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Số lượng câu hỏi 66
Số lượng câu trả lời 22
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Điểm SP 5

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Chu Diệu Linh

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26. Solar energy is                   and it can be replaced easily.

      A. new                         B. renew                            C. renewable                     D. non-renewable

27. For many people living in rural areas, biogas is a cheap energy               available.

      A. method                   B. production                    C. supply                           D. consumption

28. Nuclear energy can provide enough electricity for the world’s needs, but it is very            .

      A. risk                         B. risky                             C. endanger                      D. endangered

29. Alternative sources of energy are                          and safe.

      A. enough                   B. not enough                   C. short                             D. abundant

30. Sources of energy will be used more                     for our future.

      A. effective                 B. efficient                        C. effectively                    D. efficiently

31. A sky safety system will stop everyone                crashing in the sky.

      A. at                            B. from                              C. through                         D. for

32.                   regular light bulbs with low energy light bulbs, which use less energy.

      A. Turn                       B. Replace                        C. Place                            D. Put

33. Without good insulation, the                     in our houses goes out through the windows, the doors, etc.

      A. ice                          B. atmosphere                   C. amount                         D. heat

34. A(n)                        station will be built in the North of the country next decade.

      A. hydropower            B. water                            C. hydroelectricity           D. energy

35. We can                   the problem of energy shortage by using solar energy.

      A. carry out                 B. get                                C. recover                         D. solve

36. Don’t forget to                   the lights when leaving a room or going to bed.

      A. turn                         B. turn on                          C. turn off                         D. turn out

37. What should we do to                    our electric bills?

      A. fall                          B. cut down                       C. drop                              D. reduce

38. The use of biogas for cooking                   in the countryside.

      A. will increase           B. will be increasing         C. will be increased          D. will have increased

39. The digital camera belongs to Nick. That camera is                    .

      A. him                         B. he                                  C. his                                 D. one

40. Is this schoolbag               ?

      A. you                         B. your                              C. yours                            D. them

41. The city is working on a project                the slums with clean water.

      A. providing                B. provide                         C. to provide                     D. to providing

42. In that country, over 30% of the population live in                      .

      A. poor                        B. poorer                           C. poverty                         D. the poor

43. Children who                     malnutrition can have a lot of diseases.

      A. suffer from             B. avoid                            C. gain                              D. obtain

44. There are more problems in the slums than in the                        areas.

      A. wealth                    B. richness                        C. wealthy                        D. country

45.                   is quite popular in an overcrowded city where you can see people sleeping in a park or under a bridge.

      A. Homeless               B. The homeless               C. Homelessly                  D. Homelessness

V.  Complete the sentences, using the correct possessive form of the words in brackets.

46. This schoolbag is                                      . (I)

47. These books are                                        . (we)

48. Those books are                                        . (they)

49. This raincoat is                                         . (Nick)

50.                                           is light blue, but my hat is red. (she)

51. This is my pen, and that one is                                         . (you)

52. Our flat has four rooms, and                                              has five rooms. (they)

53. This notebook is                                       . (you)

54. These pencil are                                        . (Ann)

55. Our car is a Chevrolet, but                                                 is a Toyota. (they)