If you want to help your planet, do not think that there is nothing that can be done. Everyone plays an important part in keeping the environment clean and safe. This means you can do so much and probably more than you think that you can. In fact, we are sharing with you 60 ways that you can go green. These tips are easy and things that anyone can use, so do not wait!
1. Change your light bulbs. Changing just one of the light bulbs in your home to a florescent light could make a serious impact on your energy consumption. Imagine what can happen if you change them all.
New Delhi most polluted capital for third year2. Turn your computers off at night. Even on energy-saving mode, you are using a lot of energy.
3. Turn off lights in the home when they are not being used. This alone can cut energy costs greatly.
4. Don’t turn on lights at all for as long as you can. Open your curtains and use natural light.
5. Stop rinsing dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. This is a great source of water and energy waste!
6. Stop using disposable bags. Get some reusable bags. Take your own bags with you to the grocery store. You reduce the use of plastic, and we all know how dangerous plastic is to the environment.
7. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reduce the usage of packaged food items—reuse scrap paper. Recycle old jars.
8. Repurpose glass jars as leftover containers and bulk storage, especially in the kitchen.
9. Fix leaky faucets. This includes the toilet and the sinks in the home. Even a small leakage can cause a good amount of wastage of water
You can use these tips to help the planet become greener!