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Đỗ Thanh Hải

Van Hieu

Giúp mình với!

12. The melting of the snow has caused flooding by………….rivers.

A. swollen            B. expanded             C. prolonged             D. extended

13. He ………….spends his holidays in the mountains though occasionally he goes to the seaside instead.

A. constantly             B. invariably             C. usually             D. always

14. The bank………….planned to escape in a stolen car.

A. thieves            B. bandits             C. burglars             D. robbers

15. Although this wine is quite cheap, it is very...............

A drinkable            B. drinking            C. drank            D. drunk

16. Children in large families learn how to get..............with other people.

A. across            B. away            C. along            D. through

17. All courses at the college are offered on a full-time basis unless    ..............indicated.

A. further            B. differently             C. below            D. otherwise 

18. The campers …………. their tent in a sheltered valley.

A. established            B. installed            C. pitched            D. fixed

19. The floods did not start to………….until two days after the rain had stopped.

A. retire            B. depart            C. retreat            D. recede

20. The jury returned a(n) ………….of “not guilty”.

A. sentence            B. verdict            C. charge            D. evidence

21. Four people drowned when the yacht………….in a sudden storm.

A. inverted            B. capsized            C. upset            D. overflowed

22. The proposed………….of Micro Industries and SJ Electronics would make the new company the largest electronics firm in Britain.

A. merger            B. combination         C. fusion            D. mixture

23. The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home, because I was………….the speed limit.

A. transcending         B. exceeding            C. surpassing             D. overtaking

24. You can buy an iron at any………….shop.

A. electric            B. electrifying         C. electrician            D. electrical

25. The volcano on the island is still…………..

A. alive            B. performing             C. active            D. busy

26. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually ………….to its original splendour.

A. repaired             B. restored             C. renewed             D. renovated

27. I should be most grateful if you’d give me a………….of this new typewriter.

A. showing             B. display             C. demonstration         D. manifestation

28. £507 £707? Let’s………….the difference and say £607.

A. avoid            B. split                C. agree            D. decrease

29. As she didn’t understand her question she merely gave him a………….look.

A. blank            B. clear            C. simple            D. useless

30. She is the most………….manageress we have ever had.

A. good            B. working             C. active            D. efficient

31. During the boss’s…………. his assistant took over.

A. vanishing            B. absence            C. loss                D. disappearance

32. It was very difficult for the inspector to,………….what recommendations he should make.

A. realise            B. decide            C. solve            D. settle


33. It’s a good idea to see your doctor regularly for a(n)…………..

A. check-up            B. control            C. investigation         D. revision

34. After the water workers went on strike there was a………….of water.

A. drain            B. loss                C. shortage            D. decrease 

35. The librarian went to look in the cupboard,………….rare books were kept.

A. which            B. there            C. that                D. where

36. What do you usually,………….for delivering things?

A. demand            B. charge            C. cost                D. price

37. In spite of his poor education, he was a most………….speaker.

A. attentive            B. ambiguous             C. articulate            D. authoritarian

38. Please accept our………….congratulations!

A. finest            B. dearest            C. warmest            D. deepest

39. His speech was careful and………….but his words seemed to make no sense.

A. distinguished        B. distinctive             C. distinct            D. distinguishable

40. His bad behaviour was put ………….his upbringing.

A. down to            B. with                C. off                D. up

41. What he told me was a …………. of lies.

A mob                B. load                C. pack            D. flock

42. The spy was tried.…………..

A. public            B. in the public         C. in a public            D. in Public 

43. When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to.………….her umbrella.

A. carry            B. fetch            C. gather            D. reach

44. There is………….to be a fortune on the sea-bed nearby.

A. told                B. rumoured            C. whispered            D. written

45. They were………….for smuggling jewellery into the country.

A. arrested            B. judged            C. accused            D. warned

46. You have to be rich to send a child to a private school because the fees are………….

A. aeronautical         B. astronomical         C. astrological         D. atmospherical

47. The mysterious case of the missing millionaire has become the  of………….considerable interest in the press over the last few weeks.

A. middle            B. target            C. pin-point            D. focus

48. At first the disease affected only his hands, but now it has………….to his arms.

A. spread            B. covered            C. expanded            D. entered

49. It was 80 cold at night that she took a hot water………….to bed with her.

A. bag                B. pot                C. kettle            D. bottle

50. I left my last job because I had no………….to travel.

A. place            B. opportunity         C. position            D. possibility

51. In order to buy his house he had to obtain a large …………. from his bank.

A.capital            B. finance            C. loan            D. debt

52. He was………….thought of in the cut-throat world of competitive business.

A. high            B. highly            C. higher            D. highest

53. He was disqualified for failing to………….with the rules of the competition.

A. comply            B. compete            C. accommodate         D. acquiesce

54. She………….out of the house as fast as her legs would carry her.

A. strolled            B. dashed            C. ambled            D. plunged


55. After the storm the..............of a small ship was thrown up on the shore.

A. damage            B. breakage            C. wreckage            D. wastage

56. The firemen fought for three hours before they managed to………….the fire.

A. put out            B. give up            C. break off            D. cut back

57. He ran down the beach and………….into the sea.

A. headed            B. sank            C. dived            D. bathed

58. She was born in Japan but has now………….in the United States.

A. settled            B. planted             C. fixed            D. stuck

59. The situation has.………….considerably since the New Year.

A. decreased            B. lessened            C. worsened            D. lowered

60. Although it was………….jewellery, it looked real enough.    

A. dishonest            B. untrue            C. invented            D. imitation

61. The government are doing a………….of people’s changing habits.

A. plan                B. project            C. research            D. survey

62. They are………….to be married next year.

A. engaged            B. prepared            C. intended            D. planned

63. The general was always………….about his past campaigns.

A. praising             B. boasting             C. complimenting         D. congratulating 

64. The Chairman was so angry with the committee that he decided to………….from it.

A. cancel            B. postpone            C. prevent            D. resign

65. The wind blew so hard and so strongly that the windows………….in their frames.

A. flapped            B slapped            C. rattled            D. shocked

66. We sat on after the meal, …………. the taste of the fine brandy.

A. indulging            B. savouring            C. sipping            D. sensing

67. Protests died down when they realised that the new tax………….to only 50p a week.

A. added            B. reached            C. amounted            D. approached

68. Even after I washed the coat, it still had some………….marks on it.    

A. faint            B. weak            C. thin                D. uncertain 

69. The difference between the cost and the selling price is usually the…………..

A. advantage             B. increase             C. winnings             D. profit

70. Some of the older villagers prefer to………….tobacco rather than to smoke 

A. munch    

Van Hieu

Choose the best answers:
1. The invention of social networking sites ______ revolutionised the way people communicate
with each other.
A. has B. have C. is D. are
2. To understand people with special needs ________ a lot of time and effort. 
A. take B. takes C. have taken D. are taken
3. Each student………. answered the first three questions.
A. has B. have C. have to D. must
4. The government ______ to spend a huge amount of money on protecting the environment.
A. have B. is C. are D. has
5. The family ________getting angry because of her silly actions.
A. is B. are C. be D. was
6. Either citizens or the government ________ to protect the environment.
A. has B. have C. is D. are
7. Neither the president nor normal people _________ able to deal with this problem.
A. are B. is C. was D. be
8.The number of / The proportion of / The percentage of / The quantity of tourists visiting the
island __________ significantly increased.
A. have B. has C. are D. is
9. A large number of students in Hung Vuong school……….English quite fluently.
A. Speaks B. is speaking C. has spoken D. speak
10. Everybody__________English in the classroom now.
A. are B. was C. were D. is
11.Tom with dog_____ here now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
12.Tom as well as his dog_____ here now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
13.My old friend and colleague, John, _____ married.
A. has just got B. have just got C. just has got D. just have got
14.The singer and actor_____ coming now.
A. was B. were C. is D. are
15.The singer and the actor_____ coming now.
A. was B. were C. is D. are
16.The team_____ going back to their homes.

A. is B. do C. has D. are
17.Two billion dollars_____ not enough for the victims of the tsunami
A. was B. were C. is D. are
18.Three years in a strange land _____ like a long time for lonely people.
A. is seeming B. are seeing C. seems D. seemed
19.The film "Titanic"_____ very interesting.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
20.Cattle______ allowed to graze here now.
A. was B. were C. is D. are
21. One of my friends ________abroad.
A. has gone B. have gone C. go D. are going
22.None of them______ interested in doing that job.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
23.Every student ______ willing to join the picnic now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
24.The number of students______ increasing now.
A. are B. was C. were D. is
25.A number of students ______ playing table - tennis now.
A. are B. was C. were D. is
26.Physics______ my favourite subject.
A. are B. is C. was D. have been
27. Measles………cured without much difficulty nowadays.
A. is B. are C. will be D. have
28.The write and poet______ going to preside over this meeting
A. are B. is C. have been going D. is to
29.Neither the mother nor the children______ aware of the danger.
A. were B. was C. is D. has been
30.She told me that she ______ happy for what he______
A. is feeling/ did B. was feeling/ had done
C. feels/ did D. has felt/ has been going
31.If anyone______, tell him I'll be back later.
A. was calling B. called C. call D. calls
32.Each of the boys______ a book now.
A. have B. has C. had D. are having
33.Two-thirds of the money______ mine now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
34.About 60% of students in this class ______ from China.
A. was B. were C. are D. is
35.A number of sheep______ eating grass now.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
36.The number of books in this library______ now very large.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
37.Either you or I ______ wrong.
A. am B. is C. are D. were
38.Neither my gloves nor my hat______ with this dress.
A. is going B. are going C. goes D. go
39.The poor living her______ help.
A. is needing B. are needing C. need D. needs
40.Several of the students ______ absent yesterday.
A. has been B. had been C. were D. was
41.The professor said that Vietnam ______ to South-East Asia.
A. has belonged B. has belonged C. belonged D. belongs
42. The number of the months in a year …………twelve.

A. was B. were C. are D. is
43.His choice of words______ very good.
A. are B. be C. is D. being
44.Anybody who______ my keys will be given a candy.
A. find B. finds C. are finding D. found
45.The Browns ______ here since 1950.
A. are living B. have been lived C. have been living D. has been living
46.John, as well as I, ______ a student.
A. are B. were C. is D. have been
47.Not only John but also his brothers ______ now in debt.
A. are B. have C. is D. were
48.The majority of the TOEFL tests ______ difficult.
A. are B. is C. be D. being
49.Local news ______ on TV every night at 5:30
A. were B. was C. is D. are
50.A number of sheep______ died from a strange illness.
A. have B. has C. is D. are
51. A large number of students in this school………. . English quite fluently.
A. speaks B. is speaking C. has spoken D. speak
52. A series of lectures………being presented at the Central Hall this week.
A. are B. will be C. has become D. is
53. Beauty as well as health ………. failed her this term.
A. has B. have C. is D. are
54. Bread and butter ………. what she asks for.
A. is B. are C. will be D. have been
55.______ in your lass have tickets for the lecture series?
A. Do any of the student B. Does any of the student
C. Do any of the students D. Does any of the students
56. The quality of the recordings ………. . not very good.
A. is B. are C. is being D. has been
57.There______ available in his area of specialization.
A. isn’t a lot of job B. aren't many jobs
C. isn't a lot of jobs D. aren't a lot of jobs
58. To what place ………either the man or his son wish to go?
A. is B. does C. do D. are
59.There_____ a table and four chairs in the kitchen now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
60.Mathematics_____ very interesting to me.
A. are B. have been C. were D. is
61.Twenty dollars_____ the price.
A. are B. is C. being D. were
62.A number of graduates_____ scholarships from this department.
A. have received B. has received C. are received D. receives
63.Pollution together with water erosion_____ its toll on the building.
A. are taking B. is taking C. have taking D. have taken
64.Most of the rooms in the hotel _____ air-conditioning.
A. has B. having C. have D. are
65. That books are our best friends _______________.
A. have been proved B. has proved C. has been proved D. are proved
66.Both viruses and genes_____ made from nucleoproteins.
A. are B. is C. were D. has been
67.Mary, accompanied by her brother on the piano, _____ very well received at the talent show yesterday.
A. was B. were C. have been D. has been

68.My new pair of pants _____ at the cleaners.
A. is B. are C. be D. have been
69.The police_____ on the alert for the escaped convict.
A. are B. be C. can D. been
70.I'm happy that everything_____ in its place.
A. are B. been C. is D. have
71. Five pounds…………..buy as much as it used to.
A. aren’t going B. don’t C. doesn’t D. A&B are correct
72. The science classes at this…………..difficult.
A. school are B. schools are C. school is D. school’s is
73. The English…………..strong traditions.
A. have much B. has much C. has many D. have many
74. The first two problems…………..very difficult but…………..is not.
A. are - the rest B. is - the other C. are - another D. are - the last
75. Here…………..notebook and report that I promised you last week.
A. is the B. are the C. was the D. were the
76. Not only Linda but also John…………..down the names for the course in French.
A. has put B. have put C. they put D. are putting
77. Half of the letters she sent him…………..in purple ink.
A. wrote B. has written C. was written D. were written
78. The number of participants of the international conference…………..still increasing.
A. are B. be C. is D. were
79. Psychologists have found that the number of social contacts we have…………..only reason for
A. are not the B. is not the C. are not an D. is not an
80. Neither Jim nor his brothers …………..to school. Their father teaches them at home.
A. have never been B. has ever been C. have ever been D. ever go
81. Five thousand dollars…………..big sum of money. It’s worth trying.
A. are a B. are C. is a D. would be
82. The fact that the new staff members were complimented on their achievement …………..known
to the whole company.
A. has B. have C. was D. are
83. Five dollars for a pair of thongs…………..expensive.
A. are too B. is not C. aren’t D. be
84. Neither the students nor their lecturer…………..English in the classroom.
A. use B. uses C. are suing D. have used
85. The facilities at the new research library, including an excellent microfilm file,
A. are B. is C. has been D. was
86. Each of the 4 types of human…………..suited for a specific purpose.
A. tooth are B. teeth is C. tooth is D. teeth are
87. Not only John but his brothers…………..also in debt.
A. have B. were C. was D. is
88. The committee has met and…………...
A. they have reached a decision B. it has reached to a decision
C. its decision was reached at D. it has reached a decision
89. The number of the months in a year…………..twelve.
A. was B. were C. are D. is
90. In the hotel, the bread and butter…………..for breakfast.
A. is served B. are served C. serves D. serve
91. Neither Canada nor Mexico…………..that citizens of the United States have passports when they
want to visit these countries.
A. to require B. require C. requires D. requiring

92. Winning a lottery is a rare occurrence.…………..very small.
A. A number of winners are B. The number of winners is
C. A number of winners is D. The number of winners are
93. There_____ never been an environmental disaster of this magnitude.
A. has B. have C. are D. is
94. The news_____ quite alarming.
A. are B. have C. was D. were
95.Mathematics courses _____ generally required in American high schools.
A. is B. was C. were D. are
96.Statistics_____ a difficult course for people to understand.
A. is B. are C. were D. being
97.Not even one of the hundred students _____ passed the test.
A. have B. has C. to have D. having
98.The number of women_____ increased.
A. has B. have C. having D. to have
99.My daughters's instructor_____ very competent.
A. seem B. to seem C. seeming D. seems
100.People_____ worried about the high rate of unemployment.
A. be B. is C. are D. being

Van Hieu

Giup minh voi !

1.It..................but it.......................................

A- rains/stops        B-is raining/has stopped 

C-has rained/has stopped    D-has been raining/has stopped

2-He ...........................very kind to me. Maybe he hears that I have just won lottery tickets.

A.is    B- is being    C- has been     D- was

3-Columbus…….America more than 400 years ago.

A-discovered    B-has discovered    C-had discovered    D-he has gone

4-He fell down when he ……towards the church.

A-run    B-runs     C-was running    D-had run

5-We …….there when our father died.

A-still lived    B-lived still    C-was still living    D-were still living

6-They …….pingpong when their father comes back home.

A- will play    B-will be playing    C-play    D-would play

7-By Christmas, I……..for you for 6 months.

 A-Shall have been working     B-shall work    

 C-have been working         D-shall be working

8-I…….in the room now.

A-am being    B-was being    C-have been being    D-am

9-I……..to New york three times this year.

A-have been    B-was    C-were    D-had been

10-I will come and see you  before I……..for America.           

A-leave    B-will leave    C-have left    D-shall leave

11-The little girl asked what…..to her friend.

A-has happened    B-happened    C-had happened    D-would have been happened

12-John ……a book when I saw him.

A-is reading    B-read    C-was reading    D-reading

13-He said he…….return later.

A-will    B-would    C-can    D-would be

14-Jack …..the door.

A-has just opened    B-open    C-will have opened    D-opening

15-I have been waiting for you……….

A-since early morning    B-since 9 a.m    C-for two hours    D-all are correct

16-My sister…….for you since yesterday.

A- is looking    B-was looking    C-has been looking    D-looked

17-Jack……the door.

A-has just painted    B-paint    C-will have painted    D-painting

18-The train ………half an hour ago.

A-has been leaving    B-left    C-has lelt    D-had lelt

19-We ………Doris since last Sunday.

A-don’t see    B-haven’t seen    C-didn’t see    D-hadn’t seen

20-When I last saw him, he…….in London.

A-has lived    B-is living    C-was living    D-has been living

21-After I………lunch, I looked for my bag.

A-had    B-had had    C-have has    D-have had

22-By the end of next year, Geoge………English for 2 years.

A- will have learned    B-will learn    C-has learned    D-would learn

23-The man got out the car ,………round to the back and opened the boot.

A-walking    B-walked    C-walks    D-walk

24-For several years , his ambition……… a pilot.

A. is     B-has been    C-was    D-had been

25- When Henry ………, the guests were having dinner.

A- arrived    B-was arriving    C-has arrived    D- had arrived

26-He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he …….dinner.

A-finish    B-finishes    C-will finish        D-shall have finished

27-Jack was tired. He ...........all day.

A- drove    B-had driven    C-had been driving        D-has been driving

28-Ask her to come and see me when she ………her work.

A-finish    B-has finished    C-finished        D-finishing

29-Oil ……if you pour it on water.

A-floated    B-floats    C-will be floated        D-float

30-If he doesn’t leave now, he ............ the train.

A-misses    B- will miss    C- is missing        D-woud miss

31- Almost everyone……....home by the time we arrived.

A- went    B- had gone    C- has gone        D- was going

32-By the age of 25, he …….two famous novels.

A- wrote    B-writes    C-has written        D-had written

33-While her husband was in the army, Janet ……. to him twice a week.

A-was writing    B-wrote    C-was written        D-had written

34-I couldn’t cut the grass because the machine…….. a few days previously.

A-broke down    B-has been broken    C-had broken down        D-breaks down

35- The sun is shining but the ground is wet. It ..........

A- is raining    B- has rained    C- has been raining        D- rains.

36-I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I……..to play.

A-try    B-tried    C-have tried        D-am trying

37-Since……,I have heard nothing from him.

A-he had left    B-he left    C-he has left        D-he was left

38. He .....................................a lot since he .................................her.

A. has changed/loved        B. has been changing/loved    

C. has changed/has loved    D. has been chaning/has loved

39-I don’t understand this sentence.What…………………….?

A-does mean this word    B-have this word mean  C-means this word       D-does this word mean

40-John……..tennis once or twice a week.

A- play    B-is playing    C- plays        D-have  played

41-It was noisy next door. Our neighbors……..a party.

A-had    B-were having    C-had had        D-have had

42-It……..dark. Shall I turn on the light?

A-is getting    B-get    C-got        D-has got

43-I …….for Christine. Do you know where she is?

A- look    B- looked    C- am looking        D- looks

44- This time next week, we ............in Ho Chi Minh city.

A- are working    B-have been working    C- will be working        D- will have worked

45-“Are you ready ,Ann?” “Yes,I……………”

A-am coming    B-come    C-came        D-have came

46-Why ……..at me like that?What’s the matter?

A-do you look    B-have you looked    C-did you look        D-are you looking

47-I……..along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

A-was walking    B-am walking    C-walk        D-walked

48-She ……..German for two years.

A-has been learning    B-is learning    C-learn        D-learns

49- By the time you return, I .............work.

A-have finished    B- will have finished    C- finish        D- will be finishing

50-The earth……… round the sun.

A-go    B-has gone    C-went        D-goes

51-I come from Canada.Where ……..you ……..from?

A-do/come    B-did/ come    C-are coming        D-have/come

52-When I last………Jane,she ……..to find a job.

A-see/was trying    B-saw/was trying    C-have seen/tried        D-saw/tried

53-I……….at 8 o’clock every morning.

A-was getting up    B-got up    C-is getting up        D-get up

54-………..you go to the dentist?

A-how often are    B-how often do    C-how often does        D-how are

55-Ann……..tea very often.

A-doesn’t drink    B-don’t drink    C-didn’t drink        D-hasn’t drunken

56-The sun……….in the East.

A- is rising    B-rose    C-has risen        D-rises

57-It is a nice day. I ……….we go out for a walk.

A-suggested    B-suggest    C-is suggesting        D-are suggesting

58-Tim was tired. He ……….hard all day.

A-has been studying    B-studies    C-studied        D-had been studying

59-Bad driving often…….many accidents.

A-caused    B-had caused    C-causes        D-has cause

60-The Olympic Games…….every four years.

A-take place    B-takes place    C-took place        D-is taking place

61-What time…..the banks ....... in Britain?

A-do/close    B-did/close    C-does/close        D-have/closed

62-Look!That man………..to open the door of your car.

A-try    B-tried    C-is trying        D-has tried

63-When I was young,I ………to be a singer.

A-want    B-was wanting    C-wanted        D-had wanted

64-They……..me about it last week.

A-was telling    B-told    C-had told        D-would tell

65-I have decided. I ……..here at the end of the month.

A-will leave    B-would leave    C-would have left        D-am leaving

66-My grandfather………many years ago.

A-had died    B-has died    C-died        D-was dying

67-I…………..my son the money for that last week.

A-gave    B-given    C-have given        D-was given

68-Yesterday I passed by Peter’s house, but the front door was closed.He …..out.

A-went    B- has  been going    C-has gone        D-had gone

69-They ....................an experiment when the light went out.

A- are doing    B- were doing    C- did        D- had done

70-There was a time when watching TV really……….family entertainment.

A-were    B-was    C-had been          D-is

71-Last year, they ……….22 million TV sets.

A-were selling    B-had sold    C-has sold        D-sold

72-At last the bus came.We ………..for half an hour.

A-waited    B-was waiting    C-have waited        D-had been waiting

73-Daniel…..........…the bus for two hours when it arrived.

A. was waiting    B. has been waiting    C. waited        D. had been waiting

74-I’m feeling dizzy. I think I …………ill.

A- am going to be    B- am being    C- had been        D- was

75-I’m going on holiday on Saturday.This time next week I……on a beach in the sea.

A-will lie    B-am lying    C-will be lying        D-should be lying

76-Ted and Amy……for 24 years.

A-have been married    B-married    C-were married        D-has been married

77-Tomorrow I……….my grandparents

A-am going to visit    B-will have visited    C-have visited        D-visit

78-When the first child was born, they……..married for three years.

A-have been married    B-had been married    C-will been married        D-will have been married

79-I think the weather……….nice later.

A-will be    B-be    C-had        D- has been

80-She ……..very angry when she knows this.

A-shall be    B-has been    C-will have been        D-will be

81. She ............................her glasses and................me to look for them for her.

A. is always losing/asks        B. always loses/asks

C. is always losing/asking                                           D. always is losing/ asking

82. Since he bought a car, he............................to work every day.

A. drives                               B has driven             C. has been driving          D. has been driven

83. Why ...............................? ..........................you a funny story?

A. do you laugh/ Has Jack been telling                    B. are you laughing/ Has Jack been told

C. are you laughing/ Has Jack been telling             D. are you laughing/ Does Jack tell

84. He looks a bit tired. He ........................................for 200 miles.

A. has driven        B. has been driving      C. drives        D. is driving  

85. He ................................of becoming a good teacher.

A. has always been dreaming       B. has always dreamt   

C. is always dreaming                     D. always dream

86. Mr John ........................................for 10 years

A. has died    B. has been died    C. has been dead    D. has been dying

87. Tom     his hand when he was cooking dinner.

A. burnt    B. was burning    C. has burnt    D. had burnt

88. Jim is away on holiday. He     to Spain.

A. has gone    B. have been    C. has been    D. was

89. Everything is going well. We     any problems as yet/so far/ up to now.

A. didn't have    B. don't have    C. haven't had    D. hadn't had

90. Timson     13 films and I think the latest is the best.

A. made    B. had made    C. has made    D. was making

91. When I was a child, I     ________the violin.

A. used to play    B. would play    C. have played    D. A&B

92. He     for the national team in 65 matches before he decided to retire.

A. had played    B. had been played    C. played    D. had been playing

93. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarette. Someone..........................

A. had smoked       B. was smoking       C. had been smoking      D.  smoked

94. Your clothes are dirty. What...........................?

A. have you been doing       B. have you been done   C. do you do      D. had you done

95. As soon as Martina saw the fire, she