Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences.

1. We / this / new / have / subjects / school / for / year.


2.   isn't / new / of / in / My / centre / the / village. / the / school


3.   day, / has / Every / at / / breakfast / o'clock. / 6 / he /


4.   sometimes/weekends/ we/ the/ go/ at/ camping.


5.   it/ very/ to/ is/ interesting/ join/ school/in/ my/ chess/ the/ club/ in.


6. living / kitchen / and / a / two / room, / bedrooms, / three / There's / a / / bathrooms.


7. country / live / in / I / a / house.


8. Let's / to / the / one. / department / buy / go / store / to


9.tiger / bathroom / door / The / the / the / and / is / between / window.


10. a / a / desk / a / wardrobe / There’s / and / lamp,


Make sentences using the words and phrases given .

1. What / name / school?        


2.Where / school?


3.How many /class/ school /have?


4. Students /live / study / boarding/  school/ .


5. Dream School, /students // English /English-speaking teachers/


 6. There /five/ rooms / house.


7.bus station/ near / new /shopping center.


8.We/ not/ have / telephone / living room.


9.There/ not/ many/ biscuits/ packet.


10.house /have/garden /front / it?
