Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 6
Số lượng câu trả lời 4
Điểm GP 0
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Người theo dõi (1)

Chu Diệu Linh

Đang theo dõi (0)

 Choose the word that has the underline part pronounced differently from the others: ______
1: Choose the word that has the underline part pronounced differently from the others: ______. A. victim                    B. promise                   C. revive                  D. hospital

2. A. burn                       B. turn                         C. hurt                      D. hurry

3: When I was pouring the boiling water into the thermos, unlucky it was broken and I had a burnn ____ my arm

A.   In                 B. on                     C.at                      D. for

4: My sister didn’t rat anything from the early morning until the midnight and she was_____
A. faint                  B. a faint                C. fainting                   D. fainted

5: ______ you post this parcel for me, please? –All right

A.   Will             B. do                      C. are                    D. did

6: Trang: Can you lend me some money? I promise to return you soon. –Thu: ___
A. Yes, please         B. No,thank you      C. All right       D. Don’t forget

7: The doctor asked me to look at the eye chart ____ check my eyes sight.

A.   As so to       B. in order to       C. in order that       D. so as that

8: Tuan’s teacher: Oh, dear. You failed your exam. I’m quite disappointed! –Tuan: I promise I ______ harder in the next term

A.   Study           B. studies             C. am studying           D. will study

9: My parents are saving up money ____ a new flat
A. so as to buy    B. so as to buying      C. to buying      D. so as buying

10: The nurse covered his bad cut on his head _____ a thick sterile dressing
A. By                  B. with                       C. on                       D. off