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Người theo dõi (3)

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Quỳnh Anh

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1.      No one has challenged his authority before.                                                                         FIRST

àThis is the ......................................................his authority.

2. They lay on the beach the whole week sunbathing.                                                   SPENT

à They ..................................................... on the beach sunbathing.

3. The last Olympic Games were held in Seoul.                                                              TOOK

à The last Olympic Games ............................. in Seoul.

4. We couldn’t find a safer spot to pitch our tent.

à That .............................................. we could find to pitch our tent.                            THE                                                                                

5.  Although he had trained hard, he didn’t manage to win the race.

à No ............................. he had trained, he didn’t manage to win the race.                 MATTER