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Chủ đề:

Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy

Câu hỏi:

I. Choose the correct option:
1. Whose bike is this?- Is it really ( his / your) ?
2. Is he ( your/ his ) brother? – Yes, he is mine.
3. It is ( our / theirs) car. It’s not theirs.
4. Her hat is yellow. ( Our / Ours) is red.
5.Is this Hoang ‘s room ?- Yes, it’s ( his / ours) ?
II. Choose the best answer.
6. Jane has already eaten her lunch, but I’m saving _____________until later.
A. ours B. hers C. yours D. mine
7._____________home is located downtown, so it’s close to my work.
A. Mine B. Ours C. Our D. We
8. Her friend says it’s______, but I think it belongs to them.
A.her B. his C. our D. theirs
9. These suitcases belong to you and your wife. These suitcases are
A. yours B. your’s C. hers D. ours
10. The teacher told the children to open books.
A. their B. theirs C. their’s D. his
11. Id like you to meet Rita. She’s a great friend of .
A. us B. our C. ours D. me
12. The house is big, but windows are small.
A. it B. its C. it’s D. their
13. Sue fell down the stairs and broke leg.
A. her B. hers C. its D. his
14. Your travel plans sound just as exciting as________________!
A. I B. me C. my D. mine
15. The mother cat and _______________kittens were napping in the sunshine
A. his B. it’s C. her D. hers

III. Read the following passage, and then choose the correct answers: true (T), or false (F).
“Sky Whale’ is a plane with four engines that can carries over 700 people. The airplane will
exist for short distances between cities. The technology will use eco-engines with energy
recovery systems which are able to feed back to the planes themselves.
With a capacity to transport a large number of passengers, like a train of high speed,
‘Sky Whale’ will be a safer type of planes for the future.
We will also have supersonic planes which are transcontinental or transoceanic. They
can fly at very high altitudes more than 30,000 metres and at record speeds. The engines
which can change according to the situations are called intelligent engines.

16. ‘Sky Whale’ can carry a large number of passengers. T F
17. The airplane will be used for long distances between cities because it T F
has four engines.
18. ‘Sky Whale’ can travel at a high speed. T F
19. Transcontinental planes can fly at the maximum altitude of 3,000 metres T F
and at record speeds.
20. Intelligent engines are the ones that can change according to the situations. T F