Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 1
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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Chủ đề:


Câu hỏi:

1. A: I'm hungry. B: But you've just had lunch. You 2. A: What's the weather like? Is it raining? hungry already. (be) latér. (rain) B: Not at the moment but it 3. A: I didn't see you at John's party last week. B: No, I had to work that evening, so I 4. A: Where are you going? B: To the bookstore. I (08) (buyl a newspaper. The boss asked me to get one. (I/ put) this picture, do you think? (put) it in your living room. 5.. A: Where B: I think you 6. A: Sh! Everyone's asleep. You B: Sorry! I'll be more careful. 7. A: When was the last time you saw Bill? B: Years ago. I (make) a noise. (recognise) him if I saw him now. (Sandra/ wear) uniform when she works? (not/ wear) uniform to work. She 8. A: (wear B: No, she what she likes. 9. A: Wait for me, please. B: You really 10. A: i don't feel well. I've got a headache. (hurry). We don't want to be. late. ' B: You (take) an aspirin and you (stąy) up too lat II 1. It's a lovely day. Shall/ Should we go for a walk? -Yes, OK. 2. Excuse me, could/ will .you tell me how to get to the airport? -3. Would/ Will you like one of these chocolates? -Yes, please. Thank you. 4. Where should/ could we go for our holiday? ~ What about 'Spain? 5. Would/ May you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate. 6. Do you think you may/ could lend me some money? 7. Shall/: Will I do the washing-up? ~ Oh, thank you. 8. Will/ Would you have a piece of cake? -Yes. I'd love to. 9. May/ Might I sit down? -Yes, please. 10. Shall/ Can I have some more tea, please?