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Natsu Lucy

Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it

World Wide Web (WWW), computer-based (1) _______ of information resources that combines text and multimedia. The information on the World Wide Web can be accessed and searched through the (2) _______, a global computer network. The World Wide Web is often (3) _______ to simply as “the Web.”

The Web started to become a (4) _______ resource after 1993 when the first widely distributed browser provided a convenient way to (5) _______ a variety of information on the Internet. The Web uses (6) _______, which means that information can be displayed in a wide variety of formats. (7) _______ can read text, view pictures, watch animation, listen to sounds, and even explore interactive virtual environments on the Web. A user can (8) _______ seamlessly from a document or Web page stored on the computer to a document or Web page (9) _______ on another computer.

The Web offers a place where companies, universities and (10) _______ institutions, and individuals can display information about their products, services, facilities, or research, or their (11) _______ lives. Only a small percentage of information on the (12) _______ is restricted to subscribers or other authorized users. The majority of Web pages are available to (13) _______ who can access a computer that connects to the Internet. The Web has become a (14) _______ for many companies selling products or services, and a forum for people to exchange opinions and information. Museums, libraries, government agencies, and schools post information on the Web to make it (15) _______ to others.

Question 15:

A. good

B. available

C. free

D. valuable