Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

tui cần gấp mọi ng giúp tui với :((


 I.Rewrite the following sentences using the active.

1. The patient will be asked to lie down by the acupuncturist.

2. Single-use disposable sterile needles should be used by the acupuncturist.

3. As each needle is inserted by the acupuncturist, the patient will feel them, but initially without pain.

4. Sometimes the needles is heated or stimulated with electricity after insertion

5. The needles are kept in acupoints for about twenty minutes.

II.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence

Remember: be/get/become/seem                 + Adj / n

                     look/feel/sound/taste/smell      +Adj / n

                     ordinary verb                           +Adv

1. This tea tastes a bit……………………..……(strange/strangely)

2. I always feel…………………..……..when the sun is shining (happy/happily)

3. The children were playing…………………………………..in the garden. (happy/happily)

4. The man became……………………..when the manager of the restaurant ask him to leave. (violent/violently)

5. You look…………………………..…….!Are you alright?( terrible/terribly)

6. There’s no point in doing a job if you don’t do it……………………..…… ( proper/ properly). 

III. Active to Passive

1. They share the housework equally. -> ………………………………………………………………………

2. They don’t share the housework equally?-> ………………………………………………………………...

3. Do they share the housework equally ? -> ………………………………………………………………….

4. How do they share the housework? -> ………………………………………………………………………