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Số lượng câu hỏi 6
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Exercise 7

1. Scott's equipment was spoilt ______ repair.

A.   out of

B.    beyond

C.    from

D.   within


2. Adjust the driver's seat so that all the controls are ______ reach.


A.   out of

B.    from

C.    within

D.   beyond


3. We are ______ no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here.


A.   beyond

B.    under

C.    in

D.   without


4. It seems to be your boss who is ______ fault in this case.


A.   at

B.    with

C.    without

D.   in


5. I guess Mary is ______ the verge of a nervous breakdown.


A.   on

B.    at

C.    in

D.   of


6. It's too late to phone Jill at work, ______ any rate.


A.   in

B.    by

C.    from

D.   at


7. How can Jane love Sam? They have nothing ______ common.


A.   at

B.    in

C.    by

D.   of


8. They should be here soon. They are ______ the way.


A.   in

B.    by

C.    on

D.   at


9. I would never have suspected Jim ______ being a criminal.


A.   of

B.    in

C.    with

D.   at


10. How did Sheila confess ______ the news of her marriage?


A.   in

B.    at

C.    to

D.   of



Exercise 8

1. Could you deal ______ this problem? I'm rather busy.

A.   with

B.    for

C.    to

D.   by


2. I must go on a diet. I ______ a lot of weight.


A.   held up

B.    put on

C.    put up

D.   brought up


3. We were ______ when we saw how much he had changed.


A.   pulled out

B.    taken by surprise

C.    taken aback

D.   set back


4. I try to be friendly but it's hard to ______ some of my colleagues.


A.   come up with

B.    get by

C.    get on with

D.   get after


5. What do the initials LTP ______?


A.   take over

B.    turn out

C.    stand for

D.   keep to


6. Suddenly the fire alarm ______ and everyone had to leave the building.


A.   got round

B.    set off

C.    went off

D.   turned round


7. She's so depressed. All these problems are really ______.


A.   getting her down

B.    getting round her

C.    taking her on

D.   taking her down


8. A car suddenly ______ in front of me and I couldn't stop in time.


A.   got by

B.    came by

C.    turned out

D.   pulled out


9. You'll have to ______ early if you want to avoid all the traffic.


A.   come apart

B.    go about

C.    put off

D.   set off


10. I had to ______ the boss while she was away.


A.   put in for

B.    stand in for

C.    take after

D.   go after

Exercise 9

1. The road was blocked so we had to _____ and find another route.

A.   run through

B.    fall off

C.    get off

D.   turn back

2. I'm sure you'll _____ the new assistant the moment you see her. She's really nice.

A.   fall for

B.    get at

C.    stand for

D.   look at

3. On the day I left, the whole family _____ at the station.

A.   saw me off

B.    stood in for me

C.    took me up

D.   put me up

4. Why do they _____ talking about money all the time?

A.   take after

B.    keep on

C.    take on

D.   get after

5. She had to _____ because someone else wanted to use the phone.

A.   hold on

B.    keep up

C.    stand out

D.   hang up

6. So many people were ill that we had to _____ the meeting.

A.   take out

B.    set down

C.    put out

D.   put off

7. Your name _____ in the course of the conversation.

A.   kept on

B.    came up

C.    set out

D.   turned out

8. They were late as they had been _____ in the traffic jam.

A.   set off

B.    held off

C.    held up

D.   set up

9. Tornadoes can _____ anything that is in their path.

A.   blow away

B.    pull up

C.    suck up

D.   lift up

10. During his career as a teacher, he has _____ students from different backgrounds.

A.   taken over

B.    got on with

C.    dealt with

D.   faced up to


Exercise 10

1. I can't wait _____ my birthday party. It must be great!

A.   to

B.    for

C.    up to

D.   on

2. Taco is a type of Mexico food consisting _____ a crisp fried pancake that is folded over and filled _____ meat, beans, etc.

A.   in – in

B.    of – of

C.    of – in

D.   of – with

3. Pizza is an Italian dish made _____ a flat round bread base with cheese, tomatoes, vegetables, meat, etc. on top.

A.   from

B.    with

C.    of

D.   by

4. Don't chop the cucumber _____ chunks. Chop them _____ half.

A.   to – into

B.    into – in

C.    with – to

D.   of – to

5. You should slice the chicken and then mix it _____ the other ingredients in the bowl.

A.   into

B.    in

C.    with

D.   for

6. As his wife does not like cooking, they eat _____ quite often.

A.   up

B.    off

C.    out

D.   away

7. Sushi is often served _____ soy sauce and pickled ginger.

A.   for

B.    by

C.    beside

D.   with

8. I can't make _____ my mind where to go to on my next holiday. Could you help me?

A.   up

B.    for

C.    out

D.   off

9. You should narrow your choices _____ just two destinations; then it would be much easier for you to choose the best one.

A.   up to

B.    down to

C.    out for

D.   off to

10. It is advisable for you to book a room _____ advance as the hotel may be full by that time.

A.   in

B.    to

C.    for

D.   by


Exercise 11

1. It is not easy to find the accommodation _____ the price you have suggest.

A.   for

B.    in

C.    at

D.   on

2. Tourists may like go in a buffalo-driven cart in the countryside _____ pleasure.

A.   in

B.    from

C.    at

D.   for

3. Permits to visit Son Doong Caves are made available _____ a limited basis.

A.   in

B.    on

C.    with

D.   for

4. I would like to join a cycling tour with my friends as I could travel _____ my own pace.

A.   at

B.    with

C.    on

D.   in

5. The development of this area depends _____ tourism.

A.   in

B.    at

C.    with

D.   on

6. After long flights, travellers often suffer _____ jet lag.

A.   from

B.    with

C.    in

D.   at

7. She picked _____  Spanish when she was living in Mexico.

A.   off

B.    up

C.    in

D.   on

8. Jimmy was not very fluent _____ any foreign language, but he could get _____  in French when he lived in Belgium.

A.   at – on

B.    in – by

C.    in – with

D.   off – out

9. I agreed with him _____ a certain degree but not completely.

A.   in

B.    with

C.    to

D.   by

10. You should look _____ the new words in the dictionary instead of asking me all the time!

A.   for

B.    after

C.    up

D.   into


Exercise 12

1. You cannot be excellent _____ using a foreign language if you do not know much about the culture and history of that country.

A.   in

B.    on

C.    at

D.   into

2. After putting _____ the tent, we collected small twigs to start a campfire.

A.   on

B.    in

C.    out

D.   up

3. In this modern world, schools will need to be more responsive _____ changes in the society.

A.   to

B.    at

C.    in

D.   on

4. Vocational subjects are those connected _____ the skills and knowledge to do a job.

A.   with

B.    on

C.    in

D.   for

5. When studying English, you should focus _____ integrated skills besides grammar.

A.   in

B.    on

C.    into

D.   to

6. She took a different career path when she gave _____ nursing and became a yoga teacher.

A.   in

B.    off

C.    up

D.   out

7. The company has decided to cut _____ my salary!

A.   up to

B.    on for

C.    down on

D.   out for

8. He had to ask his boss for 3 days _____ when his son was in hospital.

A.   on

B.    in

C.    off

D.   away

9. She tried hard to cooperate _____ the others in the team to finish the work.

A.   with

B.    on

C.    for

D.   in

10. I am going to enroll _____ a school for Performing Arts. I want to be a singer in the future.

A.   to

B.    in

C.    for

D.   into


Exercise 13

1. Nowadays people have to keep learning and be responsible _____ building their future.

A.   to

B.    for

C.    with

D.   on

2. She volunteered to work in Africa as she wanted to make a difference _____ people's living conditions there.

A.   in

B.    with

C.    to

D.   for

3. Before taking that job, you should take _____ account a number of factors such as salary and working conditions.

A.   in

B.    on

C.    up

D.   into

4. My sister opted _____ vocational training as she wanted to be an artisan rather than a doctor.

A.   for

B.    in

C.    on

D.   at

5. Young people should choose a job based _____ their likes, abilities and priorities.

A.   in

B.    on

C.    for

D.   at

6. Mary is a fashion designer who brings _____ new clothing designs.

A.   up

B.    in

C.    out

D.   off

7. Healthy lunches are important for children because they help them concentrate _____ learning.

A.   in

B.    at

C.    on

D.   for

8. A: "How much do you charge _____ bed and breakfast?"- B: "$20."

A.   for

B.    with

C.    of

D.   on

9. Modern-day Egypt is descended _____ the ancient civilisation that emerged in the 10" millennium.

A.   in

B.    to

C.    from

D.   with

10. It is generally believed that a university education will lead _____ a well-paid job.

A.   to

B.    on

C.    into

D.   for

Exercise 14

1. When you visit the Uffizi Gallery, your backpacks, large bags, and umbrellas must be checked in _____ entry.

A.   to

B.    for

C.    at

D.   upon

2. Parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported to be covered _____ old food tins, tents, and pieces of equipment.

A.   for

B.    on

C.    with

D.   below

3. We arrived _____ Budapest two days ago. It is the capital of Hungary.

A.   at

B.    in

C.    on

D.   to

4. Jenny is virtually bilingual _____ both French and English.

A.   on

B.    in

C.    at

D.   with

5. You should give _____ smoking because it causes lung cancer and many people die _____ lung cancer every year.

A.   away – for

B.    over – from

C.    off – with

D.   up – of

6. Have you come _____ with any solution _____ the problem?

A.   in – for

B.    up – of

C.    up – to

D.   in – with

7. Tobacco and drink Companies invest enormous sums of money _____ advertising their products.

A.   on

B.    in

C.    for

D.   at

8. One reason _____ the richness of English is its ability to borrow new words from other languages and cultures.

A.   to

B.    for

C.    of

D.   with

9. Have you kept _____ contact _____ any of your friends from college?

A.   in – with

B.    in – for

C.    in – of

D.   in – to

10. The police force should be independent _____ direct government control.

A.   on

B.    to

C.    from

D.   with


Exercise 15

1. His book has been translated _____ several languages.

A.   in

B.    into

C.    from

D.   with

2. The meal was _____ this world. All dishes were extremely delicious!

A.   in for

B.    up to

C.    down on

D.   out of

3. Jack: "What does MTV stand _____?" - Jill: " It means Music Television."

A.   for

B.    in

C.    into

D.   about

4. Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional support _____ the family.

A.   with

B.    for

C.    to

D.   towards

5. Internationalisation has brought _____ both opportunities and challenges.

A.   up

B.    in

C.    into

D.   out

6. I want to get my diary back which is _____ great value to me.

A.   in

B.    of

C.    on

D.   with

7. I never stay _____ late because it is not good for health.

A.   for

B.    in

C.    up

D.   out

8. Once _____ a while I meet some rude students or disobedient ones.

A.   in

B.    of

C.    at

D.   for

9. In order to be a good teacher, you should be patient and tolerant _____ the students.

A.   for

B.    on

C.    towards

D.   with

10. My sister has an aptitude _____ foreign languages. She can speak 5 different languages!

A.   in

B.    to

C.    with

D.   for


Exercise 16

Ha Noi had its first tramways in 1900. The tram system was a major means of transport in the city (1) _____ nine decades and thus the image of the tram and is clanging sounds have gone deep (2) _____ the hearts and minds of Hanoians. Since it was convenient and cheap to get (3) _____ the city and to the suburban areas by tram, the system was very popular. However, due to the population boom and the need (4) _____ a wider road system, the last rail track was removed.

Now, (5) _____ more than 20 years, the population of Ha Noi has risen from about two million people to more than six million people; therefore, the number of vehicles (6) _____ the roads has increased dramatically. To meet the increasing travel demands, Ha Noi is launching its first skytrain system, connecting and Ha Dong. Furthermore, a new rail system project including around eight kilometres of skytrain rail and four kilometres of subway rail, connecting Ha Noi Central Station and Nhon, has also been (7) _____ construction and is expected to be completed (8) _____ a few years.



A.   for

B.    in

C.   with

D.   at


A.   over

B.    under

C.   into

D.   off


A.   around

B.    among

C.   towards

D.   by


A.   to

B.    up

C.   out

D.   for


A.   at

B.    of

C.   out of

D.   after


A.   in

B.    on

C.   down

D.   off


A.   under

B.    at

C.   onto

D.   with


A.   beyond

B.    on

C.   at

D.   in


Exercise 17

Last week we had a memorable trip to a new zoo (1) _______ the outskirts of the city. We were all looking forward (2) _______ the trip. There are lots of wild animals, and they are looked (3) _______ carefully. Each species is kept (4) _______ one big compound and the animals look healthy. After we looked (5) _______ the animal zone, we gathered (6) _______ a big lawn (7) the back of the zoo. There we played some team-building games and sang songs. Then we had a delicious lunch prepared (8) ______ Nga and Phuong. (9) _______ the afternoon, we walked to a museum nearby. There is a big collection (10) _______ handicrafts made by different craft villages. I'm sure that the zoo will be our new place of interest.



A.   out of

B.    onto

C.   down

D.   on


A.   over

B.    to

C.   about

D.   with


A.   after

B.    on

C.   towards

D.   in


A.   in

B.    up

C.   above

D.   within


A.   over

B.    by

C.   around

D.   against


A.   down

B.    off

C.   in

D.   on


A.   at

B.    over

C.   of

D.   around


A.   with

B.    on

C.   under

D.   by


A.   on

B.    in

C.   about

D.   from


A.   by

B.    with

C.   over

D.   of


Exercise 18

It never ceases to amaze me how little notice some people now take of rules (1) ______ public places. When I was a child, it would never have occurred to me not to comply (2) ______ rules. If someone smoked in defiance of a 'No Smoking' sign (3) ______ a train, they would rapidly be reminded (4) ______ their transgression by several irate passengers, who would refer the errant smoker to the sign in no uncertain terms. What's more, the accused person would normally apologise (5) ______ his indiscretion, and would certainly refrain (6) ______ repeating his anti-social behaviour. These days reminding someone of their public duty not to drop litter or swear on the streets is likely to succeed only (7) ______ unleashing a torrent of verbal abuse (8) ______ the wrongdoer. Many people seem blithely unaware that, (9) ______ example, the 'silence in the library' rule applies (10) ______ them, as much as to anyone else. Asking them is not enough, pleading for them might still not deter them (11) ______ their noisy chat, resorting to physical violence, an undesirable option, seems the only one likely to get a result. But, (12) ______ all seriousness, what really annoys me is that one is made to feel churlish or old-fashioned just to insist (13) ______ basic respect of everyday manners. Truly, it seems polite behaviour and good manners count (14) ______ nothing in today's society.



A.   in

B.    about

C.   beyond

D.   from


A.   for

B.    down

C.   of

D.   with


A.   to

B.    off

C.   on

D.   out of


A.   at

B.    of

C.   in

D.   over


A.   over

B.    towards

C.   into

D.   for


A.   from

B.    onto

C.   above

D.   about


A.   in

B.    through

C.   beyond

D.   out


A.   under

B.    of

C.   to

D.   forward


A.   in

B.    at

C.   for

D.   to


A.   towards

B.    to

C.   with

D.   off


A.   over

B.    into

C.   under

D.   from


A.   on

B.    at

C.   in

D.   over


A.   for

B.    of

C.   about

D.   on


A.   over

B.    for

C.   down

D.   from


Exercise 19

As a rule, Italians are very conscious (1) ______ their dress and have a great sense (2) ______ style. Casual dress is fine (3) ______ most occasions, but a suit and tie are recommended (4) ______ business meetings. (5) ______ summer, locals will not be seen wearing shorts (6) ______ the city. When visiting the Vatican or any major cathedral, men should wear long pants and women should wear skirts or long pants. Sleeveless shirts and shorts are not permitted (7) ______ churches and the Vatican, including the Vatican museums. Tipping is not mandatory. (8) ______ times a service charge (servizio) is included (9) ______ your restaurant bill. This should not be confused (10) ______ the cover charge (coperta), which is a charge (11) ______ bread and table settings. If the service charge is included and you are pleased (12) ______ the service, it's customary to leave an additional 5%; if the service charge is not included, leave a 10% tip. (13) ______ the porter and cleaning lady of the hotel you should give around 10,000 lire, for room service around 5,000 lire. Tipping (14) ______ taxis is not oligatory either, but 1.000 to 2,000 lire is usually given (15) ______ the driver.



A.   of

B.    to

C.   in

D.   for


A.   to

B.    with

C.   for

D.   of


A.   at

B.    in

C.   on

D.   with


A.   for

B.    in

C.   to

D.   with


A.   At

B.    In

C.   On

D.   Over


A.   to

B.    at

C.   in

D.   for


A.   in

B.    on

C.   at

D.   around


A.   At

B.    In

C.   On

D.   For


A.   to

B.    on

C.   in

D.   with


A.   with

B.    for

C.   to

D.   by


A.   to

B.    with

C.   for

D.   about


A.   to

B.    with

C.   on

D.   by


A.   With

B.    By

C.   As

D.   To


A.   by

B.    on

C.   at

D.   for


A.   by

B.    to

1. Were you wearing a helmet when you fell _____ your bike?

A.   on

B.    off

C.    in

D.   through

2. When did your grandfather set _____ this workshop?

A.   up

B.    in

C.    on

D.   off

3. Some people say that a place of interest is a place famous _____ its scenery.

A.   with

B.    against

C.    for

D.   upon

4. The products made in this craft village are always _____ good quality.

A.   against

B.    of

C.    from

D.   up

5. They wove those beautiful baskets _____ bamboo.

A.   against to

B.    round for

C.    out of

D.   up to

6. _____ the surprise of many people, he has passed the driving test.

A.   To

B.    In

C.    From

D.   Between

7. In Singapore, the attractions are close _____ each other, so travelling among them is convenient.

A.   off

B.    up

C.    to

D.   among

8. More and more city dwellers suffer _____ coughing or breathing problems because of air pollution.

A.   under

B.    into

C.    about

D.   from

9. We should work together to preserve our traditions because they are _____  great value to us.

A.   of

B.    around

C.    to

D.   by

10. Linh is feeling a bit depressed _____ her study because she has failed the exam once again.

A.   to

B.    with

C.    about

D.   from