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Chủ đề:

Unit 1 : Back to school

Câu hỏi:

Compelete the following sentenses with the correct form of the world in bracket.

1. They are getting along with their................. (NEIBOURHOOD)

2. My mother cooked a...................dish last night.(TASTE)

3. MY neighbourhood is..................for good and cheap restaurants.(FAME)

4.How often do you.....................yourself?(WEIGHT)

5.The......................of a nieghbourhood is very importan to its dwellers.(SAFE)

6.Everyonein the neighbourhood is .............................with what we have done(PLEASE).

7.The...........................of the house is very kind to us.(OWN)

8.Mary likes attending the English.............................contest.(SPEAK)

9.He was the................................of the school after winning the contest.(POUD)

10.Ourcountry is rich in ...................................reources.(NATURE)

11.Disneyland is one of the famous areas of................................(ENTERTAIN)

12.He had no.........................foe his absence.(EXPLAIN)

13.How...........................of you to break that cup !(CARE)

14.We live in a rather rich..........................(NEIGHBOR)

15.They are members of an international .............................(ORGANIZE)

16.Television is very.........................nowadays.(POPULARITY)

17.He is one of the best .........................in the world.(PHOTOGRAPH)

18.Their first public ........................was not very successful.(PERFORM)

19.The shoes were nice, but they were................................(COMFORT)

20.Hoa and Nien used to be next door...................................(NEIGHBORHOOD)

21.Surface mail is much..........................than airmail.(CHEAP)

22.I can't see him now; it's not.............................(CONVENIENCE)

23.They are very busy with............................the Teacher's Day.(CELEBRATE)

24.Nam thinks the food in this restaurant is.........................(TASTE)