Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 14
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. sick                     B. second                    C. service                    D. sure

2. A. angry                  B. needy                      C. supply                     D. country

3. A. handicapped       B. interested                C. dedicated               D. excited

4. A. hungry                B. community             C. mutual                    D. student

5. A. charity                B. school                     C. childless                  D. teacher

Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

6. A. dedicate             B. fortunate                 C. practical                  D. volunteer

7. A. ensuring              B. protecting               C. providing                D. widening

8. A. donate                B. apply                       C. provide                   D. study

9. A. successful           B. announcement        C. ignorant                  D. experience

10. A. disadvantaged  B. environment           C. advertisement         D. unfortunate


Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

11. Luckily, I got some ____ advice on how to make a presentation on ‘For a better community’ from my class teacher.

            A. useless                    B. useful                      C. usefulness               D. uselessness

12. These ____ children encounter many problems and really need our help.

            A. disadvantaged        B. advantaged             C. disadvantage          D. advantage

13. Fundraising for charity is a ____ thing for everyone to do to help the community.

            A. meant                     B. meaningful             C. meaningless            D. meaning

14. They were so ____ about joining the local volunteer group that they couldn’t sleep last night.

            A. excite                      B. excitement              C. exciting                   D. excited

15. It is ____ that all the students in class 1OA choose to do a project on ‘Helping the needy’.

A. surprising                B. surprised                 C. surprise                   D. surprisingly

16.  Volunteers become well ____ of the problems facing the world.

A. aware                      B. concerned               C. helpful                    D. interested

17. English teaching is considered a good example of a volunteer job which often turns ____ a career.

A. off                          B. up                           C. on                           D. into

18. Mahatma Gandhi fought for the rights of coloured people in general and the Indians ____.

A. in time                    B. in particular            C. in contrast               D. in fact

19. A/an ____ is a person who needs others to take care of him/her, because of illness that he/she had for a long time.

A. patient                    B. martyr                     C. invalid                    D. addict

20. Mr. Chen is more _____ because he has finally agreed to allow his daughter to join an overseas volunteer organisation in Africa.

A. single-minded                    B. narrow-minded

C. absent-minded                    D. open-minded

21. Most of the students in that special school are making good progress, but Michael is a ____ case.

A. hopefully                B. hopeless                  C. hopeful                   D. hopelessly

22. A lot of generous businessmen have ____ valuable contributions to helping needy people.

A. done                       B. taken                       C. made                       D. given

23. Poor students cannot ____ an abundance of presents on their birthday.

A. look forward to                  B. put up with

C. come up w ith                     D. cut down on

24. Befriending can offer volunteers the opportunity to provide support and friendship to a person who may be going ____ a difficult period.

A. up                           B. on                           C . off                         D. through

25. Volunteer organisations are generally small-staffed, so they need to ____ lots of volunteers for a huge event.

A. employ                   B. recruit                     C. research                  D. catch

26. You’d better ____ a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis.

A. promise                   B. do                           C. make                       D. pull

27. They visit a retirement home and ____ time doing fun activities with the elderly who lack immediate family.

A. spend                      B. lose                         C. waste                      D. consume

28. Both community ____ and volunteerism are an investment in our community and the people who live in it.

A. life                          B. language                 C. performance           D. service

29. ____ being the CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates is also one of the world’s greatest philanthropists.

A. Aside from                         B. But for                    C. Except for              D. In addition

30. Their massive salaries let them afford to give ____ huge amounts to charities.

A. off                          B. up                           C. away                       D. hack

31. When you get involved in a volunteer project, you are able to ____ your knowledge into practice.

A. take                                    B. put                          C. bring                       D. push

32. Volunteers can work with many ____ children who were harmed by Agent Orange in childcare centres.

A. parentless               B. disabled                  C. poor                        D. homeless

33. Both CARE and Oxfam organisations have programmes to help people in underdeveloped countries ____ their lives.

A. make                       B. risk                          C. improve                  D. start

34. Many international volunteer organisations are trying to find a ____ to the problem of world hunger.

A. way                                    B. method                   C. suggestion              D. solution

35. For a cleaner and greener community, everyone should ____ the amount of trash and take care of our environment.

A. increase                  B. reduce                     C. contribute               D. ignore

36. Thanks to everyone's efforts, we can do ____ to make school a meaningful place for students living in poverty.

A. a great many           B. a little                     C. a great deal             D. a few

37. On the door of the house where Louis Braille was born are the words ‘He opened the door of ____ to all those who cannot see.’

A. knowledge                         B. information             C. news                       D. material

38. University students are willing to get involved in helping the old and ____ people.

A. childlike                 B. childish                   C. children                  D. childless

39. Contact is ____ connecting students with volunteer organisations abroad.

A. in place of              B. in charge of            C. in case of                D. in danger of

40. Football superstar David Beckham has a huge ____  for kids in need.

A. head                       B. strength                  C. memory                  D. heart

Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

41. I got the teaching job in the Happy Child Charity Centre just by chance.

A. accidentally            B. purposefully           C. easily                      D. immediately

42. Every month, the volunteer group go to remote and mountainous areas to help those in need.

A. empty                     B. faraway                  C. crowded                 D. poor

43. Mother Teresa devoted herself to caring for the sick and the poor.

A. spent                       B. contributed             C. gave up                   D. dedicated

44. Our top priority is to clean and protect the environment in our neighbourhood.

A. hobby                     B. job                          C. preference               D. idea

45. Young people are now getting more and more concerned about environmental problems.

A. worried                   B. nervous                   C. hopeless                  D. uneasy

Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

46. Many people who do volunteer work think they are more fortunate than others.

A. lucky                      B. blessed                    C. unlucky                   D. uncomfortable

47. Public service announcement is a special advertisement for the community, normally about health or safety matters.

A. Open                      B. Private                    C. Secret                     D. Popular

48. Economically disadvantaged students often drop out of school, choosing a low- paying job to earn money.

A. leave                       B. attend                     C. accept                     D. reject

49. We are looking for camp helpers who are hard-working, energetic, and able to organise activities for young children.

A. active                      B. dynamic                  C. passive                    D. reluctant

50. Volunteering also means getting to meet people with a similar passion.

A. alike                        B. identical                  C. common                  D. distinct

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1.        A. meaningful                  B. finance                      C. society                                D. advice

2.        A. overspent                    B. achievement              C. environment                       D. movement

3.        A. volunteer                     B. cheerful                    C. needy                                 D. career

4.         A. generous                      B. develop                   C. video                                  D. inventor

5.         A.fabric                            B.laptop                       C.advantage                            D. imitate

6.         A. ungrateful                    B. generation               C. garden                                D. glance

7.         A. band                            B. many                       C. thank                                  D. fan

8.     A. rural                             B. community                C. tutor                                  D. music

9.      A. shellfish                                    B. sugar                       C. seasoning                           D. pressure

*. Stress

10. A. capability                     B. disadvantaged              C. experience                       D. volunteer

11. A. obvious                        B. endless                         C. career                               D. problem

12. A. devote                          B. prepare                         C. special                            D. donate

13.     donation                          B. society                         C. comfort                           D. psychology

14.     contribution                     B. disadvantaged              C. announcement                 D. individual

15.     understand                       B. newspaper                    C. volunteer                         D. interact

16.     A. homeless                     B. needy                          C. charity                              D. remote

17.     A. priority                        B. ability                          C. community                       D. disadvantage

18.     A. volunteer                    B. passionate                   C. handicapped                     D. cultural

19.     A. disabled                      B. helpful                        C. obvious                            D. careful

20.     A. community                  B. development                          C. experience                                    D. education

IV. Multiple choice:

1.   Liverpool gained a _____ 5-4 win over Glenavon.

A. thrill                    B. thrilled                     C. thriller                     D. thrilling

2.   'How does Jane like her new car?' 'She's ______ with it.'  

A. delighted B. delighting                C. delight                     D. delightful

3.   Volunteers can do general __________ such as clean-up projects or home repair.

A. things                  B.  labour                     C.  jobs                        D.  activities

4.   We came to the remote village and ______ meals for homeless children. 

A. cook                   B.  offered                   C.  do                           D.  made

5.   You should think of __________ the volunteer activities in your community.

A. taking in             B.  making                   C.  participating           D.  taking part in

6.   Traditional volunteer activities include __________ money for people in need, cooking and giving food.

A. getting                 B.  rising                      C.  raising                    D.  taking

7.   They have decided to clean up the neighbourhood __________ it is full of rubbish.

A. so                       B.  but                          C.  because                  D.  although

8.   Volunteering is special __________ me because I can help others.   

A. to                        B.  with                        C.  for                          D.  at

9.      We managed to                    over $4,000 through donations and other events.

A. deposit                          B. donate                           C. raise                              D. exchange

10.  The                    will observe and score your performance in the contest.

A. judges                           B. contestants                    C. sponsors                        D. winners

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

*. Stress

1.      A. enormous                     B. vulnerable                   C. contribute                         D. exactly

2.      A. excited                         B. irregular                       C. attachment                       D. talent

3.      A. skeleton                        B. intestine                       C. grandparent                      D. similar

4.      A. contestant                     B. routine                         C. consist                              D. laundry

5.      A. adore                            B. achievement                C. composer                         D. passionate

6.      A. competition                  B. system                         C. format                              D. debut

7.     A. album                           B. compose                     C. begin                                D. remain

8.     A. contestant                     B. general                        C. recognise                         D. confident

9.     A. debut                            B. contrast                       C. broadcast                        D. repeat

10.  A. husband                       B. brother                         C. vessel                               D. effect


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1.     A. school                           B. scholarship                  C. chemistry                         D. choose

2.     A. kitchen                          B. biology                        C. disagree                            D. holiday

3.     A. band                             B. sand                             C. hand                                 D. many

4.     A. typical                           B. family                          C. bicycle                             D. cycling

5.      A. composer                     B. solo                             C. post                                  D. love

6.      A. psychologist                 B. duty                             C. laundry                            D. grocery

7.      A. breadwinner                 B. heavy                          C. break                                D. instead

8.      A. excited                         B. talented                        C. supported                         D. watched

9.      A. hopeless                       B. endless                        C. success                             D. harmless

10.  A. burden                          B. sister                            C. nervous                            D. nurture


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Verb forms:

1.      . What terrible traffic! Just look at the long queue. We ____ (miss) our flight.  

2.      . I ____ (send) Alex your letter when I see her tomorrow.  

3.      . I hope you ____ (visit) my new house in Charlington some time.

4.      . Kate ___ ____ (not join) us next Friday; she will be taking exams that day.

5.      . A: What are your plans for the holiday?

         B: I ___ _____ (visit) my grandparents and then go trekking in Sapa.

6.      . A: I can't fix the problem in my computer, Jason.

         B: Alright. I _____ ________ (take) a look at it.

7.      . I ___ ____ (take) you out for ice-cream as long as you get an A on your Math test.

8.      . Do you think they ______ _____ (win) the championship?

9.      Clare (be)______five years old next month.

10.  I (take) ______ an exam next October.

11.  There is going to be a bus strike. Everyone (walk)______ to work.

12.  A: “The phone is ringing”     B. “I (answer)______it”.

13.  Do you think that you (pass)_________ your exams in June?

14.  There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It (rain)_______.

15.  She hopes that he (come)_______ to the party.

II. Writing: Passive voice

1.      They are taking photographs of the event.

2.      His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.

3.      We will send you the results as soon as they are ready.

4.      We consider him the best speaker of the debate.

5.      The teacher returned our written work to us.

6.      She is goingto make a cake.

7.      The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow.

8.      They didn’t look after the children properly.

9.      Tom was writing a poem.

10.  Somebody has taken some of my books away.

III. Give the correct forms in Passive voice of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. Homework ________ _______ (assign) twice a week.

2. Why ____ ___ the car ____________ (steal) yesterday?

3. French and English _____ _____ (speak) in Canada.

4. How ______ _____ information ______ ______ (store) in our brain?

5. I promise that the money ______ _______ (pay) back to you soon.

6. Yesterday, applicants for this position ______ _______ (examine) thoroughly.

7. He ____ _____ (punish) by his father yesterday.

8. Linh ______ ______ (offer) the job last month but she turned it down.

9. I think an alternative therapy _____ ___ (recommend) if medical therapy doesn't work.

10. The car ____ _____ (repair) at the moment. It broke up in an accident last Sunday.

IV . Mistake recognition:

1.      There are about two thousands dwellers in my village.

2.      My son was born in September 20th, 1998.               

3.      My mother always takes a walk for half a hour.

4.      We are going to study tonight until we will finish this chapter. 

5.      The final match starts at 7:30, so I think I go.

6.      . The restaurant we went to yesterday was not beautifully decorated, but the food is well cooked.

7.      . The city hall was painted and tidy up by a group of people.

8.      . Toxic gases are exhaled by factories and inhale by people living in surrounding areas.

9.      . We were all frightening by the loud noise at midnight last night.

10.  . What will be make about the future development of rural areas to slow down urban sprawl?

11.  . What song is that song writer best knew for?

12.  . Alex and Wong won't be hang out any more as they are moving to different places.


1. A. stomach                                      B. chest                                    C. chord                       D. psychology

2. A. digestive                                     B. suggest                    C. massage                   D. allergy

3. A. skull                                            B. study                       C. lung                         D. circulatory

4. A. resistance                                                B. respiratory               C. vessel                      D. system

5. A. sugary                                         B. acupressure                         C. intestine                   D. sure

6.     A. ready                                      B. meat                           C. defeat                      D. beat

7.     A. kitchen                                   B. history                        C. time                                     D. finish

8.     A. typical                                    B. family                         C. bicycle                    D. cycling

9.     A. routine                                    B. literature                     C. kindness                  D. fifty

10. A. pens                                       B. books                         C. rulers                       D. pencils


1.     A. equal                                         B. realize                      C. divorce                    D. balance

2.     A. solution                                     B. educate                    C. enormous                D. contribute

3.      A. skeletal                                      B. nervous                   C. acupuncture                        D. respiratory

4.      A. harmony                                   B. precaution               C. enhance                   D. emotion

5.      A. energy                                       B. evidence                  C. alternative               D. therapy

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Verb forms:

1.      I guess I ( finish ) ............................. my assignment for this semester on time.

2.      They have bought a couple of tickets and they ( see ) ...................................... their favorite film at the cinema.

3.      Do you know that John has been in hospital ? – No, I don’t. I ( visit ) ............................ him tomorrow.

4.      Mai: This bag is too heavy ! – Nam: Don’t worry. I ( carry ) .................................... it for you.

5.      . Why is Sheila getting a passport ? – She ( live ) ...................................... in Spain for a year

6.      Look at the sky. It ( rain ) ................................... tomorrow.

7.      Tom: Where you (go) ___________ for your next holiday? ( Where have you arranged to go?)
Ann: I don't know yet but we probably (go) ___________ to Spain.

8.      We (have) ________ a drink with Peter tonight. (He has invited us.) It's his last night; he (leave)_______ tomorrow.

9.      I (see) ___________ my bank manager tomorrow. (I have arranged this.) I'm going to ask him for a loan but I expect he (refuse) ___________.

10.  Take an umbrella; it (rain) ___________.

11.  Where you (go) ___________ this evening? ~   I (stay) ­­­­­­­­­_______at home. I (write) ___________some letters.

12.  . Human body ( can / support ) ................ by a spine

13.  A box full of chocolate ( send ) ............... to him yesterday.

14.  . More than 10 pages ( type ) ..................... so far.

15.  Every day, the dishes ( wash ) .........  by Jane but today the washing-up ( do ) ....... by Jame.

II. Writing: Passive voice:

1.      Tom delivers the mail every day ……………………………………………………………………………..

2.      Somebody calls the president every day …………………………………………………………………….

3.      My father gave me a new shirt…………………………

4.      Weeds cover the riverbank…………………………………………………………………………………..

5.      . John is calling the other members …………………………………………………………………………….

6.      Somebody has taken my briefcase ……………………………………………………………………..

7.      She finished the report at noon ……………………………………………………………………………….

8.      The police have arrested five suspects ………………………………………………………….

9.      They are going to decorate the room next week…………………………….

10.  She is going to tell a story…………………………….

11.  . John will receive the papers tomorrow………………………………

12.  Somebody will call Mr. Watson tonight ………………………..

III.  Pronunciation

1.             A. proofs                     B. books                      C. points                        D. days

2.             A. helps                       B. laughs                      C. cooks                        D. finds

3.             A. neighbors                B. friends                     C. relatives                     D. photographs

4.             A. snacks                     B. follows                    C. titles                          D. writers

5.             A. streets                      B. phones                    C. books                        D. makes

6.             A. cities                       B. satellites                  C. series                         D. workers

7.             A. develops                 B. takes                        C. laughs                        D. volumes

8.             A. phones                    B. streets                      C. books                        D. makes

9.             A. proofs                     B. regions                    C. lifts                            D. rocks

10.         A. involves                  B. believes                   C. suggests                     D. steals

IV. Stress

1. A. alternative                       B. bacteria                   C. respiratory               D. scientific

2. A. acupuncturist      B. circulatory               C. ineffectively                        D. vegetarian

3. A. ailment                B. disease                    C. pultry                      D. nervous

4. A. digestive              B. intestine                   C. condition                 D. evidence

5. A. internal                B. skeletal                    C. therapy                    D. willpower


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Verb forms:

1.      I guess I ( finish ) ............................. my assignment for this semester on time.

2.      They have bought a couple of tickets and they ( see ) ...................................... their favorite film at the cinema.

3.      Do you know that John has been in hospital ? – No, I don’t. I ( visit ) ............................ him tomorrow.

4.      Mai: This bag is too heavy ! – Nam: Don’t worry. I ( carry ) .................................... it for you.

5.      . Why is Sheila getting a passport ? – She ( live ) ...................................... in Spain for a year

6.      Look at the sky. It ( rain ) ................................... tomorrow.

7.      Tom: Where you (go) ___________ for your next holiday? ( Where have you arranged to go?)
Ann: I don't know yet but we probably (go) ___________ to Spain.

8.      We (have) ________ a drink with Peter tonight. (He has invited us.) It's his last night; he (leave)_______ tomorrow.

9.      I (see) ___________ my bank manager tomorrow. (I have arranged this.) I'm going to ask him for a loan but I expect he (refuse) ___________.

10.  Take an umbrella; it (rain) ___________.

11.  Where you (go) ___________ this evening? ~   I (stay) ­­­­­­­­­_______at home. I (write) ___________some letters.

12.  . Human body ( can / support ) ................ by a spine

13.  A box full of chocolate ( send ) ............... to him yesterday.

14.  . More than 10 pages ( type ) ..................... so far.

15.  Every day, the dishes ( wash ) .........  by Jane but today the washing-up ( do ) ....... by Jame.

II. Writing: Passive voice:

1.      Tom delivers the mail every day ……………………………………………………………………………..

2.      Somebody calls the president every day …………………………………………………………………….

3.      My father gave me a new shirt…………………………

4.      Weeds cover the riverbank…………………………………………………………………………………..

5.      . John is calling the other members …………………………………………………………………………….

6.      Somebody has taken my briefcase ……………………………………………………………………..

7.      She finished the report at noon ……………………………………………………………………………….

8.      The police have arrested five suspects ………………………………………………………….

9.      They are going to decorate the room next week…………………………….

10.  She is going to tell a story…………………………….

11.  . John will receive the papers tomorrow………………………………

12.  Somebody will call Mr. Watson tonight ………………………..

III.  Pronunciation

1.             A. proofs                     B. books                      C. points                        D. days

2.             A. helps                       B. laughs                      C. cooks                        D. finds

3.             A. neighbors                B. friends                     C. relatives                     D. photographs

4.             A. snacks                     B. follows                    C. titles                          D. writers

5.             A. streets                      B. phones                    C. books                        D. makes

6.             A. cities                       B. satellites                  C. series                         D. workers

7.             A. develops                 B. takes                        C. laughs                        D. volumes

8.             A. phones                    B. streets                      C. books                        D. makes

9.             A. proofs                     B. regions                    C. lifts                            D. rocks

10.         A. involves                  B. believes                   C. suggests                     D. steals

IV. Stress

1. A. alternative                       B. bacteria                   C. respiratory               D. scientific

2. A. acupuncturist      B. circulatory               C. ineffectively                        D. vegetarian

3. A. ailment                B. disease                    C. pultry                      D. nervous

4. A. digestive              B. intestine                   C. condition                 D. evidence

5. A. internal                B. skeletal                    C. therapy                    D. willpower

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Reading comprehension:

The Central Nervous System

The adult brain weighs about three pounds. This doesn’t seem like much, but it is one of the most important organs in the human body. The brain is made up of millions of nerve cells. These nerve cells tell the rest of the body what to do. Without a brain, we could not live. The spinal chord is connected to the brain. It runs from our neck down through our back. The spinal chord and the brain make up what is called the central nervous system. The brain is like the body’s computer. It controls body temperature and reminds us to breathe. The brain allows the body to have voluntary movement, thought, language, and reasoning. Different parts of the brain have different jobs. The brain tells us when we are hungry and thirsty. It also is responsible for memory and emotion. Our brain relies on food to give it energy. You need to eat healthy foods to keep your brain and the rest of your body working right. Healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains, milk, and other dairy products are all important foods for us to eat. We also need to keep our brains active. Research has shown that the less active our brain is, the less we are able to remember and do. So keep thinking, moving, and doing. It’s great for your brain.

1. After reading the passage, what do you think would happen if your brain was injured?

A. It would immediately double in size.                      B. Our bodies might not be able to perform certain things.

C. The heart would begin to take over the body.   D. Doctors have not yet determined what happens in this case.

2. The main idea of this passage is ________.

A. to inform the reader about what happens when they are thinking

B. to inform the reader about the connection between the heart and brain

C. to inform the reader about how important healthy food is to the brain

D. to share general information about the brain and the spinal chord and how they work

3. The word "relies" in line 8 can be replaced by _______?

A. depends      B. requires                   C. moves                     D. works

4. The word "it" in line 1 refers to ________.A. brain            B. this              C. organ                       D. body

5. Which of the following statement is false?

A. Our brain needs to be fed.                          B. Inactivity is not good for our brain.

C. The whole brain has one function.              D. The brain is a very important part of our body.

II. Multiple choice:

1.      The ..............system of the body lets us break down the food we eat and turns it into energy.

A. respiratory                     B. digestive                  C. circulatory               D. skeletal

2.      Therapies like acupuncture are believed to be effective..........to modern medicine.

A. devices                          B. precautions              C. capabilities              D. alternatives

3.      Daily exercise and weight control strongly influence your chances of staying.............

A. passive                          B. healthy                    C. active                      D. lazy

4.      The row of bones down the middle of a human's back is called the.......... 

A.brain                              B. skull                        C. skeleton                   D. spine

5.      Playing sports will............a lot of your energy.     

A. spend                            B. comsume                 C. have                        D. waste

6.      To attend the concert, you need to book a .......... in advance.     

A. ticket                             B. fare                         C. fine                         D. place

7.      Mary has grown up and turned...........a beautiful girl.                  

A. up                                 B. down                       C. into                          D. in

8.      Using acupuncture, doctors must know all.............. points.   

A. soreness                        B. pressure                   C. massage      D. section

9.      In under a minute, your ____ can pump blood to bring oxygen and nutrients to every cell in your body.

A. brain                       B. heart                        C. lungs                       D. vessels

10.  The human ____ system is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.

A. circulatory               B. digestive                  C. nervous                   D. respiratory

III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets:

1. The ..... system of the body is made up of our bones. It supports our body and protects our organs ( skeleton )

2. Food is broken by the ..................... system and turned into energy ( digest )

3. Acupunture is one of the oldest ..................... treatments in the world ( medicine )

4. The recipe for this dish .................. in Japan a long time ago ( origin )

5. The practice of acupunture involves placing hair-thin needles in ................ pressure points throughout the body ( vary )

6.                        , there were 365 acupoints, but this has increased to more than 2000 nowadays ( origin )

7. People who are taking blood related medicine should not have the .............. ( treat )

VI.Closest meaning

1. Acupuncture originated in China and has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years.

            A. began                      B. created                    C. developed               D. introduced

2. There is no evidence at this time that acupuncture can treat cancer itself.

            A. clue                         B. data                         C. proof                       D. sign

3. Acupuncture can treat from simple to complicated ailments.

            A. acupoints                B. diseases                   C. points                      D. treatments

4. Some people believe that acupuncture can be a cure of cancer.

            A. allergy                     B. practice                   C. therapy                    D. hygiene

5. Acupuncture can ease nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.

            A. increase                   B. prevent                    C. reduce                     D. spoil

6. Are there any alternatives that might provide better options for gay people?

            A. choices                    B. decisions                 C. judgements              D. votes

7. The old blood cells are broken down by the spleen and eliminated from the body.

            A. cut out                     B. exhaled                   C. removed                  D. held