Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 7
Số lượng câu trả lời 12
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 4

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Câu trả lời:

I. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences (4pts)

1. The__________of quan ho singing has been recognised as a world heritage.

A. preservation                       B. procession                       

C. performance                       D. song

2. The Le Mat Festival__________the founding of the village.

A.worships             B. commemorates                       

C. performs                     D. preserves

3. Tet is an occasion for family_________in Viet Nam.

A. reunions                 B. meetings                           

C. seeings                         D. visitings

 4. _________spring comes, many people prepare for a new festival season.

A. While                     B. Nevertheless                    

C. However                      D. When

5. We do not have many carnivals in Viet Nam;_______, we have many traditional festival.

A. while                      B. although                         

C.nevertheless                  D. because

 6. Tam is a beautiful girl;________she’s kind-hearted.

A. therefore                  B. however                         

C. moreover                     D. otherwise

7. He was wearing shorts,_______he was not allowed to go into the temple.

A.so                               B. but                               

C. or                                 D. and

8. _______the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm.

A. while                          B. when                         

C. because                        D. although

9. I think the Kate festival is a really joyful festival which_________many activities.

A. contains                     B. take part                    

C. takes place                    D. takes turn

10. The Vietnamese are influenced by Buddhist theology and Cofuncian philosophy,________they believe in fate in marriage.

A. and                            B .but                            

C. yet                                 D. so