Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 6
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


1.a.great b.beautiful c.teacher d. means

2.a. wet b. better c. rest d. pretty

3.a.horrible b.hour c.house d. here

4.a.party b. lovely c. sky d. empty

5. a. stove b. moment c. sometime d. close


1, I always go to school …….………………………………… bicycle.( With / On /In / By)

2, Her mother buys her a new shirt ……………………………………… her birthday.(/for/to/on/at)

3, “Let’s go out for a walk.” ……………………………………….…………………………

(Yes,I love to /Yes,I’d love to /yes,I like to/ Yes,let’s)

4, Look at those black clouds. It ………………… rain.(/will/ is going to/can/should)

5, Her birthday is on the …………………………………………………………… of July.





6, Duyen …………………………………………....… with us to the museum next weekend.

Won’t go

Doesn’t will go

Won’t goes

Not will go

7, Minh will be eighteen ……………………………………… his next birthday.(/in/at/of/on)

8, …………………… will clean the classroom tomorrow? Tu and Minh.(/What/who/when/where)

9, I …………………………………. a birthday party on Tuesday, November 10th.

(Will having


Am having

Be having)

10, I ……………………………………. to a birthday party tomorrow night. Would you like to come?

(Am going

Will go


Will going)

11, Hoa is very ……………………………….… about her study at the new school.(/worry/worrying/worried/to worried)

12, How old will you be ……………………………… your next birthday?





13, She will ………………………………… some friends to her birthday party.





14, I ………………………………………………………………..… you will come and join the fun.





15, What’s your ……….......................................................................… of birth?





16, Nam is going to the bookshop. He wants to ……………………. some books.(/take/send/post/buy)

17, How ………………………… is this lake? It’s two meters.





18, ………………… don’t you go with us? Because I am busy doing my homework.





III.Supply the correct word form:

1. Mr Thanh … ( be ) a doctor. He ……… ( work) in a hospital in the city center. Every day he ( catch ) the bus to work.

2. What your sister ……………………………………………….. ( do ) now?

- she …………………………………………………… ( cook ) dinner in the kitchen .

3. We ………………………… ( not go ) camping next week. We …( visit ) the museum.

4. Miss Van is a journalist. She (not write) for Lao Dong Newspaper.

-She ( write ) for Nhan Dan Newspaper.

5. I’d like …………………………………………………… (join) your club.

You ………………………………………..… (be) free next Sunday morning , Tan ?

-No. I and my brother (visit) our grandmother

6.Trang (not be) in her room at the moment. She……………………….(cook) in the kitchen.

7.Would you like …………………………………….……….(have) breakfast with eggs , children?

8.Lien …………….(not go) to the movie theater tomorrow. She …… (stay) at home and watch TV.

9.You ……………………………………………………………………(like) your new school , Mai?

10.Yes. But I’m unhappy because I ………………………….. (not have) many friends.

11.Let’s …..(meet) at o’clock in front of the park.

IV.Correct mistakes:

1. How old Hoa will be in her next birthday ?

2. Would you like seeing a movie with I tonight 3. 3.Nhung birthday is in the nith of March.

4. We don’t will have a part on next Friday.

5. Today is Thursday, the two of November. 6. Hoang doesn’t have a lots of friends in her new school.

7. What are your telephone number, Phuong ? 8. Mai will goes to Hai Phong tomorrow afternoon.

9. Who are you and your friends talk about ?

10. Linh live with her uncle on 37 Nguyen Trai Street. ………………………………………………

11, Her sister –in-law has a baby next month…………………………………………….

12, I have to write a letter. Can you lend me a paper and an envelope?

13, You haven’t to stay in bad when you feel better……………………………………………

14, Let’s don’t go home late in the evening…………………………………………………………..

15, Mark is 4 feet 4 inches high……………………………………………………….

16, Why does he want see the pictures of your family?.........................................................................

17, I will make my friend some coffee when he will arrive………………………………………..

18.What an awful day!.........................................................................................................................

19.Do you come to her’s house tonight?...............................................................................................

20.My aunt live on 45 LTK street……………………………………………………………………….

V.Supply the correct adjective form

1. Minh is ………………………………………….. student in our class.(good)

2. July is ………………………………………………………………… than August. (hot)

3. What’s ……………………………………………………….. day in your life? ( happy)

4. These bags are ................................................................ than those ones. (expensive)

5. That is…………………………………...............… armchair I have. (comfortable)

6. Is Vietnam ………………………………………………………….. than Bristain ? (large)

7. Living in the city is ……………………….. than living in the countryside. (noisy)

8. What ……………………………………………………moustain in Viet Nam? (high)

9. That move is …………………………………………..… tan this one. (boring)

10. Who is ……………………………………… Teacher in your school? ( young)

VI.Write questions:

1. The party wil start at seven o’clock in the morning………………………………………

2. I’m talking to Mrs. Nga……………………………………………………………………..

3. It’s five kilometers from our house to the mountain………………………………………..

4. Her family name is Tran……………………………………………………….....................

5. They live at 83 Son Tay Street …………………………………………………...............


1, I often go to school ………………………………………………………………….…… bus.

2, Their grandparents live ………………………………………………………..… 34 Hang Da street.

3, Bob and I come …………..… the same town but my accent is different …………… his.

4, At present, John is staying ……. his brother’s family ……… the city center, very far …his parents.

5, Thanh is a newcomer …………………… class 7D. She sits …………… …………… my cousin.

6, We often go to the concert …………………………………………… weekends.

7, Are you free …………... this Sunday ………………………………………9 o’clock?

I. Supply the correct form of verbs:

I would like ………………………………………………..…………a cup of tea. (have) I like ………………………………………………….….…meals at the restaurant. (have) They enjoyed ………………………………………….………..with us last night. (dance) Would you mind ………………………………….……..…….me your car a moment? (lend) She doesn’t get used to ……………………………..…………………by air. (travel) I didn’t use to ………………………………………….………badly like that. (behave) Fortunately they stopped …………………………..………….………….(talk) It’s very kind of you ………………………………..…………………us this week. (help) It is difficult for him ………………………………..…………….to school. (walk) Nothing can make me …………………………………………..…….(cry) Remind them not to forget ……………………….………………….……………..the message. (send) I remember …………………………………………..…………………you before. (meet) ……………………………………………………….…....in the rain gives me pleasure. (walk) He encouraged me …………………………………………….…….…….part in the exam. (take) I persuaded him ………………………………………………………….….(not smoke)

II. Supply the correct part of speech:

……………………, we missed the ferry. (fortunate) …………………., we arrived in time to say goodbye to him. (luck) Do you know the ………………………..………of the river? (deep) He drove so …………………………………..that he caused the terrible accident. (care) They were ……………………………………..because they did a lot of hard works. (exhaust) May I ask you some …………………………….…………questions? (person) Unless you work for foreign companies, you won’t see the ……………….…………..of English. (important) Did you have ………………………………………..finding its solution? (difficult) Because of her …………………………..…….., she was absent from school. (ill) We had to cancel the meeting because of the president’s ………………………….………(absent)

III. Supply the correct preposition:

You shouldn’t be always proud ………….your achievements. They’ve been at home ………………..10.00 a.m. The flight was put …………..because the bad weather. I am not accustomed …………getting up early in the morning. Fortunately, he arrived ………..time to attend the meeting. It was really kind ………….you to say so. The cakes were divided ……….four pieces. She learnt ……………heart the words. She is not …………………good mood. He didn’t listen ………..my explanation. She died …………heart disease. He didn’t succeed ……….the game. He left home …………the age of 19. The river provided us ……………..water. I tried to give …………smoking.

IV. Complete the sentences with “because/ as/ since/ because of”

The weather was so bad. We had to cancel the flight. à …………………………………………………. He was ill. He stayed at home. à …………………………………………………. We can’t stand him. He behaves badly. à …………………………………………………….. He was lazy. He didn’t pass the exam. à ……………………………………………………… The door is heavy. The boy can’t push it open. à …………………………………………….. They can’t buy this house. It’s too expensive. à ……………………………………………… The student is very intelligent. She can do this exercise. à ………………………………….. The sea was rough. The children couldn’t go swimming. à …………………………………. He was sad. He failed the exam. à …………………………………………………………… He was happy. He succeeded the final test. à …………………………………………………..