Sort. Write R for the rules photographers follow and B for rules that they've broken.
1. Turn the camera and point it upwards.
2. Leave space for people to move into.
3. Point your camera directly into the light.
4. Shoot with the light behind you.
5. Focus on the main subject of the photo.
6. Keep lines straight.
1. R 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. R 6. B
Giải thích:
1. Thông tin “But in this photo, the photographer turned the camera and pointed it up’’
2. Thông tin “Photographers mention the active space rule—to leave empty space for people to move into. Try doing the opposite. Photograph people moving away from the space, like in this photo’’
3. Thông tin “Photographers say never point your camera directly into the sun — the light has to come from behind’’
4. Thông tin “Photographers say never point your camera directly into the sun — the light has to come from behind’’
5. Thông tin “Photographers say the main subject of the photograph should always be in focus.’’
6. Thông tin “When you take pictures of the outdoors, photographers say to keep lines straight’’
Hướng dẫn dịch:
1. Xoay camera và hướng lên trên.
2. Chừa không gian cho mọi người di chuyển vào.
3. Hướng máy ảnh của bạn trực tiếp vào ánh sáng.
4. Chụp với ánh sáng phía sau bạn.
5. Tập trung vào chủ đề chính của bức ảnh.
6. Giữ đường thẳng.