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an phạm

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differ­ently from the others.

1.                   A. film                         B. satisfy                      C. interesting                D. frighten

2.                   A. enter                        B. eighteen                   C. fasten                      D. party

Choose the word whose stress pattern is different:

3.                   A. announce                 B. comfort                    C. neighbour                D. ready

4.                   A. dangerous                B. chemistry                 C. scientist                   D. ambition

5.                   A. peasant                    B. award                      C. panic                       D.  kitchen

Identify the error:

6.                   My alarm rings at 6 o’clock every morning. Therefore, I always went to school on time.                                                         A                          B                                                    C                        D

7.                   How much is she earn a month? – About 100 dollars.                                                                                                           A         B                         C              D

8.                   I had chance to meet the president once and that was the most excited experience of my life.                                   A                  B                                      C                               D

9.                   You shouldn’t let your children playing with matches; it is very dangerous.                                                                     A                                      B        C                                 D

10.               The police is looking for the bank robbers who stole a large sum of money from the bank.                                                    A                                              B       C                                             D

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences                                                                             

11.               We are contented with our life because we love working and we love our children. The OPPOSITE meaning of the underlined word is _______.                                                                                                                        A. dissatisfied                   B. overjoyed                C. careless                    D. frightened

12.               He told me to relax after the long working hours. The closest meaning of the underlined word is ____            A. have lunch               B. prepare                      C. take a rest                 D. get up

13.               Jean Henri Dunant, the founder of the International Red Cross, was _______ the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.             A. offered                    B. rewarded                 C. donated                   D. awarded

14.               After lunch, I usually take ______hour's rest.                                                                                                     A. an                            B. a                              C. the                           D. Ø

15.               – Jane: ‘More coffee?’               – Henry:  ‘_______’                                                                                         A. I don’t agree.           B. No, thanks               C. I don’t know.            D. That’s right.

16.               - Linda: “Excuse me! Where’s the post office?” - The man: “_________”                                                           A. Yes, I think so          B. I’m afraid not           C. Don’t worry             D. It’s over there         

17.               They screamed ________ panic when they saw the boy drowning.                                                                      A. at                             B. on                            C. in                             D. for

18.               Jane is considering _______ her major from physics to chemistry.                                                                       A. change                     B. changing                  C. changed                   D. to changing

19.               How many people ____________in the Second World War?                                                                               A. die                           B. have died                 C. were died                 D. died

20.               It took us an hour and a half ________ to Vung Tau.                                                                                          A. drive                        B. driving                     C. to drive                    D. drove

21.               He behaved like an adult. I think he is more______ than the other boys at his class.                                              A. intelligent                B. mature                     C. ambitious                 D. developed

22.               I told her _______about her wedding; everything will straighten out.                                                                   A. don't worry             B. not worry                 C. no worry                  D. not to worry

23.               Streets are always crowded ………. people and vehicles nowadays.                                                                    A. with                         B. by                             C. of                            D. for

24.               Robert ……………. in three movies already. I’m sure he’ll be a star someday.                                                    A. appeared                   B. had appeared            C. has appeared            D. has been appearing

25.                I’ll look after the children while you ………….. dinner.                                                                                    A. making                     B. will be making         C. made                       D. are making

26.               She’s been studying ………. chemistry at university for three years.                                                                   A. an                            B. ∅                              C. a                              D. the

27.               We always …………lots of photos while we go on a camping trip.                                                                     A. take                         B. do                            C. make                       D. catch

28.               My doctor ………. me to take up swimming as it is such good exercise.                                                              A. suggested                 B. proposed                  C. advised                    D. said

29.               The excuse Jane gave for her absence seems …… unbelievable                                                                          A. to being                   B. to be                         C. being                       D. be



30.   The noise made sleep …………………...

A. possibility                      B. possible                   C. impossible               D. impossibly

31.   They landed ………………… after a long adventure.

A. safety                            B. save                         C. safe                         D. safely

32.   Her ………………… to get university degree makes everyone admire.

A. determination                 B. determine                C. determined               D. undetermined

33.   The story really ………………………me.

A. fright                             B. frighten                   C. frightening               D. frightened

34.   _____ is Mexico? – Mexico lies south of the United States.

A. How                              B. What                        C. Where                      D. Which

35.   _____ did they go to Hue? – By train.

      A. How                              B. What                       C. Where                     D. Which



1.       She ran five miles. She didn’t stop.                                            -> She ran five miles without  …….

2.       They succeeded in fixing the whole system.                               -> They managed …………….

3.       We began studying English 5 years ago.                                    -> We have ……………

4.       First I turned off the computer, and then went out for dinner.       -> Before I ………

an phạm

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


III. Transformation

(Simple past vs Past perfect)

      1. Alex phoned the police. He saw the accident.

           → As soon as ..........................................................................................................................

      2. The police arrived so late, so the robbers escaped.

           → By the time ........................................................................................................................

      3. I turned off the lights. After that I left the room.

           → Before ..................................................................................................................................

      4. Everyone went home and afterwards this message arrived.

           → After ......................................................................................................................................

      5. Michael worked as a physicist after graduating from the university.

           → After ......................................................................................................................................

      6. He left school and then joined the army.

           → After ......................................................................................................................................

      7. Mary finished her homework and then went to bed.

           → Before ..................................................................................................................................


(Áp dụng những thì khác)

      8. The frying fan caught on fire. I was making dinner at that time.

           → While ....................................................................................................................................

      10. The flood raced down the valley and destroyed everything on its path

           → When ....................................................................................................................................

      9. I talked to Laura. This made me feel less nervous.

           → Since .....................................................................................................................................

      11. Ms. Johnson will return your call. She’ll have some free time.

           → As soon as ..........................................................................................................................

      12. Susan sometimes feels nervous. She chews her nails.

           → Whenever ...........................................................................................................................


an phạm

Chủ đề:

Uy-lít-xơ trở về

Câu hỏi:

a.      Trong đoạn trích, tác giả đã gắn nhân vật Uy-lít-xơ với những phẩm chất nào?


b.      Tâm trạng của nhân vật Uy-lit-xơ khi trở về và gặp lại vợ mình được biểu hiện như thế nào?

+ Trước sự thận trọng và hoài nghi của vợ Uy-lít-xơ :



+ Cách ứng xử của chàng bộc lộ phẩm chất gì?



      Tìm hiểu về sự việc thử thách và sum họp gia đình:

a.      Thử thách:

-  Người đưa ra thử thách là: ...................................................

-  Nội dung thử thách : ..................................................................................................

                  ................................................. ................................................. ................................

-  Theo em mục đích của việc thử thách này là gì?


      ........... ................................................. ..........................................................................

-  Việc chọn cách thử về “bí mật của chiếc giường ” cho thấy vẻ đẹp gì về trí tuệ và tâm hồn của Pê-nê-lốp? ....................................................................................................................................................

        →...................... ................................................. ..........................................................................

-  Ai là người được thử thách:  ..............................................

-  Uy-lít-xơ đã vượt qua thử thách bằng cách nào?



-  Việc Uy-lít-xơ nhanh chóng giải đáp được thử thách càng cho thấy điều gì ở chàng?

        →...................... ................................................. .............................................................

b. Sự sum họp:

- Tìm những chi tiết miêu tả tâm trạng của Pê-nê-lốp khi nghe Uy-lít-xơ kể về bí mật của chiếc giường? Những chi tiết ấy cho thấy phẩm chất gì của Pê-nê-lốp?



-  Uy-lít-xơ đã có hành động gì khi Pê-nê-lốp lí giải sự thận trọng và hoài nghi của nàng? Điều đó cho thấy vẻ đẹp nào của chàng?



- Theo em ý nghĩa của hình ảnh so sánh “ dịu hiền...mong đợi” ở cuối đoạn trích là gì?

