Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 4
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)

1.     Vietnam ……………..tropical climate.  (enjoy)

2.     Lan and Maryam  (be) …………pen pals for  over two years.

3.     The comic books published by Kim Dong publisher ………very quickly (sell).

4.     Maryam wishes she (have) …….more time to get to know the village better.

5.     He ordered his assistants ……………………. the delivery service (stop)

6.     Read these …………. carefully before using. (instruct)

7.     Math and English are………….. for all students.(compel)

8.     The new church was ……………..opened on July 5th.  (office)

9.     They were warmly welcomed by all the………………..(village)

10. There are two ………………. one at the front and one round the back. (enter)

11. She was really ………….by the beauty of the city. (impress)

12. The old women are interested in traditional and ……..clothes. (fashion)

13. …………, both of men and women wear aodai. (tradition)

14. This restaurant is .......................... for its western meals. (fame)

15. This number is not ..................... at the moment. Please call later. (avail)

16. Our school has a lot of ............................. teachers. (qualify)

17. When you take an exam, you are an .................................         (examine)

18. Your English is much better, but there’s still room for ................... (improve)

19. Please phone this number for more .................................... (inform)

20. Children need to have good ...............................    (educate)