VII. Communication and culture / CLIL

Everyday English 1 (SGK Global Success - Trang 73)

Hướng dẫn giải

\(1-A\\ 2-D\\ 3-B\\ 4-C\)

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Minh Dương)
Thảo luận (2)

Everyday English 2 (SGK Global Success - Trang 73)

Hướng dẫn giải

[ 1 ] Student A: Hi there, do you need any help with your exercise routine?

Student B: Yes, please. I'm having a hard time with this one.

Student A: Let me help you with that. Here, let me show you the proper form.

Student B: That's very kind/nice of you. Thanks for your help.

Student A: Is there anything else I can do for you?

Student B: No, thank you. I think I'm good now.


[ 2 ] Student A: Excuse me, do you know where the healthy snacks are?

Student B: Yes, they are in aisle 3. Can I help you find anything else?

Student A: Actually, yes. I'm trying to find some low-sugar cereal for my kids.

Student B: Let me show you where it is. Here it is. That’s very kind/nice of you.

Student A: Thank you very much. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Student B: No, thanks. I think I’m fine now.

(Trả lời bởi Time line)
Thảo luận (2)

Culture 1 (SGK Global Success - Trang 74)

Hướng dẫn giải

1: Italy 

2: Spain

3: Australia

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Lê Phước Thịnh)
Thảo luận (1)

Culture 2 (SGK Global Success - Trang 74)

Hướng dẫn giải

Vietnam has several methods of preserving heritage. One of the most common methods is through government funding. The government invests money in preserving heritage sites and objects, and it has been successful in many cases. Another way is through public-private partnerships, where companies provide funding for heritage preservation in exchange for advertising or other benefits.

Vietnam has also used UNESCO funding for the preservation of its cultural heritage. Additionally, the country has implemented strict heritage laws to protect its heritage sites and objects. For example, in 2016, Vietnam passed a law on cultural heritage, which regulates the protection, preservation, and promotion of the country's heritage. 

As for which method works best in Vietnam, it depends on the specific context and situation. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and a combination of different methods may be the most effective way to preserve heritage in Vietnam.

(Trả lời bởi Time line)
Thảo luận (1)