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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Find ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.

1. I came back home after my sister had finish her dinner. A B C D

2. Frank said that he has met Sir. Alex Ferguson before. A B C D

3. Before Christine goes to bed, she had drunk a glass of wine. A B C D

4. She told her husband she hadn't wore such a kind of dress before.

5. When I arrived at the stadium, the football match had starting.


6. There was a big storm in this village before I came here.


7. Thanks for the prompt financial aids of the government, the life of people in this town had become less miserable.

8. I weren’t informed anything about the wildfire last week.

9. Fortunately, they learnt how to do in case of earthquakes before it occurred.

10. All the visitors was prevented from continuing their exploration because of the uninformed landslide.

11. If I was an astronaut, I would be really famous in my country.

12. Please don’t drink this water because it is contaminate.

13. She would like to know how pronounce these Spanish words.

14. Jack has never be there before, so he is so excited.

15. Mr. Smith went to the church to feel relaxed every day.

16. The sea will rise level if the ice melted.

17. The water is contaminated as a result in pouring lots of chemicals into the river.

18 Why has John been ability to learn a lot of languages?

19. Hundreds of houses was destroyed after the earthquake.

20. Typhoons are happened in her hometown once a year.