Language Focus 1

Task 1 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 73)

Hướng dẫn giải

1. couldn't

2. would

3. decided

4. had

(Trả lời bởi Gia Linh)
Thảo luận (2)

Task 2 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 73)

Hướng dẫn giải

1. We use indirect speech (reported speech) to report the meaning of what was said. We put indirect speech in a noun clause beginning with that.

2. After a reporting verb in the past simple, we usually change present modals to past modals, and present tenses to past tenses.

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
Thảo luận (1)

Task 3 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 73)

Hướng dẫn giải

1. ‘You have to rest for 3 months’.

The doctors told me that I HAD to rest for 3 months.

2. ‘Honey can prevent the growth of bacteria’.

Some scientists said that honey COULD prevent the growth of bacteria.

3. ‘l am raising some money for my poor students.’

She told me that she RAISED some money for her poor students.

4. ‘When you spread kindness, you may feel good about yourselves.’

Our teacher said that when we SPREAD kindness, we MIGHT feel good about ourselves.

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
Thảo luận (1)

Task 4 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 73)

Hướng dẫn giải

1. He said that it wasn't a good idea.

2. They didn't tell me that they would visit Ha Long Bay.

3. The dentist told that his tooth needs filling.

4. Lien said that she might be absent from the meeting

(Trả lời bởi Gia Linh)
Thảo luận (2)

Task 5 (SGK Friends Plus - Trang 73)

Hướng dẫn giải

My mother said that I needed to do the cleaning.

My mother told me that my room was very messy. 

My mother said that I needed to go swimming.

My mother told me that I went shopping with grandma.

(Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng)
Thảo luận (1)