Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
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Số lượng câu trả lời 4
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Điểm SP 4

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Câu trả lời:

EX1: Make up imperative sentences using these words below.

1. Listen / teacher. => Listen to the teacher

6. Not / open / book(s). => Don't open the book(s)

2. Not / talk / class. => Don't talk in the class.

7. Sing / a song. (hát 1 bài hát) => Sing a song.

3. Look / board. => Look at board.

8. Not / sit down. => Don't sit down.

4. Not /make noise. => Don't make noise.

9. Read / dialogue => Read the dialogue

5. Close / books. => Close the books.

10. Not / be late for school.(muộn,chậm) => Don't be late for school.

EX2. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Hãy mở cửa ra. => OPEN THE DOOR

2. Hãy đóng cửa sổ lại. => CLOSE THE DOOR

3. Đừng đi học muộn . => DON'T GO TO SCHOOL

4. Hãy nhìn lên bảng. => LOOK AT THE BOARD

5. Đừng nói chuyện trong lớp. Hãy giữ trật tự => DON'T TALK IN THE CLASS. BE QUIET.

EX3. Put a suitable personal pronoun / posessive pronouns into the blanks.

1.....I... am Thu. This is ...MY..... brother. ..HIS.. name is Hai. ...HE... is a teacher.

2. Mr. and Mrs Brown are in ..THEIR... livingroom. ...THEY.. are teachers.There are three 4 people in ..THEIR.... family.

3.What’s this? ........IT....... is a pen.

4....SHE... name is Nga. ....SHE... is ..MY.... sister. What is ...HER.. name , Lan?

5...MY.. friends and I are students. ........WE....... are good students. And these are ...OUR.... teachers.

6. What’s .YOUR.. telephone number, Lan? .MY... telephone number is 0398572000

Ex4. Complete the open dialogue.

Minh: ........HI........., Hoa.

Hoa: Hi,Minh ......HOW........ .....ARE...... you?

Minh: .....I...... ....AM.......... fine, thank ...YOU.... ..........AND....... ....YOU....?

Hoa: Fine. ......THANKS.......

Minh How .....OLD.... ....ARE.... you?

Hoa: ........I'M..... eleven .....YEARS........ .........OLD...........

Minh: What’s ....YOUR....... .............BIRTHDAY................. ?

Hoa: It’s ........................27 SEPTEMBER............................

Ex5: Rearrange these sentenses into a suitable dialogue between Hoa, Thanh and Linh.

1. Hello, Thanh and Linh. How are you? 1

2. Bye. 8

3. Oh.Hi, Hoa. How are you? 3

4. How old are you? 5

5. We’re fine, thanks. 2

6. We’re eleven years old 6

7. Fine, thanks. 4

8. Goodbye . 7