pollution in the city
25 Those papers haven't been signed by Mrs Andrews yet. Have them been signed by Mr Andrews yet?
26 Is that airplane flown by a student
27 Where was the 1988 Olympic Games held?
28 Are those tractors made, or are they imported?