Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 11
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My family has a special custom for International Women’s Day on every March 08th. On this day, every family member always tries (1) _______ something nice for my Mom. Dad told me that we should show our appreciation for her because she (2) ________ us every day. When I was young, I made my mother a card and write about how thankful I was. Now on this occasion this year, I cook a special dinner for her. My Dad usually (3) _______ work early and goes to the supermarket to buy ingredients. We will then cook the food (4) _______ my Mom’s help. She also receives gifts and flowers from my dad. (5) ________, my brother and I will do the dishes.

      1. A. do                             B. doing                      C. to have done                        D. to do

      2. A. is taking care of        B. took care of             C. have taken care of                         D. will take care of

      3. A. does                          B. stays                       C. leaves                                 D. removes

      4. A. with                          B. without                   C. along                                  D. beside

      5. A. By the way               B. Afterwards             C. Despite                               D. However  


1) ______ the Vietnamese believe that the first visitor a family receives in the year determines their fortune for the (2) ________ year, people never enter (3) _______ house on the first day without (4) _______ first. The act of being the first person to enter a house on Tet is called Xong Dat or Dap Dat. Usually, a person with a happy demeanor or who had experienced good luck during the previous year is invited first into the house. In some (5) _______, any person with names such as Phuc (happy), Tai (wealth) or Loc (luck) will be invited to (6) _______ this act of Xong Dat. However, just to be (7) _______, the owner of the house will leave the house a few minutes before midnight and come back just as the clock (8) _______ midnight to prevent anyone else (9) ________ entering the house first who might potentially bring any unfortunate events in the new year to the household.

Sweeping during Tet is taboo, since it symbolizes sweeping the luck away. It is also taboo for (10) ______ who experienced a recent loss of a family member to visit anyone else during Tet.

1. A. Although                                 B. Instead                          C. Due to                                                      D. Since

2. A. all                                            B. whole                            C. round                                                          D. around

3. A. any                                          B. each                               C. every                                                          D. one                                                         

4. A.  to be invited                           B. to invite                         C. being invited                                              D. inviting                        

5. A. cases                                       B. examples                       C. kinds                                                          D. sorts

6. A. take                                         B. perform                         C. do                                                     D. make

7. A. safe                                         B. safety                            C. safetiness                                                                                    D. safely

8. A. hits                                          B. knocks                           C. strikes                                                          D. shows

9. A. in                                             B. for                                 C. with                                                          D. from

10. A. the one                                  B. anyone                          C. no one                                   D