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Bài học
Cho 1,5 gam hỗn hợp gồm Nhôm và Magiê vào dd HCl có nồng độ 1 mol/l người ta thu được 1,68 lít khí ở ( đktc)
a/ Tính % khối lượng mỗi kim loại.
b/ Thể tích axit đã dung.
1. It's cold. You should/shouldn't turn on the fan. 2. You ought not to/ought to do homework before you go out with your friends.
3. You should/shouldn't eat plenty of fruit or vegetables every day in order to keep healthy. 4. You must/mustn't eat in the class. 5. You ought to/ought not to drink a lot of water every day. 6. I must/have to submit my homework before 12 o'clock because the deadline is 12 o'clock. 7. I must/have to stay at home to take care of my children. 8. My friend says: "You don't have to/mustn't drink champagne. You can have a coke or fruit juice instead.
9. You don't have to/mustn't drink if you're going to drive afterwards.
10. You don't have to/mustn't pick up Tom at the airport because Judy will
1.If I were you, I would spend more time talking with my children.
2. John is not allowed to use that computer. 3. It is necessary that people who work here leave by 6 p.m. 4. You aren’t allowed to use your cell phone in class. 5. Customers are advised to check their luggage before leaving the airport.
6. Students are not allowed to cheat in the exam.
7. It is not necessary for me to agree with everything my parents say.
8. You are not allowed to take photographs in the museum.
9. It would be a good idea for you to share the housework with your mother.
10. It is not necessary for Ann to call
Hai điện tích q1 = 8.10-8 C, q2 = -8.10-8 C đặt tại A và B trong không khí (AB = 10 cm). Xác định lực tác dụng lên q3 = 8.10-8 C , nếu:
a. C là trung điểm AB
b. CA = 4 cm, CB = 14 cm.
c. CA = CB = 10 cm.
d. CA = 8 cm, CB = 6 cm
Hai điện tích điểm như nhau đặt trong chân không cách nhau một đoạn 4 cm, lực đẩy tĩnh điện giữa chúng là 10-5 N.
a. Tìm dấu và độ lớn mỗi điện tích.
b. Tìm khoảng cách giữa chúng để lực đẩy tĩnh điện giữa chúng là 2,5. 10-6 N.