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Câu trả lời:


1. I haven´t read a good novel for a long time.

It´s no long time_______since_______ I read a good novel.

2. Why don´t you borrow a book from the library?.

 If I were you, I _______________ a book from the library.

3. I spend an hour reading the newspaper every day.

 It takes me an hour___to read___________ the newspaper every day.

4. I think that history books are more interesting than novels.

I think that novels are not_____as interesting as______history books.

5. There aren´t many history books in my local library.

My local library has only got a ________________history books.

6. My brother is too young to read computer books.

My brother isn´t_____________________ to read computer books.

7. The new restaurant´s name is The Bluebell.

The name________ new restaurant is The Bluebell.

8. the owner of The Bluebell is a very rich man.

The new restaurant_____________ to a very rich man.

9. The Bluebell was designed by a famous architect.

A famous architect_________ The Bluebell.

10. The Bluebell is more comfortable than other restaurants in the area.

Other restaurants in the area are not so_________________ The Bluebell.

11. There are English and French dishes on The Bluebell´s menu. The Bluebell____________________ got English and French dishes on its menu.


12. Meal prices at The Bluebell will change on 30 August.

Meal prices at The Bluebell will be the same_________30 August.

13. The King School has been open for five years.

The King School____________five years ago.

14. Last year the King School had more than 500 students.

Last year there_____________ more than 500 students at the King School.

15. I asked at Reception about the price of a conversation course.

 I asked at Reception: “How much_______ a conversation course cost?

16. The course book is included in the price of the course.

 The price of the course_____________ the course book.

17. All the other schools in town are more expensive than the King School.

 The King School is the __________ expensive of all schools in town.

18. Students are not allowed to attend classes if they have not paid the fee.

Students are not allowed to attend classes____________ they have paid the fee.

19. Old Farham Castle was built six hundred years ago.

Old Farham Castle____________six hundred years old.

20. People say there is no other castle as interesting as this one in Europe.

People say that this is ___________ castle in Europe.

21. The castle opened to the public last year.

The castle______________ open to the public since last year.

22. Students are allowed to visit the castle without paying anything. Students_____________have to pay anything to visit the castle.

23. Visitors are always met at the door by the owner, Mr. Brandon.

The owner, Mr. Brandon, always_________ visitors at the door.

24. I asked Mr. Brandon if he lived in the castle when he was a child.

I asked Mr. Brandon: “_______________ live in the castle when you were a child?”

25. Niko really enjoys playing basketball.

Niko is very Keen________________basketball.

26. Last year, Niko was shown how to play basketball by his older brother.

Niko´s older brother_________ him how to play basketball last year.

27. Niko joined a basketball team three years ago.

Niko has been in a basketball team________ 3 years

28. Niko practices at a stadium quite near his house.

Niko´s house is not very ______ from the stadium where he practices.

29. Niko walks to the stadium in the minutes.

It ______________ Niko then minutes to walk to the stadium.

30. Niko´s team had an important match last week.

There _________an important match last week for Niko´s team.

31. I prefer playing tennis to playing squash.

I like playing tennis_____________ playing squash.

32. it´s too cold to play tennis.

 It isn´t warm_____________ to play tennis.

33. There are only a few squash courts in this town.

 There aren´t very_____________ squash courts in this town.

34. If you don’t play every week, you won´t improve your tennis.

You won´t improve your tennis unless_________every week.

35. Why don’t you join a tennis club?

 If I were you,__________________ join a tennis club.

36. I haven’t been to a tennis match for a long time.

It´s a long time since___________a tennis match.

37. We had not been on a canal boat for two years.

 It was two years________________ we had been on a canal boat.

38. It took us a long time to decide where to go.

We spent a long time_______________where to go.

39. The boat did not move very quickly down the river.

 The boat moved very_____________ down the river.

40. We could not fish in many parts of the river.

We were not________________- fish in many parts of the river.

41. there was a small kitchen on the boat.

 The boat_____________a small kitchen

42. The sun shone every day of the boat trip.

It was______________every day of the boat trip.

43. Clocks and watches are seen everywhere.

 You can _________ clocks and watches everywhere.

44. The earliest clocks used the sun´s shadow to tell the time.

 With the earliest clocks, people_____________ the time by using the sun´s shadow.

45. Modern clocks are more accurate than old-fashioned ones were.

 Old-fashioned clocks weren´t as____________ modern ones are.

46. The most famous clocks in the world are made in Switzerland.

 In Switzerland, they______________ the most famous clocks in the world.

47. An alarm clock can help you wake up early.

An alarm clock is helpful_____________you need to wake up early.

48. People without watches are often late for appointments.

 People without watches are often not____________ time for appointments.

49. The alphabet we use in English has 26 letters.

In the alphabet we use in English, ____________ are 26 letters.

50. Without an alphabet, we couldn´t write down our ideas.

If we _____________have an alphabet, we couldn’t write down our ideas.

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Chủ đề:

Luyện thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông

Câu hỏi:


1. I haven´t read a good novel for a long time.

It´s no long time_______since_______ I read a good novel.

2. Why don´t you borrow a book from the library?.

 If I were you, I _______________ a book from the library.

3. I spend an hour reading the newspaper every day.

 It takes me an hour___to read___________ the newspaper every day.

4. I think that history books are more interesting than novels.

I think that novels are not_____as interesting as______history books.

5. There aren´t many history books in my local library.

My local library has only got a ________________history books.

6. My brother is too young to read computer books.

My brother isn´t_____________________ to read computer books.

7. The new restaurant´s name is The Bluebell.

The name________ new restaurant is The Bluebell.

8. the owner of The Bluebell is a very rich man.

The new restaurant_____________ to a very rich man.

9. The Bluebell was designed by a famous architect.

A famous architect_________ The Bluebell.

10. The Bluebell is more comfortable than other restaurants in the area.

Other restaurants in the area are not so_________________ The Bluebell.

11. There are English and French dishes on The Bluebell´s menu. The Bluebell____________________ got English and French dishes on its menu.


12. Meal prices at The Bluebell will change on 30 August.

Meal prices at The Bluebell will be the same_________30 August.

13. The King School has been open for five years.

The King School____________five years ago.

14. Last year the King School had more than 500 students.

Last year there_____________ more than 500 students at the King School.

15. I asked at Reception about the price of a conversation course.

 I asked at Reception: “How much_______ a conversation course cost?

16. The course book is included in the price of the course.

 The price of the course_____________ the course book.

17. All the other schools in town are more expensive than the King School.

 The King School is the __________ expensive of all schools in town.

18. Students are not allowed to attend classes if they have not paid the fee.

Students are not allowed to attend classes____________ they have paid the fee.

19. Old Farham Castle was built six hundred years ago.

Old Farham Castle____________six hundred years old.

20. People say there is no other castle as interesting as this one in Europe.

People say that this is ___________ castle in Europe.

21. The castle opened to the public last year.

The castle______________ open to the public since last year.

22. Students are allowed to visit the castle without paying anything. Students_____________have to pay anything to visit the castle.

23. Visitors are always met at the door by the owner, Mr. Brandon.

The owner, Mr. Brandon, always_________ visitors at the door.

24. I asked Mr. Brandon if he lived in the castle when he was a child.

I asked Mr. Brandon: “_______________ live in the castle when you were a child?”

25. Niko really enjoys playing basketball.

Niko is very Keen________________basketball.

26. Last year, Niko was shown how to play basketball by his older brother.

Niko´s older brother_________ him how to play basketball last year.

27. Niko joined a basketball team three years ago.

Niko has been in a basketball team________ 3 years

28. Niko practices at a stadium quite near his house.

Niko´s house is not very ______ from the stadium where he practices.

29. Niko walks to the stadium in the minutes.

It ______________ Niko then minutes to walk to the stadium.

30. Niko´s team had an important match last week.

There _________an important match last week for Niko´s team.

31. I prefer playing tennis to playing squash.

I like playing tennis_____________ playing squash.

32. it´s too cold to play tennis.

 It isn´t warm_____________ to play tennis.

33. There are only a few squash courts in this town.

 There aren´t very_____________ squash courts in this town.

34. If you don’t play every week, you won´t improve your tennis.

You won´t improve your tennis unless_________every week.

35. Why don’t you join a tennis club?

 If I were you,__________________ join a tennis club.

36. I haven’t been to a tennis match for a long time.

It´s a long time since___________a tennis match.

37. We had not been on a canal boat for two years.

 It was two years________________ we had been on a canal boat.

38. It took us a long time to decide where to go.

We spent a long time_______________where to go.

39. The boat did not move very quickly down the river.

 The boat moved very_____________ down the river.

40. We could not fish in many parts of the river.

We were not________________- fish in many parts of the river.

41. there was a small kitchen on the boat.

 The boat_____________a small kitchen

42. The sun shone every day of the boat trip.

It was______________every day of the boat trip.

43. Clocks and watches are seen everywhere.

 You can _________ clocks and watches everywhere.

44. The earliest clocks used the sun´s shadow to tell the time.

 With the earliest clocks, people_____________ the time by using the sun´s shadow.

45. Modern clocks are more accurate than old-fashioned ones were.

 Old-fashioned clocks weren´t as____________ modern ones are.

46. The most famous clocks in the world are made in Switzerland.

 In Switzerland, they______________ the most famous clocks in the world.

47. An alarm clock can help you wake up early.

An alarm clock is helpful_____________you need to wake up early.

48. People without watches are often late for appointments.

 People without watches are often not____________ time for appointments.

49. The alphabet we use in English has 26 letters.

In the alphabet we use in English, ____________ are 26 letters.

50. Without an alphabet, we couldn´t write down our ideas.

If we _____________have an alphabet, we couldn’t write down our ideas.

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