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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 5: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
1. I couldn't help at his jokes.
A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed
2. Tom offered Jane a ticket to the theater, but she refused to take it.
A. to give B. give C. giving D. to be given
3. Those workers stopped their coffee because they felt tired of their new work.
A. drink B. drank C. drinking D. to drink
4. He asked them
A. help him B. should help him C. to help him D. help to him
5. Mr Minh advised my family leaving Vietnam.
A. to think B. not to think C. against D. against to
6. I hope that woman again.
A. to see B. of seeing C. seeing D. have seen
7. She wasted much time her old pair of shoes.
A. mend B. to mend C. mending D. to be mended
8. He regrets lazy last year. He lost his job.
A. to be B. be C. been D. being
9. She remembered that woman last month.
A. of seeing B. to see C. seeing D. have seen
10.David tried his best , but his girlfriend refused
A. explaining; to listen B. explaining; listening
C. to explain; to listen D. to explain; listening
11.Willy denied a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies before lunch.
A. eat B. to eat C. having eaten D. eaten
12.I was delighted my old friends again.
A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. to be seen
13.We regret you that we cannot approve your suggestion.
A. inform B. to inform C. informing D. informed
14.Have you ever considered a pharmacist?
A. become B. becoming C. to become D. became
15.You had better at home until you feel better.
A. staying B. stayed C. to stay D. stay
16.I remember my mother said the grass in the garden needed .
A. to hear; cutting B. hear; cut C. heard; to cut D. hearing; cutting
17.My teacher doesn't allow us while he is explaining the lesson.
A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked
19.We have plenty of time. We needn't
A. hurry B. to hurry C. hurrying D. hurried
20.I promised on time. I mustn't late.
A. be; be B. to be; to be C. to be; be D. be; to be
21.My daughter sometimes practices _____ _ English with her friends after school.

A. to speaking B. to speak C. speak D. speaking
22.When Tommy started to learn French, he had a difficult time _______ the words correctly.
A. pronounce B. pronunciation C. pronouncing D. to pronounce
23.Most women expect________________more help with the housework from their husbands.
A. to get B. getting C. get D. to getting
24.Your house needs ____________________.
A. redecorated B. redecorating C. being redecorated D. to redecorate
25.I can’t read when I am traveling. It makes me __________sick.
A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling
26.I suggest _____________some more mathematical puzzles.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. done
27.Have you ever considered ______________a pharmacist?
A. become B. becoming C. to become D. became
28.My father wanted me __________a pilot.
A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became
29.Please wait a minute. My boss is busy ___________something.
A. write B. writing C. to write D. to writing
30.My teacher doesn’t allow us ___________while he is explaining the lesson.
A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked
31.I promised __________on time. I mustn’t be late.
A. be B. to be C. being D. am
32.Mary and I are looking forward ___________you.
A. of seeing B. for seeing C. to seeing D. to see
33.The students are used to ____________in the school library.
A. working B. work C. to work D. worked
34.Our room needs ____________up.
A. tidied B. to tide C. tidy D. tidying
35.“Was the test long?”. “Yes, John was the only one ___________it”
A. to finish B. finishing C. finished D. finish
36.If he really doesn’t feel like _________now, I suggested that he should go out for some fresh air.
A. work B. to work C. worked D. working
37. I (A) spend (B) most of (C) my free time (D) to read books.
38. Would you mind (A) give me (B) a hand (C) with (D) this bag?
39. (A) I’d (B) like to (C) retirement when I (D) am sixty.
40. (A) We expect (B) getting a (C) pay rise (D) next month.
41. He (A) has stopped (B) play football (C) because he's (D) too old.
42. We insist on (A) you (B) leaving the meeting (C) before any (D) further outbursts.
43. She is (A) no longer young (B) enough (C) to entering a beauty (D) contest.
44. He (A) knows to repair (B) the carburetor without (C) taking the whole car (D) apart.
45. She must (A) retyping the report (B) before she (C) hands it in (D) to the director of financing.
46. All the (A) students (B) are looking (C) forward spending (D) their free time relaxing in the sun this

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1. Al painted his bedroom black. It looks dark and dreary. He _____ a different colour
A. had to choose B. should have chosen
C. must have chosen D. could have been choosing
2. Tom is sitting at his desk. He’s reading his chemistry notes because he has a test tomorrow. He _____.
A. could study B. should be studying
C. will study D. must be studying
3. When Mr. Lee was younger, he _____ work in the garden for hours, but now he has to take frequent
rests because he has emphysema.
7 | T h u H u y e n N g u y e n
A. has got to B. can C. should be able to D. could
4. Whenever my parents went out in the evening, I _____ the job of taking care of my younger brother.
A. would get B. should get C. must have gotten D. had better get
5. Yesterday I _____ to a furniture store. I bought a lamp there.
A. could go B. went C. could have gone D. out to have gone
6. Jimmy and Maria were mischievous children. They _____ tricks on their teachers, which always got
them into a lot of trouble.
A. could play B. used to play C. could have played D. may have played
7. Robert has a new car. He _____ it for a good price. He paid 30% less than the regular retail cost.
A. could buy B. had to buy C. was supposed to buy D. was able to buy
8. - ‘Did you enjoy the picnic?’ – ‘It was okay, but I’d rather _____ to a movie’.
A. go B. be going C. have gone D. went
9. - ‘Why are you so sure that Ann didn’t commit the crime she’s been accused of committing?’
- ‘She _____ that crime because I was with her, and we were out of town on that day.’
A. may not have committed B. wasn’t supposed to commit
C. committed D. can’t have committed
10. –‘Since we have to be there in a hurry, we _____ take a taxi.’ - ‘I agree’.
A. had better B. may C. have been used to D. are able to
11. - ‘It _____ rain this evening. Why don’t you take an umbrella? –‘That’s a good idea’
A. had better B. could be C. must D. might
12 ‘. _____ you hand me that pair of scissors, please?’ - ‘Certainly.’
A. May B. Shall C. Will D. Should
13. - ‘Larry drove all night to get here for his sister’s wedding. He _____ exhausted by the time he
arrived.’ –‘He was’
A. ought to be B. could be C. must have been D. will have been
14. - ‘What are you doing here now? You _____ be here for another three hours.’
- ‘I know. We got an early start and it took less than we expected. I hope you don’t mind.’
A. couldn’t B. might not C. had better not D. aren’t supposed to
15. - ‘ _____ taking me downtown on your way to work this morning?’ – ‘Not at all’
A. Can you B. Why don’t you C. Would you mind D. Could you please
16. - ‘I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn’t know what to do’
- ‘You _____ your roommate.’
A. could have called B. may have called C. would have called D. must have called
17, - ‘You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. You _____ be really hungry!’
- ‘I am’
A. might B. will C. can D. must
18. - ‘How long have you been married?’
- ‘We _____ have been married for twenty-three years on our next anniversary.’
A. must B. should C. will D. could
19. - ‘I _____ there at 6 pm for the meeting, but my car won’t start. Could you please me a lift in your
car?’ -‘Sure. Are you ready to go now?’
A. will be B. may be C. supposed to be D. have got to be
20. - ‘I left a cookie on the table, but now it’s gone. What happened to it?’
- ‘I don’t know. One of the children _____ it.’
A. may have eaten B. could it C. had to eat D. should have eaten
21. - ‘My boss is always looking over my shoulder whenever I do anything’
- ‘That _____ bother you.’ -‘But it does.’
A. shouldn’t B. might not C. may not D. won’t
22. - ‘This movie is boring and violent.’ – ‘I agree. _____ we leave?’
A. Will we B. Why don’t we C. Must we D. Would we
23. - ‘Chris, you _____ the fish in the refrigerator before it spoils.’
8 | T h u H u y e n N g u y e n
- ‘You are right. I didn’t know it was still in my shopping bag.’
A. had better put B. had to put C. would rather put D. may put
24. - ‘What does Mr. Griffin do for a living?’
- ‘Nothing. He’s very rich. He _____ work for a living’
A. must not B. shouldn’t C. doesn’t have to D. hadn’t better
25. - ‘Why are you so late?’ -‘I _____ my aunt to the airport. The traffic was terrible.’
A. could take B. must have taken C. should take D. had to take
26. - ‘I heard that Laura was offered a job at a top computer firm in Chicago.’
- ‘Oh? That’s wonderful! She _____ very pleased.’
A. is supposed to be B. might be C. must be D. is
27. - ‘The hot weather doesn’t seem to bother you’
- ‘When I had my farm, I _____ work in the hot fields for hours.’
A. used to B. ought to C. must D. had better
28. - ‘They towed my car away from executive parking lot yesterday’
- ‘You _____ park there.’
A. may not B. should not C. must not D. might not
29. - ‘Are you going to have a big birthday party for your father?’
- ‘ Not this year, but next year. He _____ 50 years old then.’
A. should be B. must be C. will be D. has to be
30. - ‘I need some help with that table. _____ you lift the other end, please?’
- ‘Sure, just a second’
A. May B. Could C. Should D. Shall
31. - ‘How did you get my telephone number? It’s not listed in the phone book, so you _____ have found
it in the directory.’ -‘Actually I got it from your father’
A. may not B. won’t C. might not D. couldn’t
32. - ‘Is that volcano dormant or active?’
- ‘Active, according to experts, it _____ erupt again in the very near future.’
A. can B. could C. must D. might
33. - ‘Last year I _____ this fine print in these contracts, but now I can’t’
- ‘You’d better go to an optician or an eye physician.’
A. can see B. could see C. must see D. ought to see
34. - ‘Is littering against the laws?’
- ‘Yes. There are laws that say that you _____ throw trash on the streets.’
A. can’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t
35. - ‘Do you want to go to the seashore for vacation?’
- ‘I think I’d rather _____ to the mountain.’
A. to go B. go C. going D. have gone
36. - ‘Barbara just told me that she can’t go to the meeting tonight.’
- ‘She _____go! We need her there for the financial report.’
A. has got to B. has gotten to C. have to D. must be
37. - ‘_____ letting me use your bicycle for a little while?’ - ‘Not at all’
A. Please to B. Would you mind C. Will you D. Could you please
38. - ‘We _____ be here. That sign says ‘No Trespassing.’
- ‘It’s too late now. We are already here.’
A. couldn’t B. don’t have to C. might not D. aren’t supposed to
39. - ‘Harry new jacket doesn’t seem to fit him very well.’
- ‘He _____ it on before he bought it.’
A. must have tried B. was able to try C. should have tried D. may have tried
40. - ‘Do you like to play tennis?’
- ‘Yes. When I worked at the embassy, I _____ meet a friend at 5 afternoon for a game.’
A. wou