Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
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16. Hoa received a letter from a pen pal,…………… …?

17. Your father hasn’t read this article,…………… ….?

18. The children enjoy eating candy,……………… …?

19. Give the teacher this form,……………………….?

20. The house isn’t very comfortable,……………….?

21. Have another cup of coffee,……………… ….?

22. I am a total strange here,…………….?

23. You are late,…………….?

24. There must be a simpler explanation,…………?

25. You won’t tell anyone,…………………?

26. There weren’t any mosquitoes,…………….?



* Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:

1. I want ........................... apple from that basket.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

2. Miss Lin speaks ............................ Chinese.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

3. One of the students said, “....................... professor is late today”

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

4. Eli likes to play .......................... volleyball.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

5. I bought ......................... umbrella to go out in the rain.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

6. My daughter is learning to play ............................. guitar at her school.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

7. Please give me ......................pen that is on the counter.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

8. Albany is the capital of ........................ New York state.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

9. Our neighbor has ..................... cat and .......................... dog.

A. a/ a            B. an/ a            C. the/ the        D. X/ X

10. .......................ink in my pen is red.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

11. It is .......................... funniest book that I have ever read.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

12. Can anyone give me .......................... hand, please because I have just fallen over?

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

13. She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be .............................

A. doctor        B. a doctor            C. the doctor        D. a doctors

14. I have left my book in .......................... kitchen and I would like you to get it for me.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

15. Please meet me at the train station in ............................ hour from now.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

16. I like to watch tennis on the television. It is ........................... very good game.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

17. ..................... president of the United States will be visiting Australia next week.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

18. July goes to ......................... work on the bus.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

19. .....................golf is my favorite sport. I play once or twice .................... week if I can, but I’m not .................... very good player.

A. X/ a/ a        B. The/ a/ a            C. The/ the/ the    D. X/ a/ the

20. I don’t know what to do. It’s ................................ problem.

A. quite difficult    B. a quite difficult        C. quite a difficult    D. the quite difficult

21. ......................... starts at seven o’clock.

A. School        B. A school            C. The school    D. The schools

22. We can finish the rest of the bread for .............................breakfast.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X

23. Nigel opened a drawer and took out ...............................

A. photos        B. a photos            C. some photos    D. some photo

24. We need to protect ........................... environment from pollution.

A. some        B. a                C. an            D. the

25. We often go to school by ........................... bicycle.

A. a            B. an                C. the            D. X
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