From the above discussion it is clear that Protein, Carbohydrates, fats, minerals, Vitamins, etc. are important ingredients of food and lack of these in our diet has a negative effect on our body."A Balanced diet can be defined as one which contains different types of foods in such quantities and proportions that the need for calories minerals, vitamins and others nutrients is adequately met and small provision is made for extra nutrients to withstand short duration of leanness."Every person needs (i) Energy giving food (ii) Body Building food (iii) Protective food from his daily diet. A balanced diet means a diet, which contains all the above constilveats in needed quantity, in accordance with the requirements of age, sex, constitution of the body, the type of work and climatic conditions.No rigid rules can be laid down about the actual requirements of diet by a person everyday. The proportion and percentage of the various constituents of diet depend upon the occupation, physical condition, sex, age and climate, generally a person requires about 3200 calories of heat energy in order to maintain the proper function of the body.These 3200 calories should be given by a proper combination of food elements. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be in the proportion of 1: 1: 3. The proportion differs in accordance with the physical conditions and nature of work.Children, heavy workers, tall and fat persons require more food. Similarly, people living in cold countries consume larger quantity of food than people living in warm countries.Diet of man and boys is more than the diet of woman and girls. Persons, who do a lot of mental work, should take less carbohydrate but more proteins.
There are several significant advantages of eating a balanced diet. First of all, because this diet consists of the main nutrients, which are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, the body can gain the whole needs of them and support it to work properly. This leads to have healthy nutritious organs and tissues. Secondly, due to the increase number of illnesses around the world, fully completed diet is able to protect the human’s body from the widespread diseases. Cancers is, for instance, a common one among people. Eventually, if a person strengths his immune system from an early age by eating balanced diet every day, it is definitely difficult to be affected with these diseases or even the chronic pains. Therefore, there has been a strong connection between healthy life style and the balanced diet.
It has been claimed that eating balanced diet is not beneficial for living healthy. As this diet has been organized by professions, we cannot eat more than 10% of sugar daily. However, some individuals in our society could not stuck with only this limit because chocolate and candies, for example are the main part of their life, which make them extremely happily. As a consequence, diet means for many kind of entertainment and happiness. Eventually, without specific food, they may feel tired and unhealthy.
To conclude, the balanced diet has brought plenty of positives effects, so once the individual maintains on this nutritious diet, the potential cause of having any disorder would be rare. Nevertheless, those people, who are against eating balanced diets, might understand the value of this diet in future.