
Think! (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 64)

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There are several people I can ask for advice about problems at school.

I can ask teachers for advice about studying problems. They can offer guidance on how to improve my grades, manage time better, or deal with difficult classmates. Morever, I can ask for my parents and my friends, who are very close to me. They can offer advice on how to handle tough situations at school and give ideas or solutions that I haven't considered.

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
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Task 1 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 64)

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Daisy: Hi, Neil. Is anything the (1) MATTER? You look really (2) UPSET.

Neil: I'm really concerned about the engineering course I’m doing. It’s too (3) DIFFICULT and I'm really not enjoying it. I know I’m not going to pass.

Daisy: Have you spoken to your teachers about it?

Neil: No. I'm so worried, I haven't told (4) ANYONE. What would you do if you were me?

Daisy: My advice is to get help now. If you don't, things will only get (5) WORSE.

Neil: I don’t know what to do. I think an apprenticeship would be better for me, but it’s too (6) LATE now.

Daisy: Don’t panic. It’s never too late, but you need to speak to someone about it.

Neil: You're (7) RIGHT . I'll go and talk to my teacher now. Thanks, Daisy.

Daisy: No problem.


Neil's problem: He is really concerned about the engineering course he's doing. It's too difficult.

Daisy's advice: Neil should get help and he should speake to his teacher.

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
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Task 2 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 64)

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1. express feelings 

I'm really concerned about

I'm really not enjoying it

I'm so worried

2. ask for advice

What would you do if you were me?

3. give advice

My advice is to get help now

You need to speak to someone about it

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
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Task 3 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 64)

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Two key phrases aren’t in the dialogue: 

What should I do?

Can you give me any advice?

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
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Task 4 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 64)

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1. matter

2. upset

3. difficult

4. anyone

5. worse

6. late

7. right

(Trả lời bởi Gia Linh)
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Task 5 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 64)

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1. I cheated in a test.

I cheated in a test. What should I do?

You need to tell your teacher.

2. Another student is bullying my best friend.

Another student is bullying my best friend. What would you do if you were me?

My advice is to get help now. If you don't, things will only get worse.

3. I'm always late for school.

I'm always late for school. What should I do?

You need to go to bed early and wake up earlier in the morning.

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
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Task 6 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 64)

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Student A: Ask your partner what the problem is: he / she looks tired. Listen, find out some more information, then offer some advice.

A: Hi, B. Is anything the matter? You look really tired.

B:  I'm really concerned about the English course I’m doing. It’s too difficult.

A: Have you spoken to your teachers about it?

B: No. I'm so worried, I haven't told my teacher about it.

A: My advice is to get help now. If you don't, things will only get worse

B: I don’t know what to do.

A: Don’t panic. But you need to speak to someone about it.

B: You're right . I'll go and talk to my teacher now. Thanks, A.

A: No problem.

Student B: You’re not sleeping well and you're always tired. You're worried that your school work is getting worse. You listen to music and text your friends when you should be asleep.

A: Hi, B. Is anything the matter? You look really tired.

B:  I'm not sleeping well and I'm always tired.

A: What happened?

B: No. I'm worried about school work is getting worse. I listen to music and text my friends when I'm asleep.

A: My advice is you should go to bed earlier and stay away from your electronic devices. 

B: You're right . I'll try to go to bed early. Thanks, A.

A: No problem.

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
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