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1. You ________ television. You should go out and get some fresh air from time to time.

a) watch always b) are always watching

c) are watching always d) are usually watching

2. A window was open and a bird ________ into the room.

a) flowed b) has flown c) died d) flew

3. I don't know what you're cooking for dinner, but it smells ________.

a) really nicely b) really nice c) real nice d) real nicely

4. — ________ to be a hotel over there?

—Yes, but they knocked it down a few years ago.

a) Didn't there used b) Didn't there use c) Wasn't there use d) Wasn't there used

5. Guernica is a famous painting ________ Pablo Picasso.

a) painted by b) which painted

c) which painted by d) that the artist is

6. Don't expect any sympathy from the boss. She's as hard as ________.

a) metal b) stones c) bolts d) nails

7. I couldn't move the piano by myself, so I asked a neighbour ________ me.

a) for helping b) in order to help c) that he help d) to help

8. I don't want to talk ________ happened last night. Let's just forget it.

a) of what b) about what c) about that d) of that which

9. —Do you think ________ harder if they paid you more?

—Well, yes, probably.

a) you'd work b) you had worked c) would you work d) will you work

10. Could you ________ me a favour and post this letter for me?

a) do b) make c) effect d) fix

11. —Do you happen to know when ________?

—Just before midnight.

a) does leave the last bus b) is the last bus leaving

c) the last bus leaves d) does the last bus leave

12. We shall need to do ________ into the cause of the problem.

a) some more researches b) some more research

c) other researches d) another researches

13. —Louise is a vegetarian. She never eats meat.

— ________. I've been a vegetarian for years.

a) I don't, too b) I don't neither c) Me, neither d) I neither

14. I've written a letter to Laura, but ________.

a) yet I haven't sent it b) I yet haven't sent it

c) I already haven't sent it d) I haven't sent it yet

15. ________, E.T. is the worst film that Spielberg ever made.

a) As far as I'm concerned b) As near as I'm concerned

c) As far as my opinion is d) As near as my opinion is

16. Let's not waste any more time, ________?

Just tell me how much you want.

a) do we b) don't we c) should we d) shall we

17. Would you mind ________ your computer?

a) if I used b) if I use c) if I'm using d) that I use

18. We finally ________ the problem.

a) succeeded to solve b) succeeded in solving

c) managed in solving d) obtained to solve

19. —Why were you hurrying?

—I was hurrying ________ late.

a) for not being b) to not be

c) so that I'm not d) so that I wouldn't be

20. —Can I borrow your scissors for half an hour?

—Listen. I don't mind if you borrow my scissors. Just don't forget to ________ back to me when you've finished.

a) bring them b) bring it c) take them d) take it


We like their …...

A. friends B. friendly C. friendliness D. a&c

Question 2: The …. between Vietnam and China is good.

A. friends B. friendly C. friendliness D. friendship

Question 3: They seem to be ….. We dislike them.



A. friends B. friendly C. friendliness D. unfriendly

Question 4: There will be a …. in this street.

A. meet B. meeting C. met D. a&b

Question 5: We saw …. girls there.

A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify

Question 6: The garden is … with trees and flowers.

A. beauty B. beautified C. beautifully D. beautify

Question 7: They enjoy the …. atmosphere here.

A. peaceably B. peace C. peaceful D. A & C

Question 8: The …. unit of currency is the Ringgit.

A. Malaysia B. Malaysian C. Malay D. no answer is correct

Question 9: In ….., there are other religions.

A. addition B. additionally C. add D. addiction

Question 10: The _________ of old buildings should be taken into consideration.

A. preserve B. preservation C. preservative D. preserves


Question 11: You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the _______ of wildlife.


A. extinct B. extinctive C. extinctions D. extinction


Question 12: The language of …… is Bahasa Malaysia.


A. instruction B. instruct C. instructive D. instructing


Question 13: The problem of ________ among young people is hard to solve.


A. employment B. employers C. employees D. unemployment


Question 14: The ________ will judge you on your quality and performance.


A. examining B. examinees C. examiners D. examination


Question 15: A (An) _____ corporation is a company that operates in more than one country.


A. national B. international C. multinational D. nationwide


Question 16: Excessive ___________ to direct sunlight should of course be avoided.


A. disposition B. disposal C. exposition D. exposure


Question 17: There was quite a _________ crowd at the match.


A. respective B. respectable C. respectable D. respected


Question 18: He was finally _________ in his final attempt.


A. successful B. successive C. unsuccessful D. unsuccessful


Question 19: Our education will help with the _________ of knowledge for the young.



t B. rich C. riches D. richness




Question 1: How many ___________ took part in the 22 nd SEA Games?

A. competitors B. competitive C. competes D. competitions

Question 2: Boys often enjoy doing things in a ___________ way.

A. create B. creative C. creativity D. creatively

Question 3: The problem of ________ among young people is hard to solve.

A. employment B. employee C. employers D. unemployment

Question 4: The children ___________ high grade at school.

A. achieve B. achievement C. achievable D. achieving



Question 5: She was the first in her family to enjoy the privilege of a university ________.


A. educated B. educational C. educating D. education


Question 6: Buckingham Palace is a major tourist ________ in London.


A. attract B. attraction C. attractive D. attractiveness


Question 7: Some species of rare animals are in ________ of extinction.


A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. endanger


Question 8: Electronic music is a kind of music in which sounds are produced ________.


A. electron B. electric C. electronic D. electronically


Question 9: Are you sure that boys are more _______ than girls?


A. act B. active C. action D. activity


Question 10: These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.


A. solve B. solvable C. solutions D. solvability


Question 11: Housework is ________ shared between them.


A. equally B. equal C. equality D. equalizing


Question 12: Don't forget to say goodbye to the ___________ before leaving the office.


A. interviewer B. interviewing C. interviewee D. interview


Question 13: Vietnamese athletes performed_______ and won a lot of gold medals. A.


excellent B. excellently C. excellence D. excel


A. excellent B. excellently C. excellence D. excel


Question 14: WHO‘s main activities are carrying out research on medical _______ and improving international health care.


A. develop B. developing C. development D. develops


Question 15: The panda‘s __________ habitat is the bamboo forest.


A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. natured


Question 16: To Americans, it is impolite to ask someone about age, ________and salary.


A. marry B. married C. marriage D. marrying

Question 17: Life here is very _____.

A. peaceful B. peacefully C. peace D. peacefulness

Question 18: Farmers can enrich the soil by using ______.

A. fertile B. fertility C. fertilize D. fertilizer

Question 19: Nowadays, chemicals are ______ into some fruits to reduce decay.

A. injection B. injecting C. inject D. injected



Question 20: What‘s your _______? – I‘m Vietnamese.


A. nation B. national C. nationality D. international





Question 1: A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book ________.


A. review B. reviewing C. reviewer D. reviewed

Question 2: Read the book ________ and you can find the information you need.

A. care B. careful C. carefulness D. carefully

Question 3: Not many people find reading more ________ than watching TV.

A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly

Question 4: To become a novelist, you need to be ________.

A. imagine B. imagination C. imaginative D. imaginarily

Question 5: They are going to _______ the pool to 1.8 meter.

A. deep B. depth C. deepen D. deeply

Question 6: The referee had no hesitation in awarding the visiting team a _______.

A. penalty B. penalize C. penal D. penalization

Question 7: The sick man still finds it _____ to stand without support.

A. discomfort B. comforting C. uncomfortable D. comfortable

Question 8: You will have to work hard if you want to ___________.

A. succeed B. successfully C. success D. successful

Question 9: Their___________ has lasted for more than 20 years.

A. friendly B. friend C. friends D. friendship

Question 10: English is an ______ language to learn.

A. easiness B. easily C. easy D. ease

Question 11: Physical ______ are good for our health.

A. activities B. activists C. actions D. acts

Question 12: You should write a letter of ….. to that institute.

A. inquire B. inquiry C. inquisition D. inquisitor

Question 13: Don't eat those vegetables. They're ………...

A. poison B. poisoning C. poisoned D. poisonous



Question 14: We‘ll live a happier and …… life if we keep our environment clean.


A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. healthier

Question 15:

He decided, very ………, not to drive when he was so tired

A. sense B. sensitively C. sensibly D. sensible

Question 16: Environmental ……. is everybody's responsibility.

A. protect B. protection C. destruction D. damage

Question 17:

In the future, many buildings will be ……. by solar energy.

A. hot B. hoter C. hottest D. hotter

Question 18: My brother can repair electric ………. very well.

A. apply B. applicator C. application D. appliances

Question 19: These ….. will conserve the earth's resources. (INNOVATE)

A. innovate B. innovation C. innovations D. innovative

Question 20: …… is now a serious problem in many countries.

A. Forest B. Forestry C. Deforestation D. Forestall

Question 21: Burning coal is an ….. way to heat the house. Gas is much cheaper.

A. economy B. economic C. uneconomical D. B&C

Question 22: Sometimes I have some …. which can't be explained

A. fell B. felling C. feel D. feelings

Question 23: The earthquake caused terrible …….

A. destroying B. destroyed C. destruction D. destroys

Question 24: The cost of the ….. must be paid by the buyer.

A. carry B. carrying C. carried D. carriage

Question 25: Why don't you call the …….. if the lights don't work?

A. electricity B. electric C. electrician D. electrics

Question 26: Everyone has a number of …….., but no one has many true friends.

A. acquaint B. acquaintances C. acquainting D. acquainters

Question 27: His son's ……. has not improved much.

A. behave B. behaviour C. behavourist D. behavourism

Question 28: He draws cartoons for a …….. magazine.

A. humour B. humourous C. human D. humourously

Question 29: You shouldn't …….. others if you also have a lot of mistakes.

A. critic B. critical C. criticize D. critically

Question 30: They tried to win but their efforts are …...



A. success B. successful C. successfully D. unsuccessful


Question 1: That little girl can dance …….

A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify

Question 2: Since her ….. the room has been full of laughter.

A. arrival B. arrive C. arriver D. arriveness

Question 3: Most modern buildings have underground …… lots.

A. park B. parking C. parks D. no answer is correct

Question 4: I went to the ….. store to buy something.

A. grocer B. grocery C. grow D. growing

Question 5: There is no water left in the ……. well.

A. nearby B. near C. nearly D. no answer is correct

Question 6: He is now studying in the USA as an ….. student.

A. change B. changeable C. changing D. exchange

Question 7: They have a good …. of stamps.

A. collect B. collected C. collecting D. collection

Question 8:

Goods are …. as long as they are returned in good condition.

A. change B. changes C. changing D. changeable

Question 9: The party …. twenty bottles from various parts of the house yesterday.

A. collect B. collected C. collecting D. collection

Question 10: When did you start ….. antique glass?

A. collecting B. collection C. collective D. collectively

Question 11: The more _______ and positive you look, the better you will feel.

A. confide B. confident C. confidently D. confidence

Question 12: My parents will have celebrated 30 years of _______ by next week.

A. marry B. married C. marriageable D. marriage


EXERCISE 5: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. He will ________ die if you don't call a doctor. (CERTAIN)
2. Big students aren't ________ intelligent students. (NECESSITY)
3. I don't believe what he has just said. It's very ________ (REASON)
4. I don't feel at ________ when living with him in the same room (EASY)
5. Would you tell me your ________? I'm American (NATION)
6. These machines can harvest the corn ________ (AUTOMATIC)
7. The villagers need the ________ of food and pure water ________. (PROVIDE)
8. They will ________ this road because its ________ is too narrow. (WIDE)
9. This country has ________ climate. (CONTINENT)
10. Helping the poor is a ________ act. (RESPECT)
EXERCISE 6: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. You should take our parents' ________. (ADVISE)
2. You should do what the ________ told if you want to pass the test. (INSTRUCT)
3. The island is ________ only by boat. (ACCESS)
4. That ________ spoke so fast that I couldn't understand him. (FOREIGN)
5. He plays the piano well ________. (TOLERATE)
6. Travelling by public transport is very ________ as there are long delays. (ATTRACT)
7. Prices continue to show an upward ________. (TEND)
8. You have to admire her ________ to learn English. (DETERMINE)
9. Bad planning will lead to ________ later. (DIFFICULT)
10. She's perfectly ________ in her demands. (REASON)
EXERCISE 7: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. You must be ________ when you open the door. (CARE)
2. Our school has a lot of ________ teachers. (QUALIFY)
3. When you take an exam, you are an ________ (EXAMINE)
4. We could see some strange ________ on her face. (EXPRESS)
5. Your English is much better, but there’s still room for ________ (IMPROVE)
6. You should write a letter of ________ to that institute. (INQUIRE)
7.1 watch the news every day because it’s very ________ (INFORM)
8. The Internet is a very useful means of ________ (COMMUNICATE)
9. We can see many ________ on TV every day. (ADVERTISE)
10. They live in a ________ area in the north-east of the country. (MOUNTAIN)
EXERCISE 8: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. It's ________ of you to cheat in the exam. (HONEST)

Ms. Dieu Ha_0919.250.385_dieuha@gmail.com 5
2. The police are looking for a dangerous ________ (CRIME)
3. She receives a lot of ________ from her friends. (COURAGE)
4. There are ________ about wearing uniforms at school. (ARGUE)
5. The ________ situation in that country is getting worse and worse. (ECONOMY)
6. The Internet has ________ developed in very field. (INCREASE)
7. We must learn about keeping the environment ________ (POLLUTE)
8. Don't eat those vegetables. They’re ________ (POISON)
9. We'll live a happier and ________ life if we keep our environment clean. (HEALTH)
10. You are talking complete ________ (SENSE)


EXERCISE 4: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. The secretary decided to send in her ________ yesterday. (RESIGN)
2. Nobody likes to work under ________. (PRESS)
3. He considered my ________ unfair. (DECIDE)
4. Do you know what caused his ________? (DISMISS)
5. Their ________ for power lasted a long time. (STRUGGLE)
6. His ________ caused us a lot of trouble. (OMIT)
7. When is his ________ with the dentist? (APPOINT)
8. It was not my ________ to hurt your feelings. (INTEND)
9. The ________ in this room is very old-fashioned. (FURNISH)
10. Don't listen to him. He is a ________. (TIE)
EXERCISE 5: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. He will ________ die if you don't call a doctor. (CERTAIN)
2. Big students aren't ________ intelligent students. (NECESSITY)
3. I don't believe what he has just said. It's very ________ (REASON)
4. I don't feel at ________ when living with him in the same room (EASY)
5. Would you tell me your ________? I'm American (NATION)
6. These machines can harvest the corn ________ (AUTOMATIC)
7. The villagers need the ________ of food and pure water ________. (PROVIDE)
8. They will ________ this road because its ________ is too narrow. (WIDE)
9. This country has ________ climate. (CONTINENT)
10. Helping the poor is a ________ act. (RESPECT)
EXERCISE 6: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. You should take our parents' ________. (ADVISE)
2. You should do what the ________ told if you want to pass the test. (INSTRUCT)
3. The island is ________ only by boat. (ACCESS)
4. That ________ spoke so fast that I couldn't understand him. (FOREIGN)
5. He plays the piano well ________. (TOLERATE)
6. Travelling by public transport is very ________ as there are long delays. (ATTRACT)
7. Prices continue to show an upward ________. (TEND)
8. You have to admire her ________ to learn English. (DETERMINE)
9. Bad planning will lead to ________ later. (DIFFICULT)
10. She's perfectly ________ in her demands. (REASON)
EXERCISE 7: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. You must be ________ when you open the door. (CARE)
2. Our school has a lot of ________ teachers. (QUALIFY)
3. When you take an exam, you are an ________ (EXAMINE)
4. We could see some strange ________ on her face. (EXPRESS)
5. Your English is much better, but there’s still room for ________ (IMPROVE)
6. You should write a letter of ________ to that institute. (INQUIRE)
7.1 watch the news every day because it’s very ________ (INFORM)
8. The Internet is a very useful means of ________ (COMMUNICATE)
9. We can see many ________ on TV every day. (ADVERTISE)
10. They live in a ________ area in the north-east of the country. (MOUNTAIN)
EXERCISE 8: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. It's ________ of you to cheat in the exam. (HONEST)

Ms. Dieu Ha_0919.250.385_dieuha@gmail.com 5
2. The police are looking for a dangerous ________ (CRIME)
3. She receives a lot of ________ from her friends. (COURAGE)
4. There are ________ about wearing uniforms at school. (ARGUE)
5. The ________ situation in that country is getting worse and worse. (ECONOMY)
6. The Internet has ________ developed in very field. (INCREASE)
7. We must learn about keeping the environment ________ (POLLUTE)
8. Don't eat those vegetables. They’re ________ (POISON)
9. We'll live a happier and ________ life if we keep our environment clean. (HEALTH)
10. You are talking complete ________ (SENSE)


EXERCISE 1: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. The teachers ________ the pupils to study. (COURAGE)
2. I want to ________ my house by building an extra room. (EXTENT)
3. The doctor gave her some tablets to ________ the pain. (RELIEF)
4. if the ambulance doesn't come soon, he'll ________ to death. (BLOOD)
5. The police can't ________ that he committed the crime. (PROOF)
6. More floods could ________ hundreds of homes. (DANGER)
7. The police are trying to ________ the body. (IDENTITY)
8. They plan to ________ the bridge by building more stone support. (STRENGTH)
9. She said women must ________ themselves from male domination. (LIBERTY)
10. The smoke was so dense that we could hardly ________. (BREATH)
EXERCISE 2: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1. My brother and I decided to ________ the money we found. (HALF)
2. Why can't they ________ the break so that we have time for a coffee? (LENGTH)
3. Great (TALK) ________ are never great (DO) ________.
4. (LIFE) ________ indeed would be (DULL) ________ if there were no
(DIFFICULT) ________.
5. Have a little more ________, you will be told what has happened. (PATIENT)
6. There is too much ________ in this world. (GREEDY)
7. I’ll never forget the ________ you have shown me. (KIND)
8. The thing I hate most about him is his ________. (SELFISH)
9. The audience clapped loudly in ________. (APPRECIATE)
10. You should try to show a bit more ________ for other people. (CONSIDERATE)
EXERCISE 3: Put the word in bracket into the correct form.
1.1 was very impressed by his ________. (DETERMINE)
2. Her ________ was finally rewarded when they had sent her the wrong bill. (PERSIST)
3. His success is due to hard work and ________. (PERSEVERE)
4. Hurry up! I’m starting to lose ________ with you. (PATIENT)
5. Religious ________ forced them to leave the country. (TOLERATE)